E NEY GENE AS Honorable Edgar A. Maddox County Attorney Palo Pinto County Palo Pinto, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-4999 Re: May a,quallfled elector of Palo Pinto County who is entitled to vote by absentee ballot under the general election 1aw.sof Texas, vote by absentee ballot at a local option election pro- vided for by the Texas Liquor Control Act? Your telegram of November 30, 1942, requesting the opinion of this department on the'above stated question reads in part as follows: "THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF PALO PINTO COUNTY HAS ORDERED A LOCAL OPTION ELECTION TO BE HELD IN' THIS COUNTY ON THE ~THDAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1942. A QUESTION HAS ARISEN AS TO THE LEGALITY OF ABSEN- TEE VOTING AT SUCH ELECTION, AND I SUBMIT THE FOL- LOWING QUESTION TO YOU FOR YOUR OPINION: MAYA QUALIFIED ELECTOR OF THIS COUNTY WHO IS EWl’ .---- T’l’T.Rr, TO VOTE BY ABSENTEE - BALLOT -_.--- llNnl?R _-.--_ THR ---- r.RNli!F --.- lAL,ELEC- TION LAWS OF TEXAS VOTE.BY ABSENTEE BALLOT AT A LOCAL OPTION ELECTION,PROVIDED FOR THE TEXASLIQUOR CONTROL ACT? "ART:666-35, PENAL CODE PROVIDES IN PART: 'THE PRESIDING OFFICER OF EA& VOTING BOX SHALL WRITE HIS,NAME ON THE BACK OF EACH BALLOT BEFORE DELIVERING THE SAME TO THE.VOTER, NO.BALLOT.SHALL BE~RECEIVEDOR COUNTED BY THE.OFFICERS OF ,SUcH.`` ELECTION THAT ISNOT AN. OFFICIAL.BALLPT, ,ANI,.TRAT HAS NOT.THE NAME OF.THE PRESIDING.OFFICER OF SUCH ELECTION.WRITTEN RIWEoN~.IN.~E~,HANDTdRTTINGOF.SIJCH PRESIDING OFFICER A3 PROVIDED BY THIS ACT. ART. 666-36, PENAL CODE, PROVIDES IN PART: THE PROVI- SIONS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION LAWS SHALL BE FOL- LOWED IN CALLING AND CONDUCTING SAID ELECTION WHERE NOT INCONSISTENT HEREWITH.' SUBDIVI.YION1. ART. Honorable Edgar A. Maddox, page 2 o-4999 2956, REVISED CIVIL STATUTES: ANY QUALIFIED ELECT-~ OR OF THIS STATE WHO IS ABSENT FROM THE COUNTY OF HIS REBIDENCE. OR BECAUSE OF SICKNESS OR PHYSICAL DISABILITY CANNOT APPEAR AT THE POLL PLACE IN THE ELECTION PRECINCT OF HIS RESIDENCE, ON THE DAY OF HOLDING ANY GENERAL. SPECIAL. OR PRIMARY ELECTION. MAY, NEVERTHELEBB, 6AUSE HIS-VOTE TO BE CAST AT. SUCH ELECTION IN THE PRECINCT OF HIS RESIDENCE BY COMPLYING WITH ONE OR OTHER OF THE METHODS HEREIN- AFTER PROVIDED FOR ABSENTEE VOTING.' "BLONT V. MCMILLAN, 139 S.W. (2D) 893, HOLDS THAT ART. 666-X. PENAL CODE CONTROIS AND IS HANDA- TORY, OVER THE GENERAL ELECTION LAWS. HOWEVERTHE POINT AT ISSUE WAS NOT INVOLVED. . . . .' Articles 666-32 -'i666-40a, Vernon's Annotated-Penal Code.are the statutes pertaining to local option'electlons,as contafned in the Texas Liquor Control Act. Article 666-36, Vernon's Annotated Penal Code provides, "The officers holding such election shall, In all respects not herein specified, conform to the general electionslaws In force regulating elections and after the polls are closed proceed to count the votes and within three (3) days thereafter make due report of said election to the aforesaid court. The provisions of the gen- eral election laws shall be followed in calling and conducting said election where not inconsistent herewith." Subdivision 1 of Article 2956, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes provides. "Any qualified elector of this State who Is absent from the county of his residence, or be- cause of sickness or physical disability cannot appear at the poll place In the electionprecinct of'his residence, on the day of holding any gen- eral; special, or primary electi.on,'mayneverthg- less, cause his vote to be cast at such an elec: tion in the precinct of his residence by compliance with one or another'of the methods hereinafter pro- vided for absentee voting." A'local option election is a special election authorized by thenprovisions of the Penal Code heretofore mentioned,.'It" will be noted that the foregoing provlsion of Article 2956”.6%; pressly provides that any qualified elector of thisState who' is absent fr:omthe county of his residence, or because of sick- Honorable Edgar A. Maddox, page 3 o-4999 ness or physical dlsabFllty cannot appear at the~poll place in the election precinct of his’residence, on the day of holding-’ any general, special or primary election may nevertheless, cause his vote to be cast at such an election in the precinct of his residence by compliance with one or other of the methods pro- vlded by statute for absentee voting. ,We have carefully,consFdered the case of Blount ‘v. McMillari,139 S.W. (2’)893, whEch is mentioned in yourinquiry and have concluded that’this case has no application to the question under consid,eration. Itswas held In the case of Scherz v. Telfer; 7% S.W. (2) 327’; that common school trustee elections are general elec- tions, and are controlled by the speclflc statutesreIatUigto- common school trustee elections (Articles 2745, ‘2746 and 2746a, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925) Fn all matters covered by’the provisions of those statutes, but In all matters~‘not”covered thereby the provislons of the general election laws ‘are appli- cable. We think that by the same reasoning, this tile-would apply to local option elections. In none of the particular statutes applicable to local option elections (the Articles of the Penal Code heretofore mentloned) do we find any provision, with reference to absentee voting and under ‘the rule annbuhced in the Bcheri v. Telfer
case, supra, the general electlon laws would be applicable. Therefore, it Is our oplnlon that any qualified elector of Palo Pinto County who is entitled to~‘vote by ab,senteeballot under the general electton laws of Texas can legally vote by absentee ballot at the local option election mentioned in your inquiry, provided,,the provlsions of Article
2956, supra, are complied with. This department has heretofore rendered several opinions construing Article
2956, supra, and answering c’ertalnquestions with reference to absentee voting in school trustee elections and certain duties of the county clerk under said statute. Some of these opinions atie opinions Nos.,O-499, 4700, 4897 and 4487-A, copies of which are enclosed herewlth. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, we are Honorable Edgar A. Maddox, page 4 o-4999 Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TBXAB By s/Ardell Wlllikms Ardell Williams Assistant Aw:mp:wc Encl. APPROVED DEC 3, 1942 s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Approved Opinion Committee By &WE Chairman
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4999
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017