OFFlCEOFlHEATT6RNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 2. L. Shelton Countt Auditor John6oa County Clrburae, Texae Drar slrr Tour roqur@t for ruuf 00na;a.rea by this de quest aa iollousr ror or otr~o~3 Ia up in the orrm 0ttaa to 80 outsida 18 a0m Ii fb0, rr0m , swrg;Uz g&$moa*a ~Aanotated Toxae ami 53 tut *soo. 2. Aay Oouaty having a8 maa a8 two yearm* taxoa tlU.inquentubloh harr not brea in- eluded in the dUlaqueat tax reoord, the Colleobor of tax88 shall dtbla two years irom the rfteotirr Honorable B, L. Smlton, Pago 2 data Of this Aot oauoo to be compiled a delinquent tax roaord of ali dellaquoat tarem not barred by thlo Aotl the dolinquont rooota ohof1 be o%amlaod by the Qom.lulonorr* Oourt ana the Comptroller or govoralag body, oorrootioao my be ordered msdo, aaa when round oorroot oad approved by them, pa)‘- meat for the oonpllatloa thoroor ohall be author- lsed at lotuel ooot to the Tax Collootor, propor- tionately fratp woh the State and County taxoo, or munlolpal taxes, rirot callsated fxm suot rowrd, ouoh ooot la a0 oaso to oxoood a sum equal to Site (54) mats par item or written line of the orlginol copy of oaeh rooord and in no lvrart shall say eon- plliag ooot be ohorgod to the taxparer. The dolla- quo& tax rooord when approved,ah& be prima raoio ovldonoo of the aolinquonoy ehown therooa, aad when thoro oball be as aany aa two years of deliaquoaoy aooumulatod rhiob are not shorn on the rooord, a rooolapllatlon, or a two year supplomont thereto shall then be maCo am heroin roVia8tL Tax Oolleotorr shall oauso to be oompPled like roo- ordo of tares dol&quoat duo any diotrlot for rhloh thay oolloot rr0m tax rolls other thaa the stoto and oountf rolls, and whoa a proved by the govom- lng boar or the partloular a f &riot, the ooot or ame shall be allouod ia the onner heroin provided. Aots 1935, 44th Log., & 355, oh. 128.” Opinion No. O-l& of thlo dopartmnt oonotruoo the above quoted statute. Ye held spoolfloal1~ in Opiaioa we quote mm Oplnlon KS. O-4544 a5 follow Tie ?$a& no error or fault in the netbod Of oomputatioa arrived at by you or the ultimata dir- pooltioa of the Vaobual oost' to be borne ratably bf the varlouo’ tox funds tnvolvod, but NO oannot fbd oursolvoo 1B a reeI!Ieat Ulth the tUndmoaw opooltion upon u d oh auoh proooduro rotsts, that Fa to say, that the ooot allowed and O~toWlatOd by thlo statute oaa be oonoldored u oc oonvortod into a roe, oommiooioa or oomponsatloa rooslvoU by the Aooorroor4o1leotor in the diooharge of hia offi- olal auti00, to be 0000m0a for as a fee 0r 0rri00. On the oontrary it a imars that the only purpose and intent or t&o Log Pslaturo, in the onaotnent o? *Honorabli 23, L. sholton, -8 3 that portion or SOO``OA 2 O? ArtI 7336?, hero- laabovo roforrod to, war to enable the Tax Aoooo8or- Collootor to nhburro hb80ir for swh aotiml ooata as would be nooooaully oqponded by bin In the oompl&atloa ot the dulaquaat tax moor4 ooa- tomplated by this hoti an& to provl4e for suoh ro- lmbuToomont not OAly out or oouaty taxes aollootod, aa had tborotoforo boon tiho atatutorg rule, but llkwiao out or otato tax oollootloaa or the tax oollootiona 0r ic~lolpn2ltloa or taxhg dlstrloto, oo that oaoh or aald tax aollootIo~o should lqtit- ably an4 ratably boar the ooot of oomplliag tho mO~oaO of 4Ulnqwnt tax00 or ouoh varlow taxing This statute 4008 sot, either oxprossl~ or by no~oaoa lmplloatioa, provldo for or oontemplato the oolleot ‘f oa rrom the taxpayer or tron any other butaidelntoroat or pereon, of the aotuU oost of oonglllne thors 4oliaquoat rooordo, klt, oa the can- traq, it Ia othorriao lxpreoU~ provIdea. ‘The aotrul ooot 0r ooaplling those 4olInquont r000r48, al&her la a fixed amount or in aa amouat to be ool~r puts4 artor th! work lo done lo not paid 54 of &JootoQ br the hoooosor-Co i lootor 80 aa to be ooaol4oro6a r00 oomponsatlon or oonmiosloa ra- 00itod br him 04 to be aooouatea for aa a r00 0r ortioo OT pal4 into the salary fund. On the otne trary, the amount or swh aotual oost, It any is z% 2 '%&0~0E~ zt%lg zxi~x- =nH a riot aad la p&l over do the Aaooaoor- Collootor r&ably or proportlonatol~ iron these varlouo tdx funds, OA the theory purely of roIm- buraing owh oiflolal for roasonablo end noooa8a~y oxpea rhioh ho 18 out-of Qooket, not 8xo80di~ th e lto tutoa rla y x lma m. tm a? this ~rriolu has bow mroharo4 UrMdV for the parornanoo of thooo duties br tin swmt or hl81 0rflolai salary. Lik0wl80, ii his regular aoputf roroo, in addition to the other dutioa with flonorablo Ir. L. ShOlt0A, Pago b lhloh t&y aro ohargod, are able to oonpllo there‘ dollnnqueat kx n00r40, no *aotual ooat,’ wlthla t&o lnton4aioat of th isltatoto bar bora lnrurra4 booauao tho salary authorlaod $7 the oonmdoUonaa~ oourt for the at 0r auah 4aputior ~111 t-0 T- a. It lo oaly *oa aotrul oosta Quo of such 000 aro lxpondod or dimburaod by tho hrao~oll~ator la the hlrla& of ad4ltloaU porsoanol or the pro- via Of ldditiOAU OqtipmOat, aOtiMl and roa- 3 p neooseary to the propor oomqlla tl oa 0r ``80 a0ii~uOd tax rooorda, that lotual ooota~ have boon laourroa, abioh may be reimbursed la the node outlined by tho statute, vo are aot ‘imIad?ul of the worthy ooaoldora- tloao attend- tho prooduro OUtLiAOd by you aad the good reou.ltato bo attained thereby but wo am oonatralnoa, as a matter of atrlot iaw, to adi vies you that this prvoo4uro door not hollow the roqulromoats or the otatuto, llthor la Inotanooa whore those rooords are oom iled by the hssoeaor- Collootor, himself, or by his dt2ly appolato4 aa aoting 4oputloo.~* Ho oAolo5o herewith a oopy or Opinion No. 0-&6& for pour laromatlonr In onowor to youi first quootloa it is our oplnioa that the stated itun is not a r00 or 0rti00. It is our rue thor oplulon that where the Tax Aaoooaor-O~lleotor, la his orrloial capaolty au4 his regular doputlos, in additiOA to their regular &doe, find tine in whIoh to conpIle and 40 oompilo the dOliAqUOA% tax roll w0~04 to In the above quoted ‘statute no o a ox e so la laourrod and the Tu Assessor-Colle&or k%&i8&4 to any rolmbursomont. U amwar to your aooon4 quoatloa it la our opla- ion that oano should bo oaworod in the affimativo~ IA anouor to Tour third quootlon it lo our o&ion that the Tax .~aaeemr~co11ootor would be ontltlod to no to88 whatovor, but ho uould be &ntItled to r8lmb~Ooaont for his aotual oxDonaoa lnou gg&lU tho amttor provldod ydj aotual oxponsoo Lpourroa ai not oxoood the flvo ooata 5# per ltea or written line limltstloa laood in tho statute. The amount or suoh aotual ooot of cozy 3‘ Line thoro dollnqwnt tax rooordo, ,. . ii any l8 lnourrod, la to be takm out OS moneys rirqt oolleot- od from said d8llBqUent tU ml1 88 taxm, whother IdatO, boU,IIty, dlstriot, and lr paid over to thr Tax ous tax funda, on the thoorf p9nly of reimburrlng sooh offi- olal for reasonable ur4 nooossar~ rxpeawa whlob ho le out-of pooket, not eromllog the rtatutorr imxlma. vexy truly yours ATTORIUZ O- OF TZXAS WPrmp znol.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4941
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017