- c . - OFFICE OF THE ATl’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Oollea B. Yanaa County Attorney eayaoIlty La I mlr sir: oplnlon Boo. 01 RII Under the without violating 0tiIlg the 0Q1ni08 8tloa read8 a8 Sol- Artialea 432438, Yoraea*m Aanatatod %nal aodr .we th e lta t& portalniog a m to aopotien in thio Stat& Yo’or the purp8err of th& opialon wa do aat deem i$ neaerrearpto quot. the80 Artlol*rr 0 Phi8 d&t&bat hae hsntiiorb ruled on a quostlon -8% ldeatioalm~# the one ~b8atOd in fwr inquiry and an dumwous.othsr qwstlona rlnllar to your que8tlon. On July P, 1927, this depertmnt rendered an opia- loa mitten by honorable If.Qra Ohan4lbr AwirWn$ Atborne Oawal adbroomdto~, l&o lay, 0oua~J.Olo* Palnt x00k Tam,' hlng thet a baunty oaanet appoint hi. uif* a8. ' d.mW. Oa April 26 1932, Shlr bpartwnt roadwed m opln- ion writtbn by 8oaara618 3bott tXia*# Airoistant Attommy #en- bXW&, addn88Od t0 8r. ?tWf%&OW-8 boWIt AttOHbbl, hEtOr, Tome, hol6llagtbta 8hhniff I& ap~hhi8 800:a8 l db p u y a h witi th th e a o n3 be no ahemp for hi8 8orvloea and 18 no manna, 4lrbotl~ or indiraatl~, out or or from pPbll0 fond8 or rrrr of aifior or any kind or ahar- aot*r \Ifiat8cmter. On Ramh 2, 1932, this dbpWtmMt held ln an O&I- ion writtoa by &narable Brnoe %. Bryant, ?irst Assfrrtant At- tbruoy Oenorala$ Taras, addreeubd ta HoIiorableJoe P. flaok Oouuty Attoxyey Mmud T0xa8 that it $8 not a vlalatlon 04 .th,tfbm$hB &Ii (kt&II uii Uid.433 PMbf %db.Ui 4O*a8) fw the WlTb of ha@ ahrrie an4 8ex aali*obo* to da ol&eel ‘theQh0 'I.y&ij&O~ .#& w# ri.p&kul``rdVhb4 tb*t the wy Oi’a btic ’b i $ ounr o unty a r mlo lp pDa ia M St r ima I dOR Utb Oo O O & b ik i 0 ?Jf to ty p s filly t& -xv y o ur laqolrls wer b A. : Ya umvwy tr uly ATTOREEY GEUF&L OF TEXAS AWIlqp
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4973
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017