- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GLuLDo.y1II* a-- State Board of Dental Eraainara 220 xdttiddd miiding Austin. Tena Dear Sir: tie are in raoedp addrammed to ma AttOrRey General of Ta d quota In part: Tha'Lmasdiat* qua8 r or not the : those atulents who tlon and maror such Daoemb to the June an krafully atudlad and it thorlrod the 2oard of Dental app.llcaatapresenting a collsge at tha tlma OS maid lcnoa'8 Annotatad OlVll statutea unamb%grprs language this rsqulrement, for a llasasr to practloe Qantls- li be not loa* than 21 pear8 of age, and #ball prorent a diploma from a reputable dental ;;~tx~u``l``dancs of gooa aoral oharaoter.” (Under- Ytxitrr !mNYJ Of ihntisl'ixamlners.iem? e A Yebruarv grnduate of Y r**irutabl+ den%1 colleae aould not therefor;,cualiig ac oa a@ioant un?er krtlcle 404~ for the rngular state exarinatim L: ;?eoaab+rbaoause of the a~pliaant*s obvious lnebillty to then present n diplom rrm . a rsputable a05t.a oollege. lrurthsmora your outlined procedum would rlolcte ths requiremot of Artlolt 4344, Vsrnon*a ;naotatad Clril.Ytat- utss of Wxas, at leant to tho6s af lloanta gre,uatlG after January, that *The Board ehall axaufno ant grads ail papers oulrnftfpdby supt appliaaats ard resort to mch applloants wlthln 30 dap ir0.rthe date of any meetlnf;of said boazd, and aald rqort ahall glte to each a~plioant thu gradea made by auoh applicant upon eaoh and every suojeot upoa whloc he. or she was examined by auah board.* You are tharorore adtlaed that Art. 4644 and art. 4545 do not autborlze the Board to adapt the plan outll.;edin your letter prorloualy qu&ted. Your attsntlon 18 direoted to Ar~iols 4343, nhlah requirea the Board to hold at lea& two regular meetlnge a year "at auoh tlsea and plazexne Soard ahall deem moat . convenient for upplioonts for exambatlon. Oue-notice of ruon reetinq shall be qiraa by pubiloatlon la such gaper8 ao may bc leleoted by the Hoard, The Board may preacribs rules ME reguLatloas.in hammay wlth the prorlsion4 of tnia. title @vernlng Its own groosedlng aad the exaalnatlon of apVllca5tc ror ~aatlc+ of daatlntry.* ibrt.4b48 ooamltrrto the Beard the gnwer to rix tha tirreand gzlaoaof the tuo regular mastinga ror examlnatlonm of appliopnta fcr lfomr8. This nowfirIS s ~aotinuing oar and lm not.exhauf&nI by thd action of the Doard in fixing the bate af suoh meetings for Deoa%ber and June. It tollcns, and you am IIOadvised, that the Board haa tht power to ohanga the time for the Deoembar meeting to, say, Yebruary ii, ths Dcanl should deez the Fsbrusrp date most oonwm 1snt for applioants for awlnatlon, prov1Ql.n: at least two meet&a of the Board far a~lnatlon hare beon hrld durinr: 1942. Ii ouch oham he nIade,cf aour duo notiag thsrsof =us?.be giren as required by AI%. 4543. Furthermore yox ara advised that aa Art. 454s doe8 not ilait the number of msti56s r0r examination to -two a . . BY/a/ Yttmrt h. DeVom iP?ROVEiJ QPIBTICB co-
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4954
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017