Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •         OFFICE   OF THE ATTORNEY           GENERAL     OF TEXAS
    Honorable C. 8. Cevnese
    State Auditor
    Atutfn,  Tsxat
    Dear Sirr                       Oplnlon Bo. o-4
    tutioh   with
    inion        at to
    vhether the proVislorm of                              tit     xv    0r   OUT
    iitate Con.8titutton apply                             ate boardt, tom-
    mirrlone end suthoritl                                 amurance Cm-
    rmi88lOMr8* Rallro                                     or publi0 wol-
    fare, Lover   Colora                                   Parks Board and
    San Jacinto Xemori
    of our state          Conetitu-
    1 br kept by the
    tmei&+, and by all
    to lMt1tuti0n8,   Ol
    a in aatlon re~elved and dir-
    d all of raid offloe~r  or managere,
    upon any rubjeet     relating to the dutfee,  condl-
    tiOli, ltiUl&``lWlt,aad  UQ.W.We8   Of    thtir   rO8peIJtiVO
    OffiOO8   and lrutitutloM,     vhioh
    inrozmat1on shall
    be reqrrtred by the Oovernor under oath, and the
    Oooernor may also inepeot the-   book8, 8ccount8,
    vouchere end public fundet and any offl~tr   or
    lionorablr   C. it. C8Vlie8S, mm 2
    8anager vho, at any time,&11   wilfull~ BWU a
    faire report or give faire Infor8atIon, rhall be
    guilty of perjury, and ao adjudged, and punished
    leoordingly, and removed from office."
    Tha owe of state  t. Cl8uwn,  
    148 P. 28
    , 32, 85 Yaah.
    260, he16 that the State El&Way Department, the fiaherie8
    Departmat and the 3tate F8lr, of the State of W~rhlngton,
    vere lpublIa in8tItutlonr' under a UarhUgtOn refs?endu8 rta-
    tute.  Ye quote from the cOuPt'8 Opinion In 8aid e88e:
    'It follow that   th8 hi&may department,
    the Shhbries departmutt,   and the rtate fair
    We 8publlo inwtitutionr~   of the rtate.
    weunderrtand the Attorney General'8 argu-
    ment to be that an exirting pub110 lzwtltution
    I8 8ome8etlrltr OS the rt8te vhlmh ha8 taken
    fOI'8urb 18 lodged in building8 Oc hSCturt8.
    Thm vordm 'public ln8tltutlon8~ om be given no
    ruoh rwtrlcted meaning. A pub110 Iastltution
    18 ~mq orgaalred lotIrltJ areatrd or ertabllrhed
    br lav or pobllo luthoHtr.    Corporatlom me
    held to be publie or 011tiau ln8tItutloM.
    ToledoBdkr.Bond      3:
    v. Hoc-    Vtilley&.
    "!fhevord *iartitution' 18 defined in Web-
    8tOP'8 lrelv
    Iateraatload DlctioMry 88)
    "'Anythlq forwng a oharaoterl8tlc and
    perri8tent fe8tura   in 800lal or national life
    Or habitr.’    'X8tabllrhed or orgmnlsed moelet
    or OorporatioM~    an e8tablirhrsnt,  erpeeia~y
    OfP Ub liO
    Oh 8M OtOP
    OF OM lffaoting            8 OOIB-
    ‘What  the rod  “Inatltution   " both ln legal
    and oolleeuial we, ld8it8    of *ppileatlon to par-
    810&l taingr, CXMllOtbe UW8tiOMd.      be Of it8
    m8aning8, ar.d8iIned In Ueb#ter*r Unabridged Dio-
    tlonary, 18 a nl8tabli8hMnte er p ec laOS     ll?
    p u b lic         ar00tug
    o h a r a eter   ,        a c o 8muq .And
    one 05 the meaning8 of ‘ertablirhment,     a8 dsifs-
    ed by the raw   authority, tr,     'the place In vhlah
    Honorable C. 8. C(LVM88, me            3
    OM 18 PiWiMOnt~           fiX0.d iOr reSidtUU33 Or bumi-
    nesrj   re8Idenoe vlth grounds,       furniture,  equip-
    age, etc.,     vith Vhioh one 18 fitted OUtj aI80 any
    OfflOe   or PlOCe Of bII8iL1088,     Vith it8 firtllre,.
    %ht    tOr8  ‘iMtitUtiOn’       18 OosPstimS ured a8 dam-
    CriptiVe Of an OStabliShJaentOr &we     them the
    blMine88   Or O&MWtiOM Ot a SOCietJ OF P88OCiS-
    tioA 18 curried On; at Other t-8     it 18 U8ed t0
    dwlgnate the organised body."' Trruteer     of the
    +agdy    ;;3Rlohmond County v. Bohlar, &I OS. 159,
    . .     .                   ~.,~
    'If OW 8PgU8Ont be SOUD4 it fOuOlI8    that
    a publla In8tltutIan of the &ate, vithln the
    ranlq    of the seventh amendmat,. 18 not *lone
    those lnrtltutionr of a phymloal oharaoter,    but
    al80 all branoher and department8 areated by lav
    and exerclring any activity or ran&ion defined
    by th. ``i8htUl'Q anb Orilting at the tiae ths
    amendment VM aopted, OP vhioh, l.fwvly oseated
    by the &glrlature, have not been rejeoted by
    rerort to the referenduat. Upon any theory, a
    pub110 hlgbray l8 a publio In8tifUtlon. A road
    18 not only a phy8IaU IMtltutlon built by the
    rtate In the euroire of its 8orereign duty to
    pxwmote the oonmualenee and n~o*88ltle8 of the
    altImm8, a8 vell ar the oeaon velure,      but
    the depaPt8entto vhiohthe ~girlature ha8
    delegated that ruuet1on18 an lnrtitution    aa
    8~ah   80 a8 l8   it8   OreStOr       --   the   &giSlatUPO.”
    It 18 our opinion that Seation ~24 of Artlole IV of
    our Sate Corutltutlon shoukl be g&ten a broad and liberal
    oonrtruotlon in order to achieve It8 wholerome and 8abttePy
    pUFpO8e8. It 18 therefore oul.qaInion  that raid oon8titu-
    tional provlrlon applies to the state board8, bomal8~     and
    authorltler named in your letter.
    Very truly your8
    &;                  ;   L;L

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4904

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017