Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • 4 ‘\i 2 OFFICE OFTHEAmORNEY GENERALOFTU(AS d AUSTIN Austin, f0xM Dear DP. Yoodot 0,dnlonno. 2 OS the a0 OS atnl*s Re' fit" t aatloa1reqld Boll- 5-v 0% otric saa, or soots tr A t"d, etter, above tmbjefd AJaguat is OS , To-q, request- tl.onmm-ass-v, tbnwas en ooatmot 4he eoid omapaay set becum0 Of as brolq#tt aboat da8On ior 0aDaelItagt&e abow letter of 0 your of- orstcosB+gki% to 2; ;::``t~:2:~*:uo that the Rsdtb-Perry BElootritCo. could not del+wr on our contraat. TheiBosrd OS control irrsuedthe purchaec grcleron the sqaomt fan, and th%s purehhoee order over-enoumb~redour usnerrl Rcwmmcs Fund appro- priation c-1073. IS our .mqaitaifion lb. imu-sari--v haA bean oanoe16d, there would bs suSMuiont fur&e in this appropriationto pay fer the faxithat was actually delivered by the wafter Tlpa CorspaoyOS 6,~anorebl0ii.A. uoods - pege 2 Austin, Tame, un our requieitioaNo. SRU-JM)-V. mere i8 00 other appropriationout of whloh this fen may be psld for. Shi6 ofSlc0 rospeetSul- 2 ly requosts your offloial opinion in order thet wo luayhavs our requieitloni&W-323-Y logally aan- oeled and the oblia;otion1lquUleted so Sex-as our appropriationl+lw3 is oormerned. mNe bOllie?Qthat hour ophlon No..0+708 pm- sdts the Board of control to oencel our retiei- tion DiJ-3264, but so far w8 here been xmable to have tha Board OS c0ntr01teke eny notianon our requoet .@ Our opiniozkNo. o-3708 reierred to by pm, wItI& was addr6eeod to aonorable Tom De&wry, member OS the BoarCot con- trol, does not purport to answer the precise question nowput W YOU. Its reasoning is pertinent to your question,but not deaieire. The4purpos6 6s r6qmdficmm end amtaM¶nts egealst epeeifio eppoprietione is a rholseome one, em¶ eerves es a check em double check egeinst the danger OS poesible liebili- ties exceeding the appropriation. Uosw noreeaon,horeter,why erequfmifimoamlt- memt,8hi&ihahaab6aonaetanative ahergeegeAnstth8 lppropr&e- tlon, @wild not be oeneelled in the menner you suggest, where itie apparent to ell parties aw06rn6d that the pumheee eon- templetodaan not in anj event be

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4922

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017