Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I ;: i. \ ‘. %at the recerds or tbo seoretary of mat0 Stat.eBoardorTatsr Bnglneors.* %hat&Oss#dsteXr~B~ohrnprOpliedb~ miter to the effect that before cewdsd0ns oouxa be issued it 8ou.M be necowwry for each oi the gent&men nsmd to psy,the statutory w.00 O-On Fee. lo nAu g u sEBnd, t lo se, th e8esr eto or rl sta ter o a eiwal a h e or k o r $ 6.00r r c m o neo r fhe‘Bir eo tens ef ’ th eM str ic ratnd’ Cemd.swio ns WC-e iwlled as i011swst ~AJ&aller,&wsdo,Texam. Four yeear torw Bnben W~es&arddo,Texas. Fcur year term. Jahn J .O’iWrm,Is8re4o,TcUoe. Two year fern. Teodosia Gut&erres,Jr.&srdo,Teue. Tvo re9r torn* J&d4staerS Laredo; Texas. One yesr term. Whe above mentionad letters and the offkisl w&s sml CmdssQms aonstitutethe entire record 0r taiisimard Zn the files of the Secretary of hi40 the rtbdithat the appolntmsnt8wre not approved 8y the Bwernor mace then er ne erreatt : kes *aplro+sl8ythe ewernor*, under pro- 8isbu8 uah a* rbots,, ooustltnte in ?a& lp p o inta8y ent th :eiWwrnor teth e extent. that wc hl p~xUwaUd be orrbjeot to ClarnirprUon87 the Semtet (As above $x8- rerre&,thMeis*reeord~- fled towltatexSmt,iiaq,wmldfhet3em- mdm&````BBt~mtinthe perseaenamtnarad the rLghts to those offioes or the rights to,,optor upen the &AMOS ef those 6rrleeat :-- xr 7oa and the those Dtreetor8 had no rights to orof offloerore they entitled to ~aaaw penution or expense8 ror ths perromame or tm &at&es or the~e.ofYlse~t fi tlie7war0 not ontitled to any or all snGh sums as may hat0 be?88psM to them as aompen- #t&on or expWsos~ are such sate sub jest to r0awOry and if so upon 8hl8h 0Hbor or ageney or the Mate devolves the duty o? instituting prsaoedingsto recmert xa Eerotlon4 or t&a. senate Bill It is prwided that vaoautoieson the Board of Dimators, 8y expimtum ai teat, shall be flll- th b p uttr r oberore this mprtztent in th esa t- tero r th e tenure o fTo ma b a g, Sta teAmtitervh ,e r e*n tr e -ldt wllltm yo u wo w lppolntmd dlwluthg e P O- a euo r th e wute,no sdna to ,to dth e sena te at it8 pesent ww*Lon, amt by that be&y re- @oted,~ouhar8 come qu?8l~intotlwbtpufi or said sootion 831ereinit provides that VU rejeoted,saidorrsoo fiiulx%maJdsotelyBa~ Wllrt*- oM34a) .I . ” -’.$($a (7) U@ Da Of no sonstltufional prohriea rebid* ding the prmidon of IWqtlon,4 that taoanaisc, oa tho Baud of Dlreotormbyapirat&on of term shall be filled By the B@eM 1tIlelf. 8uoh pro-, we think, do088not~tiolatotbo @a- .. oiple tbat the Leg&mlatureaa7 not abrogate ita power t0 le&- late or flelegateto another that pwer, uinee am omw-411 right of oontrol neeeea+r%lyd@o oontinne *ith ~theteglsla-, turo not only to prorids:the method of the t8eleou+taof d&root+- orep but to OontrOl tm agawsy finaxv way it tbllu# poper, aud won to abolish it. ,. ,..’ 4%&i prodlee the tonum to be - *an0. lmmber to 88110 ror 8~0 ~oaro~ or Sour youra.* Mel in our ion ot 808tiona0at of Art2010 lit till b0 nOt0llthatBestL03 1~ dth tbO m0ab0m~ Of the *oar& o? m.l.vordtybsad t&o beads ?f me- * OS th0 WtiOiIal, 010eadrgnu?r, amb .. one of the BktoP but it Surth0r dbOl.lCda. \.;. s&ml 8uoh boards 88 lu~o boon, 6r may horoaftor be ohab-- ~. lid~od by Iat; may bold tEol.r r~peathe offMen for~tEo tormOTslxyearob oatf``ofthemombera o? l~l&Board to.be ole5to&.or 8ppUntod owe- two pbms ip sueb mama6r M ~tai8be&a&turo mw aettuwmh* %ho lmgu8ge, *Snah boarda as l&w0 ~been or may Eoreaftor be Oetabli0lmd by lawns, ombraoea the Beard ,xador aoaeldent.tonf~b``~ey oanotitute xrtarhapod not da.lma tontmw~ words, 8OOtlOn 8Q5,irrt0 .bO 6OepaideredLo th0 nofclM of exeeRtion to aootion 8% proaariblag~ a uslnum- ail. $ M to thobo omaea aot othomloa raxod by Q&o ~onetitu- !:! $iion. Very tNy your8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4920

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017