Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • .- . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNILY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionorrblsO4Or&4 ii. 3m~,p8r4, 7864 2 8r.ACotobrr~of reoh /44r, a ral;ort to the Coaptrollrr und4'~oath of ths in2lrldua1, :ar of the prrridrnt, trosaarer, or rup~r?ntandrnt of suoh eaapaay, or 4-rpor8tioa, or‘444ooi8ti.n shnw?n((tha g r o ss la.uv.6 rooo:rai! rm.. 4uoh b-i,- ~8s aan@ 1.1raoh a)uc:.~ lacorporutrt?city cr toaa within thllc7tata la th8 paymoat of oh*rp,48ror lipOhaas, rlrctrlo lbht8, rlrctrlc powar 62 v8t6r ior the :;urrtrrnut prroadi~f. :ai4 la- 4lri4us1, oospaay, 4orp5ratba, or ~r8o4lotloa, at the t?rcl of uatlnd 8old r8port for any raoh lrraarporrtod town or eltf of more t.h?non4 tkou- sand (l,COO+)Izhabttatitr,snd lrar than two thou88cid, flri hundrrd (7,500) inhbltcrntr, 80- uordlng to th le8t Fo46t81 Cbnau8 n4at preeed- lng th4 fll:uu ct 8ai.ireport, 4hall pnf ti'ths TnaWr4r of LhZs ::t*te an booupofl,rn tst for th quartw b&Mi&$ 00 l 8id deta 4;uml to for- ty-four hon4r4dths (.u) of me (1.)vr wat of 8414 e;raas rscslpta; a8 ahom by 8aid raport. . . * Th4 only qnertirn praseJit4c! ie uhotker tb6 dI8trIbutor I4 oporotlnq Y “gaiwtorka” or I 348 *phiat* 'within 8n fnoorpor4tat tom cr o%ty*within thr ~88~. iq3 o? art2016 7050. . :a 6184U88iaq this 8tatut4 thr Wm,l8r;lOG Qf':.pp8818,Ir th4 0880 sf C'tlllta~s*WI- ral Oa* Ceapsny T. COatr, 126 3.Z. (24) 1153, in 8n oplnlon 84opte5 by thr Supr4ma Cart, e4t6.d -Th6 6i6iaObj64t Of thI8 8ktUt6 ia tbr laplirg of ar. rooapeti:.a t4x lgdart thocrrrho 4wrp4 in a bu81~1488or tb4 oh8trot4r dafln44 In th6 8trtotr. ?hr lubjoot ntt4r In rddp44t to which the tax is lmpo884 18 a bwln488 b88?- laq thr 4.8?4at4ri4tlO mark8 rprolflrd in tho rtatutr. "Ith roirrmo6 to thr buslnrra of li 648 oomp8a), th6rr oh4r8~ot4rirtio scrrksin- ala44 8-q other4 uhloh mod nat b4 notiod at tat8 t1.w 8 eoo-vorka looatsd in saysla- ootporatrd oh* La this State whidh lr '0144 tar looal 8414 6nd 418tribatla* OS 468 in laiu 41tr or LOWll.’ fn the rbmr Oar* the court sakes the further atrtraaat thetr %Ina4, th4retor4, thr~wr ot *8oa-work8’ in a 4Ity 'r town I?.thlr ::tsrta, far the dir- trlbutlon 09 gsn In mid alty or towi is, bf statute, aMe dlies8entlal obaracterlatia of tb8 btuinoss toxe3, it t t&e bus;- tallowa tlxc naae-in *Iah Ma pleintirr In aw:+gaa, aa by the undl#putud Snots, Ic mt rub- 4loclo~rtl. &at Co the taz whloh thie rwtuta ~ro~ld~e~.~ ‘WI court had beiorr It the ~i~Iext~Oo of %Geth- . lr a ua a~dtrtcibntorwbors p ip el.inelxtenCd fa teths aits, KIWI which 68% mn tbrra delivered to n sin,& cua- tomr utir1ieb.k SOr thu tar. As will be saw srom the d0v8 quottbtLons,thr aetmt in holbinq tbt onoh distrlb- utor wa8 not 1IaRle For the tax cnmtrtm? ths atrtutr to 16Vy thr tax UFGG the OOOU``tiO~'Whlehhno the follciu- lag oharmotariatie mnrksr 1. The gat! plant aaat ~bc lo- orbed within the IAQOQO~-: ted otty and 2. It ,must be wad for thr *loc31 ro',e *ml dfatr¶butloa* of es* ln *uOt. xltp or.town. The uo.cd300ttt4a- “has born r.+rl~msly detlned ae Slrrc; Sired in ~1s~: plrord)‘sltc:ntad.* )@ C.J. 132. Tar various QefInItionr'arreyztonpaus, if not IdektIoel, In maanlng. f'beyoertrinly ornvoy alowly tt*aord!nary Si(illiriO&Itit.?A Of the word -.LOCYta”.” ThuB, perapnraslw tbs stntuts, we M y lny t:i:1t to in o r da x broom rubJr& to the tex lovkd by &rticls 7060, VA. C.S. the @an .dlstributor must (I.1 own, opew-a, aaan~ge Or OOlIt~Ol 0 @BO Dbttt 11146 i``DltQO0. PlROd Or 8itU- atrd rlthil WI hmorporatra Oity or town nnd (2) must iGYkb pL*at ror tha loas1 ralr ana dlatributian or a@# ill SUOC Oitf 01 tOhA. *:athink .that, under the faatr eub,slttsd, waars ia no -go8 9hAt”~ Lha lAoorpora- to4 oitr. arhrxrthe izeo by truck ta t&e austaaaii in tSe citr, cad shoe t&la In true one ll6- sent of lirblllty ID lacking. Cml8aqurr:tly * we hold t:at Oh. dimtributar dru~uribadby you $a rrf-t aubJaot to t& t’a. Tblr holdiog, hmatar, in limitad to tba i&t oltwtlen rtatrd in your iap``irg, via: where tba die- trihltar owla no maobfnocy, tixtursa, aqll!cosntor'ap- pllsaeer used for ths loos2 eale 8w.l6IstrIbutIon or gar and Joaeted nittta ttre citr. Eoaonblo Ooorge H. Sheppard, Paga 4 Our opinion NO. O-3776 rtatas that,: *'ItIB the oplniun or thla drpartmnt in 111~ aith the above quoted oeeoe that any lndl- tldaal cr corporation eellily or dletrlbutlng liquid petroleur gee to mom than one coneumer in zany incorporated city within the population brackots atetad in Artlela 7060, *P amndrd by Fauea 8111 8,,Aote of the lorty-eoarnth hgie- lattlre,1941, would br rubjaot to the gross ro- oaipte tex lavlrd therrln.* piawore than diecussing a feat situation when the plant or the distributor was loaatsd wlthln tha lnoorpcratad city. To the rxtont .that euoh date-, tint Is lpplloabla to dIstrlbubor8 whoas plant6 are not. loaetrd In the Incorporatrd oltv It ir diotua, and it Is not epplloebls to the ract bltoatlon here uadm oon- sidrratlon. Vor)-truly p:-.urr, &A& Powlrr Roberta Asslmtant APPROVEDOCT 15, ;1942 AZ%-- e-

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4887

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017