Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •             OFFICE    OF THE ATTORNEY           GENERAL         OF TEXAS
    Honorable Dewey S.        lfalker
    County Attorney
    mlker County
    Buntsvllle,  Tswa
    Dear Sir:
    Your letter       of Sept                           aubgiita   for our
    opinion the following         stated    qu                     quote   troa your letter
    a8 follOw8:
    lien Intern-
    ment Oaap oi H                                       a post exohau@3
    hae been esteb                                      o sell beer.
    a, and the poet is
    boundary line ad-
    er or not    lt     would be
    slng Opinion No. O-&I&J addrassed   to
    Governor Ooke                n ln which we held that the poet erohaage
    at Oaap Bowls,       Brown County, a dry area, had the authority     to
    sell 3.2 bear,       under tha iaata   and authorltles therain cltatod.
    'Ne presume that ths post erchanes        eetabllshed    at the
    U. 3. mllltdrr    poet, known as FXmfnyAlien Internmsnt           Camp of
    Huntsville,    Texans, nas establlrhad      under proper mllltary      author-
    ity and iron the dleousaloa       and  author%tirs    in the attaohsd
    opinion would hate the right        to sell   3.2 beer.
    Bonorable   Dsway 3.     Walker - Page      2.
    Artlola    667,     Vernon’s Annotated       Yanal Code, Saotlon
    ;;``Iwith       tha   aubjeot     of transportation       of bear, provides  a
    a(a)     It 1s heroby dealered           to be lawful to
    transport     beer, ae herein defined,             end upon vihloh
    the tax has bean paid and avidanoed by atamps es
    required     by law, from any place in this State whara
    the sale,     manuraotura,       end distribution         or eeld baar
    1s authorleed        by law to any other place within this
    Btata whars the same may be lawfully                  menufeotured,
    sold,   or distributed;        and from the State boundary
    to any such plaoa,         evan though In the 001~313           of  suah
    trensportetlon        the route over which the eeme is balng
    transported      may traverse       local    option territory       ln
    which the manufacture,            sale,    and dletrlbution        of sold
    bear Is prohibited.            provided,     however, thst any such
    shipGritS must be acoomPenlad by a written                    statement
    I        furnished      and signad by the shipper,              showing the nema
    end address of ths aonslgnor               end the oonsignta,        the
    origin end destination           of such shipment,          end euoh
    other lnfornetlon         es may be required          by t4e Board
    or Admlnlstrator;         end it shall       be the duty of the
    person in oharge of such cargo whils                   it is being so
    transported       to exhibit     suoh written        statement    to
    any repr6santatlve          of the Board or any peaoe offloar
    making demand thararor,            and ‘meld statement        shall be
    accepted by such officer            as Prima racle avidanoa ot
    the lawful right to transport               suoh beer.       The trans-
    portation      of beer not eoooapenlad            by statement      hera-
    in required,        or failure     to exhibit      the sane upon
    lawrul demand, ahell be e violation                  of this Aot, and
    nng bear being transported              ln violation      horaof shaI1
    be nubjeot to aeixuro wlthout warrant.
    "(b)    Possession  by any parson in any.drp araa
    of beer In any quantity        axoeading twant -four (24)
    bottles     having a capeolty    of twaITa.(I2 J 0``0411 aaoh
    shall be prime raole       avldanoa of possession    for the
    pUrpOSe     of sale in a dry area."
    For the purpose of this opinion,      we shall aesuua the
    ths unitsd 3tstes    Governm%nt hes aoqulred    jurisdiotlon  Or the
    srae on v&&oh said United States     Mllltary  Post has baan aetab-
    Ii&ad end the poet exohenga astabliahed       thereon has bean
    IageIIy established    undar tha Aots of. the COn#P%S8 and tha
    ruIas end raguletlons    promulgeted  by tha proper OffiOlaIs    of
    the Covernmant pursuant thereto.
    gonorable     Dewey S.   Walker   - Page 3.
    Based   upon this   assumption,   we answer       your   question
    e.8 rdiow8r
    Sinae lt 1s lawful    for post exoBan$es,          situated    wlth-
    in the oonfines    of a Dnlted States Military          Fost over whioh the
    united States Government has aoquired           jurlsdlotion,      to sell    3.2
    beer, or beer of less alcoholic        content,     we think suoh beer may
    be legally   transported    from any plaoe within this State where
    the same inay be iegelfy     menura%ired,       sold,    or distributed     to
    the post erohange mentioned in your letter,             even thugh      the
    route over orhloh same is transported        may traverse       dry tsrrl-
    tory, provided    tho provisions    of Artiole      
    667, supra
    , are striot-
    ly oomplled with.      See our Opinlon 20. O-4438.
    Yours   very     truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4881

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017