OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAG AUSTIN Honorable A. J. ~Lqakett County Attorney Ctn?ial county New Sraunfel8, Texee Dear SirI .. spinion on a questl6n of Art. 8986, Reri8ed Ltf13ieXoX one-half ot one per bent recelpta of each executor, adminis- upon the a?prcral of the eihlbltcr ment of the aboount of euoh exeoutor, , but no more than one @oh eU on any anount reoelved br strator or guardian.' "The queetion is! "Does the phrase 'aotual cash reoeipts ef each exeoutor, adzainistrator or guardian, upon the approval of the exhlblta and the tIna settlement of the aoo,ountt, include cash on band at time of death of teetator or intestate as &own in such aocount? Honorable A. J. Luokett, page 2 *The only deoialon crlorely related to this question is Willie ‘18. Harvey (Clr. App.) 26 S.W. (2d) page 289. Hem the court had under consideration a cam of an Independent “Xxeoutor, and not an a&minis- trator, guardian or executor uith will annexed, the cmrt 8dsiI;LttinfT 'tizlsapeclfio case presented here on agpoal may not be reg?.rdeda6 ir.its (Art. 3926) scope.' WYour opinion Ho. O-811 would award to the County Judge the coPlnisslon Of OW-half of one per eent upon all aeah received by so ereeutor including sohey borrowed by the exeoutor to pay olaiars a&air& the estate. From thls deoision it is obvious that the question doe8 not depend on whether the caeh wad earned or is the oorpw of the estate. Ii aoacy borrowed is aoney reoeived by the executor, then surely oath on hand turned over to tho exeoutor at the beginning of the aooouuting period 1.8 also money reeelved.* We note that you say, “Your opinion Eo. 0-2ll would award to the County Judge the ooraui8alonof one-heli of oae per sent upon all oash reoeived by an executor lnelud- ia6 money borrowed by the exeoutof to pay claim.8 e.gaiaeh the eetate. From thLe dsolslan it ir obvious that the question does not depend oh whether the oash was earned or $8 t&e corpus of the etha to. It pLonsy borrowed is rmreg received by tha exeoutor, then surely cash on hand turned over to the execl;tortt the beginning of the aaoountinq ;rcriodis aleo aoney recelwcd.% Ap2arcntly you have misaomatrued our opinion No. O-811 where 0.1 page 4 of said opinion it Is expressly stated; * it is established that the term lreoeipt* as use; in'the statute doe6 not m&race cash on deposit in banks at the t&e of the death or the teetator. Tex. Jur. Vol. 25, page 260; Coodwln VE. aowns,
280 S.W. 512; Gillis va. Yarva~, 26 Y.3. (2d) 2S2.A Honorable A. 3. Lualsett, page 3 In the ease of killis v.
Harvey, supra, it is true that the court had under considerationa case of an independent sxeeutor. However, the court expressly stated in pert, "An independentexecutor Is not includedwithin the term exeoutor, as implied in the artiale, and the term reoeipt therein used does not embrace oash on deposit in the bank at the death of the testator. . . .” The eomrt further stated in this case, *It is thought the terrr”aotual crashreooipts* should be held to spsoifioallyderaribe monies receivedby the ereoutor other than oash or protits of the estate nhioh was on hand when the tertator died, because the words wed point to and imply that meanilrg.’ In vien of the foregoing,the above etated question is respectSullyansrsred in ths negative. We also dlr6ot your attention to our opinion So. O-4447, nheredn it was held that the County Judge of Klaberg County was not entitled to a aamalsrion a8 prarlded by Art%ole S9236,Vernon's Annotated Civil Ztatutes, under the given faotr. We enoloee a copy of opinion No, O-4447 Sor your oonvsnlenos. Apparently you have 8 copy of our opinion Bo. O-811 and ue do not enolore a oopy of the SW. Trustin& that the iorbgoin$ fully ammets YOW lnqulry, we are Youre very tlu1y BY Ardell WillhaS Asal stant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4822
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017