. 1‘ OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ..1% AUSTIN, i.. . * id&. fropcuz queatlon &t$ola q&i6 of the ‘OirilOodo and Aptiolls th490atwatg40p 004md.nth0 following 1angw41 .:*&*t&t* ia a oombinationor oapital,, suit ~Qr a&a bg two or p~om3pereons,rm8, I( o``gosapiiowfitassooiationsor pap~one, or eitherticro’ormore ,0r them ror either, any or all of.the r@,lming prrrpoaest EfJllO~rdi4 Ltnt4E S~‘saTa&4, P-4 a &eat4 or oarpr out reet .pgrealt. 4r ‘my buslaea~ auth4Zed or, per+hd bfim8 or 9114am4. -*Anyand all trurt8,monopoll anU~6onspfra- oi4#,:$~3 reotralnt or trade, as here@ a4rlmdd;em prolgb$te~ana +ooUred to be j.lla@l.~' Gi~$aialtleaare pre@oribedbo thcteznm at:&& ' oler.7b36aml 7436 or the olvll oodo,uh+le Art&ale 1635$i the PemaXOode make@ a oriainalriolatlon a relony. While we have been unable to.rInd any baaelawupon the sabjeet, v&do $$nd an emlightsningdlsouealonuhioh we 1 deem olear end pestbeat, in aLopInion written during the yeear 1 ;.~ 1917 by the &morable 0.M. Curet~n. Report iuldO~inIoi~s, Attorney @moral-or 34x44,19164918, PI 151, .. At thb tldor writing the opinlm, the late lanent- ed Chlaf or our ilustlee~ Texma Supreme Court waa Firat Asels- tant Attorney f&erel aenlng ln the a6nInletmtlon0r At- i tommy Oeneral'B. F. iooaey. The question r)84whether banks :: operatingin thin atate were emenable to the rovlolonaor the 1, ix. anti-tTUBtand mnop04 8kttUte8 (btiOle8 77 %9-;2 ...~ 19l.l‘ now Artii31et?&S-742?. 8. a, s., 1925, un i. dit&&shedwrIt~ .puottra with approval rroJl~earl lone or this department,and hi8 treaties is of auoh for04 we j- take the.liberty of oopylng at l%ggth. Arter quoting the pm- r: olai``~'orthe statutes,he wrote as rOllmW g: & 802 Peg4 3 Hcaorabla Llnt40 S.~Savais4, "The eirst qtleatfon r0r determismtion is `` whether orhot the basin448 ot bauklng 14 limit@, ed, afi4et4d, or oontr4ll46by thhwo artloles of-the&atute~doflnlng prrrhiblt&~and paa- wll.ngtruate end m-fi*II. In the rimt antl- tmmt statoh of thio 8tat4, whloh N pa4wd in 1889 and ``+%h~oonssp6uulswlth thos4 portions 4i Istlol6'7796 quobbd above, w4 flud the rol- l~+t w300ti0~ i. B4 it em&d by the t4&- latuz% or~th4.80at4of T-r: Theta trtmt %a. a oaab$aatlon af azpbtal, zklll, or aotz w. tro OF r0re ptws~nrr, rim+ 00rpor~ti0~0, or aimolatlonaof peraozm, or oi ,4ith& twq 4rga4r4 ot'thei@, for.either,any,01 a&t of therollotise:'purpoa48~ Flrat.~'To areato or ,oerryout.rerrtrlotiane~ht tratb,:.Bsoondr 243latlt or roduoe the loduotloa,‘or. in- orease or rsduee the pr!'00 of ~mrgbandfae or o4mmodltfa4. Third, To prevent oompetl- tion in mamf4otv24, making, tranepcmtation, w&r, or Wahase or merohan~w, produoe, or~oonmmllt~es.Fourth. To rlx I+ auy standard or iigure, wh4mby lt4,m%oo to the pub110 8h4llbe ln4nyirrnnsr44ntmll4dor Oatfabllahedi any art1014 or omzloaltyor merahahdla4, ,pro&me,. or oamnera 0 intendna . tar &lo, 1184,or oonaimptlon ln this &ate.* =Youwillnote t&t.YheAot,of.1903, whioh Is the preeent.law, quoted above materially ahsnged the meapfne 4nd applSoa&n or the orlg- iadl tit or 1889, ?zmt nading the two it will be obs4rv4d that th4 #lop8 of the sot we4 bzv+d4a:- 4d and rmd4 ta apply aot oalr to art10144 or .'~ trads and bmae+oe, but to 'aids to oc41in9r44'~ al80 that, the Anti-trust bat wa8 made to ap~lr to any aot cm ouublnatlon,the pusmae or,whlah wae t~to oreat& oreawry out reatrlotlone in the I'?44purrtult~sr'ariybu4lneaa authorized or per- n&ted by the4law8 of this atate,* These mater- iel and far reaahlllg a&mdmente t&the law were &ad4 mbaequent to.the opinion of the Supreme O&t of the State lo the (wee of the Queen In- t&tinoe Oomgany va. The State, 86 TOILLS, page 250, in whioh aaee the oourt held that the busl- nass-~oSlnaurenoe wee not aiieoted by the Anti- trtmt Aot; that insurauoewas neither trade nor Wau&iMly, e oorporatlonexerofeiagthme powcirnend~ianotionsis aiding oommaro~ and the wuatxyin aterypraotioa&andaatarielrrayi ArgWent ,woiUdqau su~m!#ous~ Oamaerae oaaa4* ex&*~;dthout oarh,:grea$tf'MQ 8,sybtem or-qwk osrtdin.aadla4xp4b~lr4~4xa~r Th464 :thjmgs.baakagupp2yc They +&loot-luto great resezqird thi tisk 44a areait. or th4 oaaafry,``tdifohltlodl&rlbtlkdlnta lndtiqt* ````:pmuztekoi in'such aaowtf sit&. at awh-C~:~6r"btmineer mar,dmdi 'Btmk4ag6 not pal*e ~Xak*a tuta66semirs in whi6h sr6 qo;us&ts& mi+lur mites for rrdi@rlbutloD r0r pwpo6ass~ofirrigation,and 6r4 as essen- t$ally'.aids'to acmmr64 as the-lattsr to SW~S``UX-``~ pawti48k*. h .ra4t, tk* sa``~+uourt or the United atat48:hari-- deobmd th4 .lmr0tyor the businwis of bank- *.’ t4 be TOM or ths prl.atarJr oonaltloM.or auoacr&ml oonmero6s In ale 0664 of loobl4 ShtcBank~.~k, HBskell, 239 V. S.‘.llltthat oow'~la:~rerriag to the gllarlqty or bsn& depodts, '&alares: .:~nt%mT~ b6 aeld in a genera& rajthat th4 polloe~ power txt4n68 to all .:lzhegrwit n&de+ OsmfleLdvs. Unlbed Statea, ..``bllb
147 WI 8;':~ 518, xt iay bs put io*b Yin a&a or'wht~tlir~.sanc~tm~sd b n-4, cm 1 f hdld b&tke mevafilng mora lt$:‘or@rwg - 8114pr6pW~6rant~opioloa to b6 greatly.. 6na imakidiatsly naa466arg to the p@bl&a welfarth .Aaomqg matters of that 8orD gtab- lib4 iswrould daubt that'both !IM@ and pr4poo~k O#alon gloi their amotion to enferolngthe primary oond$tlonsof 64aa466hx 06``i4.rO4. 02iedr thas4 wnai- .tliis ht the pmsent tl6i6Is ths possi- bllZty 'or,.paylpsnt by @heWi drawn s&nst &nk deposi~ts, to suoh an extait do ohsoks hp%aoo~ crurmnop~lndally bosl,nsss~fr t!mn.th+Lsglslatwe or the State think6 ~thadthe publ.iow6lfare raqulms themea- sure wider oonalaeretlonteitalogland ~prlnolple ir4 In ravor of the powsf to SWOt it. .mOUk the prim8ry ObjaOt.. Or th4 required assessmmt 1s not a pr$vats bene- fit+ as It was in th4 oases abow olted of a bitoh ror Irrigation or a railw6y to a tins, but it is to m&z6 the o~lcenoy or sh4+ 884Ur4, ana by the saw stSOk4 fo nk4. bat*: the almost eompuls0ry resort _ or d4podtoru to bank6 86 the'ofiy avail- abls me6~ ror kseplng moneycm hand. t W4 0tmTlutZe, on the whoX4 the& that the bUSltl~6 Ot bank;frrg i6 Wit& tit@ PrOtOO- ,.’ tlte, ibafbttory and anal prOrls1~ o? th4 ent1~b+08D:ans or thfa hta, and that beaks m4 ~@mk4n.are as muoh bound to zssp6ot the aati-trrrcrt iani,asare deelers in amaodltleta. ThtS Om61U6ion. i6 in hiumony with th4 tipin- on the sabjeot.or bsaklgg On Jwwry ll, 1912, the the state,. in an ophiioa wrltt4nwth4 Ek0raW.a Jobn~U~B~dy, As* tsat Attorney Qenersl held thatsO.a@eamnt 4ntered info betwodn the ``inetitutlons or a olty'proklbltlngovedreifts;.would bb * riolatlool-or the al&i-tl'lIst Zar; not that w-bank on'Lts owz..gotrion ml& not prohibit mep3mrt+,bp th~?Q.whantwo or 1110``bauks entearedinto a 0Omb``~atlOnror this purp064, that sueh~oombinatioi~vi0iat4a the anti-trwt law;., Thls0plnl0uwasprsdloat4a~p0nth4 propositlon~:~hat tha.basklngbuainessr wa8 sa‘aid to~t%%weree, and WSS a businessart- thoriPed.aM perrmitted~by the Ima ot this Stat4 and -lu:whloh.thsstatute proh@ltl)(lany 'a&ma&eat -ten$%sg-torestriot ths business. IIIthis Op5.~%On8Ul&e Brt@ in part .eSidS -The’ qtmstion now mOUr8t ma6 th4 piaotloe 0r allowing 0ve*sft*, Oi~th4 abaraotar above ma, oonstltute60m- meo~oraldl.to oamm4r64? 'Pam416 ror the propo6ltlon that drafts, oh4&a and oomasrolal i116tm+ asate to raollltate6onm4r44~; eud if nst ptd or W ‘hoameroe itself, rairiy oome witfdn th+tssm, aud may be designatedas %ld6 to eoeun4raet (ste49 Hioh., 24l; mathan we* Lcmisla~, 17 u. S., 507); aad the praatlo*-beinglegal, any agrs6msnt or uudmW,aadiag by Md between two or mme ba6ks or a olty psohibltlngeb6olutely the “( .-.. 8~6 i : Easambla L&Moo S, Saw,ga, %a 7 &%'hfi&$ or ssoh prltilegas, upon the part of.all th4 'pwtle6 to the agreemwt, would ia4Or O-W,, 4Z46tS aab ta6d:tO Ora& .I%@ :mOrrry:,ootr rastrlotlcumluoamneme snd~ aid* to ouimm4r64 snd would tharararebs :rloEatlv%W ., Ssattion1 af said A&... ._, e4r4 ‘3urWar .'**W4~ oi She opinion that suoh 66 'ikgr64asnt; *tie oraat4 and o&my out ra- Stl'$OtiM'S'tn the ,$l'Wplreoit Or 8 business authorixt& ore pemitted by the lsws or this mdi4i -rf)hh t&S fXWTi&``Or said 6$6tUt4, Ths'banwmg pu@$468 I* peaitfo&b~:pe~.l8M’``t tha uwIIp,og~lsshs in the wsy af apart0rsuohbuslnes6 anaaumdland .fMllar feat- oi madarn bsskln~. Zndesd, autharltlastrWt tha ssme-98 a sama c)r.:tha prs~aal:"nsaasalty in the ,oonduotor suoh bt&inase,,athough-thisr&or is boub$l4ss all amnt6, wham pursgedWith taa braad.~:.~At a reaiioWil4.degraaof prudanoa snd.aoosrd- -to the‘ed+3ry ueega, it 18.frae~r4-0b6 gsllty, uud6r~c~e prasant state Of the asid'``egra'a~&ntor uuderstandlng' 1s``~; 2 when 'bsnk~ pasties to the sama 'bind thsase $ -6 m&to.grent this pririis&4 to tbiir aGstoWss, oraatas and owrles oUti ?96triOhibtiS%Zthe rr66 DUMUit~Or choir - buslnass.wlthfirthe mssobg:ai ssld~Hstuta. Ia the abrieao4. o$ swWan a&reeme!It or under stanillsg-the bankswau&d eaoh be fraa to illhi thl6 priri1~4,tq'their OUStbS~6~ aad,-slaoe thei agree ta";dlsoantlnuatha usage and praotloe, they tharaby naoa66arlly restslot .Cwedaat thefr~ to aot in a platter 0r y06p66 .WhiOh thW~O4a 0th4Z6166 b4 f~44 ,~&aosnnat oasaalra haw It ooutd be hex& beat,h&ar suohlan sgraamant asoh P8tiY thereto roula not bb rastrloting~thafraa guqult or ~thebu6iwss.Ot every ,othar 8rtY thereto, as:.wdllas'his own busines6. Pt follaws frornwhat has bsan ssid that (~1agree- m&t OS the ohsraotar euggestadwould'ba il- la&l @iwsuld subjeot the parties thereto to thei?&isllsltles or the A4t.t Vol. 25, Opla&,i, ai the Attorney Oanaral, 171-2. : ,‘ i l* Iowan mappsot~ aQvW3d that Strb- dm810n 1, ‘ors0otion z 0i tb ml-trust Aot 0r 1903,d0rinOOa trwt to be +I + * a oombination.or, aa lt8l, skill or aots W two or rP rm8, more pertsoa) oorporaUon8 or a880- oiatt0n8 or PWODII, o r llther tutor more or th011-ror.OithOrr,. an*,or Cru 0r the rob lowingpurpo808aTo oroa*eor uhiohmay tZ$%‘22rS tZId%?ZZ~ZZ E ,thepreparation or any preduot .tor-niarkit or transportation or to oreate or oarry OUt M8triOtiOM iIIchs rM0 .PW8uit Or w bU8ine88 aothoriwd or permittedby lens Or thi8 88fitesa of esobango, &dt8~;.. end 'the -_ paper to rhlaQ pu referram in8tEURWlt8 t0 faOflitat0 0-0 mere, 8nd ~a.r not a part or th6 00maOro0 it8df OhUu OOMb Within the, tOM Wd -~%f-ddtt8i@latOd 'M clidt0 OOEWcOd' (9 Mioh., S?t+l; Hathasvrr. Loui818na,~17 UC 8.,- 507); and any ooablnafion, agreenwnt or .tmdC%rHtding~O``WII knka to rfx t&t8Oha%!ge ror oolleotion8,~rould tiw~eo&ti~,ay; 8tltute a re8trioUon.in to oci~exie. in violation or said a@.,~ ~hme iieotionqu&ed, uhioh-prohlbite.the oreation or oarrylngout 0r the restrio- time In the frw plr8Uit or any bwineee authorieed or petitted.by the WV8 Of thie state. ~OlbOtiOli8 8UOh a8 yi?U have mentioned are a part of lmoh bwin98e, and any understandingbetweenbank to oharge Em3 . . Tl$&e,le:littlethit we oaa'e+d4:~o'ths'fore@oing. Uter~oonald``~hl6:~le~earoh, w have.tio?forold-my oa&w In oonfllot.~mif;h.the -0onolwicw wnouaos&~lh the &&i&on opin- :M Ol!$hosQ~f~Wh%Oh It'qWte8, ~enp~O&a~'@#lthe C+L- trollin&.wlat:0'that the Oondllo$Of Q baUk*Q.bU&t~QseI8 -an =aId.to.owiaQreQi~" 1~eWQ 'or ~piaii+i`` wt. an agrd80nt or wu@r&an4lngd.by end be$weeu all the ban&i.,&'& o ty to a6ke oQr$aIn oh%.rees'(:euo&~ae 4u&lo~ deEwrIbQd~$ik~$fwr uould~oonsitltut~ a ~*oomblnatIomof oapitdl``:adu or aot8* lor the '&arposeof.oarrylng pt rokitrlo~oa8in."aide to Pammrw~, la violationor the provl8lowor hrtldles 7&26, R. 0. Srv and 1632; Penal
Code, supra. _ Your8 wry truly A!i'TORlJY GE&AL OFTXAS Ben3aaf.nWoodall Assistant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4786
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017