- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorrEle 1. A. Wood8 Stat6 Superintendent of Publlo Inatruotfon Auath, TWa8 Daar 81~: Wa have reeelvad whiah po lak tha opiaion nt upon the above oaptltonad question. ont Rural hid Bill (Aotr 194l. 47th 8. Mb), provldaa ror high aohool t II, reads in part ma iollana1 tuition dd aa Pup118 trana- II orphan8 home or IU.A~ 8ohool.e" opinion Ho. O-762 that iat OPphana&a in woo0 ra- 01 Dlatrlet a a dthat lmh are lntltled to reselva a publio frao a aohoola maintalnbd by tha Waao fn- utaet, thrrofore, ua are oonfront*d with ar the %IOObdapendent Sohool Dlatrleti oosae wlthln the tmwm of the Aot ea a dlatrlot entitled to raoelve aid. $eotion I, Artlola I oi the Aob sata out tha aoho- laatlo population bracketa oi the aahool diatriobm uhioh an Eoaorablr L. A. Wood*, P8ga 2 to reoeive banerlta under tha Aot. said eootlon r ea d8 le rollowb t nSaotloa 1. ?oholaatlo Populatlon Of The Dietrlotr Otate rid wider the provlnlo~e of thlb Aot shall be dlatrlbutad in mush l my as to aa- alat lll aohool dietrlote whloh hsvr not rower tlmn tnnty (20) nor aoro t&n ilro hundred (500) orlglnal lma er eteU loholaetlor within the ,gadea oleeel2la4 to k taughti rraal~ la the dietrlot rrtor traorrerb out, and ooneoli 2 &ted end/or rural hlg4 lohoel distriot8 whioh hato en rvrrega oi not more than two hundnd (200) loholartlor or laoh orIgIna Urtriot oaapoalag tha ooaaolldatad rad/or rum1 high lohool dlatrlot uaitj provided that the maximum llaltatlona be to loholaatlo pop- u la tio topn lllglbllit~ haraia rat forth shell not appl for rn~ ty a oi aid to any lohool blr- trio: w4i oh in nine P9) allra or aoro in length or oontalna rortr-eight (48) bquara ml188 ot ter- rltory or more, provided thara la not looat~d In auoh dletrl?t an lnoorporatod oi8y or tam Iufing pulation of xwa~ than thlrtpait huadnd t&) InRa,bItant8, aooording to thb lrbt pro- ordlng I’mdorm COILIUI. Diatrlotr ralntrlnlng a bohool a8 homa an& bring 1088 t4aa ba werage or oao (1) rnoltrratod mholaetlo ,WP rquan allo IN linapt rm0 bm 61taiwr ba0iba8i0 rrqtipe- wnt mad (IPO rligiblr toor 814 ior odlf one taroh- or unleee l gaogrephierl brrl+r ‘naooroltater the opbreblon 0r two sohoole rdp the neJna moo In amid dlrtrlot, luo hgaographIoi1 berrler to k drtrrrinrd by the 98rte ikparfrrat Oi IbhlOW tloa rubJeot to tha rpprerrl of the toIn kgls- lrtlto Adrlaory Oommittea. Ii they ma bhow budg- l$bry need thorofbr,all other dirtriotr 48~11~ lbbb thrn maid mUdmum boholabtlo roqulMnt, lball ba eligible for o@y t.uItIon end tranrportr- tlon rid to tba n~araat SoOm.dltSd rohool on WIU- mwatad boholartirr whoa0 (6radbe BP6 not taogtd In auoh 6I6trl0%~ ’ You will not& that onii thoib dIbtrIot8 lb104 hrtr not fanr~thau 26 n&r 8oro tb;ra $30 OP1451ilalontamerotod boholabtlob are eligible for aid with three lortaln lxoep- tioar . In other word8 the population raqulremont lb one 0r Honorable L. A. Weodo, Page 3 the hOtOP whloh datarmiM What&BP a ~04001 dlatriot may re- ooivo aid.1 3uah raquiramant muat br reud into all th othar provlalons oi the Aot to detarmlno whether the dlatrlot la lliglbls . This la olearl~ indloated by the rxorptlorrsumdo in sootion 1 lmnediatal~ iollmlng the 20-500 roqulrenant. In other worddr,~a dibtriOt mat have a lo&labtio populatloa 0r rrcm 20 to 500 or ,lt met ooab rlthin 0110 0r the lXOOp- tiona to. ba lllgible. The Taoo Independent k?ohool Di8trlot hi8 0 SOhOibbtiO pOpUiatiOQ Or OtbT 11,ow 8040188thi8, Hid it doer not oome within either of. the thrao rroaptlona. It 18 OUP opinion that this f8OtOP d1bqualifi.r maid dibtPlOt, ad it 18, therefore, not ontitledto raoolrr aid undo? t40 Ao* r0r It8 raaldsnt bo~olaatlbb. Opinion Ho. 04705. Wo hale rlao given barIoua oonaldrratlon to the wording 0r thr baatIon providing top high 804001 tuition r&l. mt pUt,PdEtlng $0 pUpi rPOM $11 OrphbfIb' hOBIb Pbadb IS roiim8 I pherio 8Oppu0aI. It ib i+OrWMk~;~OOk4tndb(L b7 the FmOO Sohool Offi- oialr that *trmaf~rrad info” 84oyld be oonstruod to man *tranrierrOd withinn or trenai~rred into the dlbtrlot In ah@ rip8t Inatanm rran other reationb or the state OP other atatom when the ahlldran oame to the orphanage. With althar or th.8. OOUbtPUOtiO~b we oannot 8grW. In the rim 1100, a soholsatlo In (L dietriot OannQt ba tranrrrrnd “with PII” 8uoh distrlot, *~aDbfSPPOd into" a8 uaad in our mhool laws means tranaibrrad Sroza ow dlatrlotor oountf into an- 0-r dlatrlotor oottnty, Artloler 2695-2699, ~OFnOlt’b An- aotata4 Citll Statutes. Ia t40 rooond .plaoo. you will not Iso t&t t&m 0b0T0 quote6 pPOTiOiOEl roads thbt tuition ald Oh11 b@ gPM:Od *M rbOT0 806 OUta. The art Of sOOtiOn 1 Of A~tlolo IV uhioh proordas 8~04 prOTim P00 roads 18 follow8: l80~)0100 1. It I8 harebr lrprasbl~ protided that 8 aurrirlint arnwnt bs funds sll~crtod bf thir hot 8hbll ba used ror the pa7wmt of high bOhOO3, tuition not to rxooad ROTOU DOllSPS and Mrtr Centa (yl.50) per pupil pr month, and in no lnetanoa shall more than firs (5) months tul- tlon 80 paid tor an7 one pupil on the oenau8 roll Honorable L. .A. Wxxlo, Page 4 ior lny on. oohool year. Elrsh sohool tuition shall b@ Ddd 46OOrdine to thr DrOVi8iOllE or ifOUS4 Ill R . 158. denma Lmm. Rmulrr !?m~slon, ?orty- fourth~J..agislatur~. aa amend&, and bJeot b th ImItetiono snd r~striotlono proPidr?In thIs’*ot: In the event a raoolrlns hiti oohook has it8 budg- et balanoeb uith !%lary k3iii there shall ba &e&tot- ed troa the Salary Aid grad of suah oohool any •~OUZI* 0r tuitio 0 n0ih 0t0 frd0rl4nth m ~a i0tr m0, and all ouoh oollootlono ohs11 bo inoluded In the retentm oeotlon oi the State Aid applloetioi. Suoh revenuoo ohall lnoludo tha total tuition ro- oolrod for tho proooding lohool mar b7 ouoh o&ool dlotrloto. Ia no wont ohrll lp .Sltry Aid ~01001 reoo1to tultlon al4 in anr amount uhioh, to&her with tha .?rlary Aid granted, lxoosd the budgatarr mod a8 indioatbd bltho apprwdl Stats Aid appll- Oltlono. ~000ttin~ l0h 00r10 0 r using to 80000 pt dd approved rats eo ths maxlmua tiount to be ohargod shsll not be ollgIbls to r+oelrs Ctstm Sl& Wzool Tuition Aid ?unde. . . .” (Emphaolo oupplled). It IO atstod that high lohool tuition ohall ba paid rooordlng to tho prorlolona of Rouse Bill No. 158, Aoto 44th Log., R. 9. ha rxaalnatlon of Row0 8111 Ro. 158 rovoelr that ouoh hot aathorlmo tho trrtmfrr oi a high oohool 8tu- dent from hi0 home dlotrlot 60 8nothar dlotrlot Ron his grad0 18 not tough! id hia how dirtriot. The ho8 spm&o in termo Ot rooolrIng and 8etidLog WotrIdto fart a0 the Rural Aid Bill. Thooe prwlofono tiraoludb, ua think, my oolutruotlon *hioh would authorize paymont,to the ?froo Indopmdent !?ohool Dlo- trlot of high rohool tultlon tar resldont ohlldron from the oxvhrno go. Its io our oplnlon that the ~prorlsloa o? payment Ot tuition aid *a8 above wt ~wt* lhhorlooo ouoh rpent on- ly *her e l pupil. io transfsrrad frola ODOdlotrlot f nto another Uotrlot, and not uhrro a rooldmt loholootio’ of a dietriot attends oohool ln hlo homo dirtriot. The mason glroa by the moo 4ohool otilolalo ior the oonotruotlon whioh the7 plroo on tho provision in tho rule that the Loglslature will not ba preouwd to hato dono l ~AJJO~OOO thing, llnoo oven without suoh prorlolon the Aot rOuld ooter l trensforOf ohlldrc`` iron an orphonrge from am dlstrlot to another. Such rul* Io 8x8 llomont*ry rule Ot otatutory aonotruotlon. It is al.06 an olomnhrry rule, Ronoroble L. A. Woods, Pago 5 howover’, that uhsrr the language uood lo olosr and anam- blgaouo, thmo lo no neoosolty tor oonetruotlon. 39 TM. hr. 160. - Xn view of tha foregoing you are rrspeottiully ad- tlaod that the ‘Ye00 Indopondent ?o&ol ~lstrlot lo not en- titled to hlgh oohool tuition rid uader the Ziural Aid Law for ohlldron oi tho ibthodlot Orphanage of Eaoo who rttend tho ‘raoo publio sohoolo. Ye do not doubt that the Paoo Independent Cohool Dirtriot lo in ne*d of State rid in addltloo to tht par orpl- ta apportionment whioh it noslroo ior the oduoatlon of ohild- ran fropl tho orphmnagr. Roworor, we bsltere that the 2ural Aid Law leads itself to no other oonstruotlon than t&s one uhloh us hare plaoed upon it. Very truly yours ATTOBNBY CEZXERAL OF TXXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4753
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017