Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • AUSTIN ~c.MAWW ,-FI QS"l"aL Honorable II.L. Rln8oII,Jr. County Aadftor Polk County Litiqston; Texar OplJAilmHo. 0-M Dear Sir! ml ma oh. Your letter oi of thfr Dqmrtmont on the part a8 follon: on Ko. O-601 thi8 Department held that tb oomdrrionerr~ Oonrfi00~14 not lagally transfer memey fma the Jury mnd into th6 @enera run& Wo snelera a copy ot thfs Opinfbn for rour someniana*~ Ronorable t. L. Hlnson, Jr., Pago 2 In Opinion Eo. 04186 thia Department haM that the Commiaaloneras court oould not le~gally reirabume tlm Road and Bridge Fund from other available oonnty fands In rhloh there was a eurpl!~. A oopy ai th;$ Opinion is MI- rlored. In the ease of Carroll WI. WillIama, 202 8.W. 804, the Supme Court of Texas deilnlt~l hold tha$ the Jar7 l&14 and other aonatitutional fund8 thara I II doslgnsted oarpoaed or runda raised by taxation oould not be legally tranar8rb froa on8 to 8nothex. emd that art1010 16S0, Vernon*8 Annotated C1rl.l Statutea, ham aaplloatlon to epeolal fund8 oraatod by Status@ an4 was not l pplloable to oonatltutlonal rland8. The 00wt wmt fur- ther an4 held In the Oarroll oasa that Seotion 0, Axtlole b ot the State Constitution not only plaooQ a llmitatlon on tbo a- mount ot taxes which m.i&ht be levied b any ooonty ior the pur- pa68 tbereln enumrated, but alao 408 I gnatml and pleoed ,a lsai- tatlon on the amount to bo oxpandbd,. in that tax68 a-aired ior one purfloaa, therein dorined oould not be lxpenUe6 ior any o$hsr purpoao. The Jury Fund, the Oaaeral Fuad, and tho Road ad (’ Brldgr mud are oonstltutlonal rMd8. Therefore, In via or the holdlp& la the Carroll oa80 au_aras and the autharitiea ofted in the, above m8WOnod Ophhb%+t you am raapwttltll~ ldri;re& that it ia the epin&m ot’tti& Apartment that tk 6omniaalonera~ Oourt oannot legllf trasr*r monoj rroa the Jury Fund, to the Getlsral Fund or to the Road and BriUSe Fund, although there la a surplus in the fury FurA. It Is our tarther opinion that the or5sr br the comiaalonera~ ceurt as aentlonenl In your lsttsr quotd ahow i8 void and 0r n0 6rre0t. Trusting that tho foregain ml7 amtiers your Inquiry, w8 am Your8 very *rally ,. ArnHHl?Y f.m??!mL OF TEXAS &;,c$g’dL Hy @w!h%ti* ,s::.,TV,! hrdnll Wililamm Amdstant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4763

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017