- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF f%w AU8TlN / A -.. lMW wh d iO$ iea of th4 latt8P •~ rOqw8ted by th0 rflltm~..~ rathoPi i AOh The grooedum r0F~6d@gi4’oM not aihPge$ ulth o&a ~to be 0 pwma or uxroond tiindcod ‘providing for blr m- ltr a lx-ia t 8o a ely @ r o t@ Me aoxutf o o tw6r l gtl a lth o utkg h &de: 18 0 *y to 6ualt an iaquiry tb* sImanotor or tbr pm- o eedia tr larmntti2ly 0iM. 8u hr. Jude. Yol. 84, p. 868, .. 8eotiox0~ i and. B or Artiole Wma, Yeram* (I Gfrll Statute@+ im61~ m lpolloww "6aotlon 1. 1l laiwxaffti la WPitlqg WdeP .mth b&&van to any uoaaty u8dgo thet my p*riron lx tir ma x ty, not o h e ~g e b w f.th l o r & ha 1 o ff6x o e, ia 0 pw0ox or 3mouwmind, au& that the wetam --- .oorith wuttroh p wso x o r laif othw pwrou OP @proa reqiroa that he .ba plroid mder reetnlnt, and mob douun~ 404450 da012 believe OUOh hWrxatf.oa to be tpw, he ahall forthvlth imuo II wwtsnt for tb ap- pnh0xefoa 0r Mob -80a, or, ii rooh 1Ike lxfora4- +a be given to axy jostlae rrueh of the puce in eo u x tf, li4 justloo an7 188~1 a wwrant rcirthe ap- pPoh0arioJlof u&d perllon, r*t%alJ nia oorpldat aad --,nmmt retaraabls to thclaountf oowt aC raid aaonty, 8nU raid oouxty &ad&ein either wont rhull tir a tiw ll g & o n r0r the huting l4 mmaiadfon 0s the adtOP tither b hem ti8o OS ia vaom'tloa, whiah -00 .?mlib 4 llth wat the omrt hmmo 0r th4 oeunty, w ct tb rorid4xeeor the per808~0564,or at nuy othrr *a0 ti the aouatf,as th6 aeant;r $16 l m3 de4 beat ror lua& heWih6. aotio* of the %a ) W) pleoe aad pwpou or ruoh hawing da&l b son04 upso the penon 6hargetx, OU?h aotloe to b4 UJMW Qh4 haI@ aad lul of the sowat aleek oi #al& oouxty l12 somwl UL&ritarne4 by t t 0 rherirr or l ooa*ta&1s of 8wh fxl2 . Boo.a. b. 8okeP- mje 8 pal* tE0 r4twa to *tot* tbe bias on& ploae auaa aotloe oboll bo lo r ved aot 1080 thaa thme*dayo prior to tho day 0S tiemliw. %oo. 8. The romot provided ror horoia ohall rutaIR the xome oi ‘The Stoti,ot Taxpa', oad oboll. bo di~oated to the lbe?lff Or lay ooa8toble of the ooaat7, on4 the ottioor rooeivfa6 owe #boll forth- lltb toko into ouo$o47thr par868 au&l theroio, on4 8t th 0a 083& 0ted w80a x dpm0 a 01 ~8~0 1 h imla d tho retw~ or said warmat .berom the oouaty judw rm ~llpf2kaidn 0ad tri01.* Aftor c oor~rul ooaoiaeiotloa of tbo abo~o quotti leotloacr Of rrtiolo AS6l&, whlOh 8eatlOxo are tippliaoblet0 - the rltuotlon outliaod, It Lo thO.opinion cU thlr, deportment that the perooa,Mu&t to be ohoY604 with 1``07 Mot bo hyeloollypreooatwithin the ooainty at the time of the mk- 4n# 01 the laionutloa. Aota the longuago uml in Seotion 1.0r Art1010 b86lar *If lnfwmtlon in *rltln6ua4er oath be given t0 my oounty &utge that my porioa in blo 04tmt :. . 38 0 perooa or woo& pia4 . ---iaid' . . io r uo - ~o ma t ror th e lpprebeaoloa ef ooia pe~oon . ..a - Tho woti *nol&ont* lo aof uoo6 in ttm ebotfonan4 thOT0 i8 nothln#t0 inbi6Ste that the legi&OtUn, 8V.X intMd#d that tho oouxty aburt rhoul4 nooumo Jrrrlcdlotlonof oaoh a mot- .tw uhoa it does aot appear that tha poreoa loqht to be ohmgod 18’ “in* th0 OOURt7. The aotmty ju4go lo without outharity to aot in the uttu uakeee it l peoxe t&at the pereoa rought to bo ahor(o4 vlth lnoonlt~ ie * & his oouutJ1w Throo i& laothu rooooa wo think why the perion loqght to bo ohas~od mustbe phyokly wit&intha oollnt7 br rore tbo oowkty oourt of olrohoounty may l eowe ~urlodletloa. The Aot prorilerr Votloo of tho time, ploae and pwpoee of &oh hoorfng eke11 be 8wro4 upon tEo person oEarge4 . . . ox& raved and retwaea b7 the sheriff or an7 oon- ltoblo of suoh aouatl;. SUO~ not166 rhull ba rrerred /. ,, . . . *,., .: .T..‘, ...~. ,; _.._- .,‘.’ ” son,.s. 8., hh# - ma 4 ?mtl8oo~tlrn t&Me &ra paler co the diy or hear&ng.* TMb~tiu,befn&~ blvll prboeoo au8t be nrve&)tthe lhariti lP ooaokbio cb %uoh oowtp au& we tblak the aoanty wherein the lnrorartlon ia ribe. U&es? the lp~llaabloltddoo, a rhulff b? eeartablo nay a&b’&6 Outefio hle roop0Otire OouBty to a wve l o lv%l p vib eo 8r Xf th e ~P a o a a p enrhortha n&loo 1 0k, k MPV6a ib Rbt ~ltbh th0 bOMt7 it %hOB fOii4m t&t bb my,wt k bema wita“owh OOtiW, as r*qaird by #tom*. brlq ~ur.1~ lktutmy, mwt The proooo4la(r, br oastduot.4 in 8triot lo0Or40noo thantor Thb Obnbtltotloaon@ Irie of Texas ~08louely protea% tho llbo#%~oo? $ha oltiseasor :thoooaaonmdth, anb thtw about uob ~itl%~n, nne or lawna,tM ear a*?U ot bo4 hmrd in pmrooa or by attm, 0r bf both, 3 ororo a I-. ob hf0 OOUBttfllYN. ti iho -f~ ‘hk Or aa7 Ox&80 Or pbrS@Uk OhOud b emwe oloaely lwf a o r oif d J g m r 4 e4 th o h oiother it.ie th a t Ont~rttWt~indltl&uol.a+ho, .ri(hWtll~ as ~6ngt&y, ia~obo~ed 2% h+~u g 0a 4 3 di04 0b 8w l ~0``83 40tma0a. tm- vh*r r , tEue it uky Ooaotlttrt;oga1 rl6Et ox p&vi- oa~otatuto~y ib 60’00mm b tg•UO e n ~4 0~8.0fth lx p0ni0 ~ 62 1 411~1~, 7 tho oowte we uot ln@ned to-duped the. Xt i,: thomror0 tbi oomldorvd o,pinioa * two as- pmbnt, mu th6a0t8 8kte6, thr oorrnty %m ot.ha~i WithOUt’ i%UEt``i~ $iX'i8~iOttOlb t0 OlbtWtdU faaclOy ``000db68 8@ & 8n l g OP 8@ i lOh fht8fde OOMt?, thfb ``~41088 Or nk jmrboa~m lye1 rebldiaooi Your, rem tral7,
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4758
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017