Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • ‘_ . . i - - I -. , . ].?~a. B. XL Sepp, Dbector tad ‘feather ?2ot*ire2cnt ~3yatezlof .?,asc,in, Terns . .. . . _: ; : - :. : , -. '. . jm. B. 8, Sepp, Dire&or end Executivetie&-eta& Pa’@ 2 ‘2 The ori&nL act-prokng for delqed regiatre- tion (Ads1939, 46th’Lsg.,B.S., Cb; 2, H.B. ‘614;p. 546) 'pioviaodror the iswanoe of-oertiuoa copies or euoh se- oord$by the Stete Ke ietxar,but nt;deDO nxmtian oi the ioauanue of.eucboertffied copiesby tbo oountyalerk. 7% q~ottt. the r0uowing from SeotionI.8of House B* 6141 The State-W af.zaris ‘eubw-ed i. to a``~t't``-cert``asfe.n e n verlfloti L .__ : fl?iOV% nuez and shall estxe.cetiiisd’oopiti of eucYreo&e as prov. 10ed r0r L seotioh21 I. ‘: .l’_. . (Rule5&i) of this not. Suoh oertifledoov,ioe hall be &nr+.~l%i%ie evidence~3.naillCourti end pleoeaof the Pa&e etated Zhsreon.’The State ‘_ ., . Bureau of VitalStatistIotas ,.~ ~shall.turhishthe .. ._ form8 upon wh%oh eauh reaorde.aref&led,and - no otherform shell be used r"orthet pilr~pse.~ . (Par8nyt~0ai m5m0a aaai+ . ‘. ‘. * Th8*StateRegistrariireu~horize~ , to acoe~t”t~eecertiMcatenh@n vc.ri%Y.ed 21%tbe- abovemtnncr,and e!KU issua oex-tff%dooples of euoh reocrde. as arov%dedfor-inSectQm 21 _..... - 1: cm . .. .. i . . i, . - :.-. . me. Bi B. Sapp, Ddreotix- and WautflrrsSooretary,P&g% S- ~l3m%~er;-th%‘%%oona%d later awndmsnt;(Atts 1941, .. .-.. 47thLg., B.S., Ch. 56& U.B. 974) entirely dts the um@r- :, ._).. SOC%'elt-@&?3Z Of tilB Y%XJt 8Slf3JldlM~t alId XOttilXl8.t~ th8,%3$. : gorUng of t+ ar&lna& aot.aboveqcotsd (EL+ 6X). . . .. ... .: I: . .:. S?e&o.noti.feol that‘~6are ‘o%ll%d.upo~ to d%tarmiq& :‘...’ :’ theeifeof thar~+i``.ti~o ao&3 0r ~tie 47th Icgislitwe havq up-. ;_ on ape anuthyrmr fhe,~g,g+nal act. P;%do.notb%IAvd tk%t ‘:.,.,,., ~0 Ust0mSnation ,JgneoessaryLL order-to,yuW~r yauz +ea-’ :- ._.:. 1:. : ‘. :..T . : . . ..._ i._ ‘, . .-. :..- ; ‘. .Rottisment S atem and ‘form&kg %ffcctfvgthg ’ :.;‘: .‘._. : .. provlsiowiof th% kot are .h%rgby vested in.%~, .. -_ State’. Boar& bf?. Trustee83. . . . %.. .. . : -. : . . : .:;~” , : +T)‘.Sttbjaetto to’ ‘-tatiorr;..~f ‘this ; f),‘.. :.,:_ A&; the State Board of Trusteesshall,fxoa t&s to tine, establishrules and ro&atfans : .‘,‘..’ for.o.ldgib2lity of m%mbership.andfor the a& :: .~. z&n&&ration of ths’fundeOrotma .bythia~6ot - %nG for i;h%. trenaa@i.on.of its buaineaa.” ._. It’.iawr &&an that w&r these.prooisions the Teatihor p&es any raesonable.reulstion Retlr%zwat~Bdaxd..may for.thcj %g,faotiv&%&&&&ration of thu TcaoherEetfr%m%nt tot-not’,ihoonsiet%nt.-~th. .thq.gsn%fallaw! ._ : , .. . . _’ BB. Bd B. Sap& Directorand'&%outfv%Sko??%tary;Bag% .4 " *j : Th% T%aob%rRatlrementBoardmat Sraepdetailed .enU com@ta rotiords of the tbonsandsof ~p%rroafi ocmpo``tig its aamberahlp. One of them& tiportadtdotaila'thatit nwt keep la the age rcioord or its members. Thzo~& ex- . pe~ls~osthe Board has found that t3~3mgri@f%al %rpoxs ooour . .j.n oortified oopiot~4'blrtb oortifioates furnich%dby coan- . ,, ty olerke. Th6 aorreotlonof them errora bcoanis qtito a .probl%z`` ther%iom, the Eoard-pissoda r%g&Lctfcmsc~u'icing - that oextiti%doopie5of belagodbirth oetitifiaatoa provided :':- . by tJi%Boraauof Vital8tatisticsb% furnisb%b'tbe R%tAr& : .. gent Board. Th% type of oertifledaopg iaou%d.byth% F&e& : W.VitaLStatistic;s ia .a ~photozitatlio .a033.offi.original '.. 'roooritwith a propm!oertffioateattaahedf,b%wto. T&%'pos- _~ .#ibility or sny 6uoh.orzor$8, tborefortr, el..w.rLatod. An- " .__,:: othw Motor Is present; Both the reoordsof.th%Retlremn~ .. .:?'- Smtem aa.those dr th% Bumau.of Vital.Stat&Hits are 'hasd : :..~.:. ..' ti~&SJtin.~ Z%otiU anyque&ion r%g&rd&ngtb% aert;ir"lcate- '. ... or a.mmb%r ar.lee, a abeok of th8 records.orthe em Stat% : .,. . ~qengfesyxdd be re~ti~%ly.clix&:~ ;'-1 .: '.... ; ... :~ -: .: In vfe&oi~theasPaote.-is,th~.regulet~o~'n``%aeonr :' ?. iI?&??33;are of the opinnf~n that 1% is pot. Yottar%,th%ro-' .. '. we, ailyiaed that the f2oard.of Trust%%k~orth6 T%aoh%rR%- .~ '.: tfrbamntSystfmmay fn.th3 exka*.qisa oi i$iedisaretkmry.au- .. .. thorit vasted. Lnthe'Boardpas~'a.r'egul.at~on requuiring that .-~ a oertsiieU oopy of the delg sd biztli%%rfS;f%oats of a mm- .. her or the syotexn g by-the Bureau or WitsI StatIf+ b%:provi;dp .tfcs,'ItXollow that gtm! qu%stion5.a.anawmidSn ?&e~aWm~-. f ative. I?%do IWt in .thi%O~$JX%& qi%@tiOIi thC ‘Vim.Gie7.Or any oartfriedaopy‘oi,i.blrtha%rtFfloat%.ias?%d by a oo.mty Ol.OZk.Op5nPon30, o-lz86. The TeaoherXetiremnt Dcu3rg aodd, ti it so chos6,accept suctka..aertiftcete as.ageprwf0 ...~: iieoi.``ly hold that the Teatiher~Retiratlent Eoard aza.y in.the dr its dcnore.ttiona;ry autharitprequirethat swh~. ~exoreiss ooplesbe rurn~sh%dby th%.Stat%R%giae?a?*

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4743

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017