OFFJCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo 0. P. Lookhart, Ohalrmn BosrdOS Zzmmmie Coa!hsiOner# Dear Sir; Tour nquemt ior op eardully conridered by thir 4 to urmuuest l8 r0u0w81 -..-.. --..--.. - m..-.w.,_.- Bonorabl. 0. P, Lo&hart, Pagr 2 ““I” .a UUND .Th. Board paaaed thla order baoauas of ita aonrlatlon that the order wa s louud baaed pi on lx p o r loin a in8uran08 fl8ia and alao nothe baaauae- than I. a lia lla r roriaion In the km swatrIoting ,th. ~x5mm 11s ! lllty whloh am ba laaumad by mother trpa OS inauranoa or%a&a- tlon - a lloyba .- in Artiol. 5020. The r.- atrlotlon in this artiola we8 gonarally folloud by the Board in 1aauInng tha Or(ler cii Xay 25 ‘.WIll y o u: p ia ir . l6r isa is, l& o ur opinion, the Board was within ita right. 1x1 iaaulng ths or- 6er or Ufty 20, 1941; ana If th. aompanlea affratod are rrguind to obaeno Jha order.* 31: ifi: &tie&. 4982, iarnon’a .¬atrb ~Ta&a Civil Itatntra, raaaa aa r0um.t ~c . %ni .paraonor lr8ooiatlon or parabna,~ any Stata bhkl.ug aorporatlon or any other domestlo oorporatlon, or anr borporatlon or- uanlzsd unUer the law8 of any other State, protlaed auoh forsign oorporation ooapllea With ths lawa of, thia Btata rrlatine to lnaur- am. othar thein llr. ma ylx a r o la She a iollou- tie power8 by .oapl& rlth the pXOVisiOa8 Of Vii. lubdIrlaIon; -1, Qualify as &rbian, airator, err&- hr, ahmlniatrator, 888f.gnOei raobivar, tIUata8 b rlppoiutmmt or a ny ooart or under will; -or Wo8itary of money la oqurt, without glring b0.b aa luahr ; - .~ ‘m2* &OO~S rt$ii.``atlntor oi 8uiity‘ln Or .~ Ron cw bona nqulraa to be gl~n unde? the '. l&r or this state, ‘tif other ltatuta to the )ontrarr notwithatan>``* ,JI&daraooriug o\ira) ‘: ,E 2onorable 06 P. &ok&Art, Pa&e 3 1 “1. Deposit with the 8tata~Troaaurar fifty thouaaud dollar8 oonaIrtIng of eaah, treasury not08 of the Vnltaa Btatoa; or goreti- mant, Stats, aounty, munlolpal or other bonba, aotaa, or Bobanturaa, aacuraa by rlrat nort- gag08 or aaaaa.0r trust or mortgagor or aooaa of trwt on unanoumbarad real oatato ln Taxaa worth at least double the amount loaned tharaon, or euah other first ala88 laaurItloa am the. CommIaaIonar may .approm. Sal& bona8 or aoau- rltlaa &all not. be rooolvod or ho14 at a rata above par but it thalr market value l# ldae than per &hey ahall not be hold abort their aatual market ralua . The State Troasuror #hall require any auah dapoaltor fro raplaoaany laourItloa ao aoposltoa on wbln h the lntoroat ahall not be pal4 dthln air pontha attar naturltp, by other aeourItisa *qua1 In afcount to thorn0ruuovarl, upon which the $ntoraat ham not been (teraultad. The tunas ti doposltab ahall be rlmarllyliable for the obllgatI6ns Of the dopoa Iptir ln mg oapao.lty heroin luthorlssa, and ahall not be llablo ror any other debt or obllgatlon of the 6opoaltor wtll all 8uch truat lIabIlItlaa have boa &laohargeA. -2. Sotlafy the Comrrlaslonar of It8 mlvenoy. The ComaIaaIonor 8hall laaua any Bush depositor, when 8atIaflob It la lolrant ma ham mat the repulroa aapoait, a oortlflaato ~uwing auoh faotar “3. Xa,lntaIn a pramhamreaarvo oi the mount roqulrod to ralnaura all outatanUlng rlskr, to be atttrminaa bp.takinS r ir ty per lant Qf the pread*rms 08 all unarplra4 rlaka that hayelose than one year td mn, anb a pro rata Qf all gross premiuma on rlaki that bats norm tJm one fear to run. f * .I . . Eononblo 0, P. LoaUart, Pago 4 ‘4. file with the Uomia~Ionor, wlthln ~’ rlrty daya artor the .tIrat day or laoh January, a nport sworn to by lta la lr la aa nt looratar~ or br two of Ita prlnolpa F oirIoara, as to the luroty’ aml bond burinosa &no br the mm8 during .&a .poaatllng year* "5. Pay taxoa an ita lu r o ty and bon6 bwl- name am ro@rod of other luratr lomganIaa.* ~tiolt ,502oVoman~r Annotated hua Clrll 8tctuta8, roaaa am r0,4 uwat - 30 lttoiney.ror ttabarwrltora at a Uoyd’r ihalllaawnm ony one Inauranoo *Irk lxoaoUng- 0r o ne-tenth th e wtount o f th e net l8aata OS the unasrwrltrra am delino& la this ahaptor mb. the lhlltloaal llablllty aaauma4 by the ,, Lndi~ia~i arkaarwrltar4 in the clrtlalaa of agreement ana In the polloloa or aontraota or In``.n``~uuloaa ruoh lxoo~a oh~ll be prompt4 , mi0it 5023 vtmon~r lanotatoa Tuaa Qitll (Wutea, raaaa am r0 li ewe: vaoept am hi&In protiara no other inmu& an00 law or thla State ahall lp p 4 to inauranoa on ths Lloyd~a plan unloaa it lm lpdrloa4 80proriaaa inma oohth ela r w that th e a a m a h.a ll k lpplIaabla.~ It 1. &r.o&lon that A&la18 5020” ‘r r’ 0 61, @ma, applIra only to Uord’a Plan &ouranaoDOo&Ia~ mai06 for by Chapter 19, Tit10 78, 8. C., 8. We quote $rom 24 Taxer turiapru6mao, page 1322, ” ~0llw.r . . . . :Tho ‘Xnauranoo Oo5mIa~ion may Wrolar only the lthorlty rxproaa~ atim& .’ ) -... ., 5m onorable 0, P. Uokhart, Page 5 by law; the mtatutee aonterring auuh authority em ~etrlatly oonstrued. . , . * In the oa8e oi Oommemoial standard Life In- nmanoe Company va. Boar4 or Xneuranoe Oominiaeionsre, )!+6. x. (2a) 343, the Ootvt held lnralld an order or tb a08;ca riring 0ormPissionr to b0 paid fire inmranoe tgsnte. 'rie quote from the Oourt'8opinion a8 follower *The oc3,y manner In whioh that oan be done 16 by M ape88 ~a0t 0r the Legmtttur8 imir. The Boer4 oafi oreraise only the ruttrority oon- ferred updn it by lean in oloar an& unnistakeab3e tenim, end will not be dearnab to be (llren by ia- pliaetLon, nor oan It bo extenbod by Fnrerenoa, but must be 8triotlJ oonatrumLw We hen bean unable to ilnd uv- ltetutory mtharfty, either srpnm or by implioatio%, whloh WUU authorize the Board to pasr the above quoteb araw. It IS thereron, ‘our opinlon t.hat meld ‘or& lITaid tit¶ the 8iie0t8d 00+miOa Km mt m$IitOd to obmrve or follow auoh Orbor.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4717
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017