- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN zsr. C. 6. Camem strte Audltor Austin, TexaB of tho 6oeuritie~&t pro- nopl dOra.ved?rem foon, u. gee uulor the Aot are to k earet.aryef state in tho ststo epsrate fiua to be attilable administrat&onof that bet dth all E&&I proaefsbslm 8p~0pI%afed to the 660~ rataq of state *for the parpooe of paying the salary and otperisssof all parsons amplqad or appointed as providedharein for the adadaIs- trtbtion of this Mt’ and prov%d%x$g that in 06 event eucb expenditureswere to exsoed the mm or $tao,m3~, ,043for any 0~ par. la the meen- &tr. c. Il. CeTneu - pago 8 thut, the Ippro@ation Bill, at prLe lm of ,fheOeneral a& 8 oial Lawa'of tbo utb Legislature,prorider an itom (no. e) of $2,so~.ocifor salor~rof a Blue Sky Comxis- sionor, &4so.o0 (item lo. 11) as salary for a Bowoty-etoaogrqWw in tho Blue Sky Dlvhion, end $WD.OD (itea UO. 84) for travouag and other expamaeo of t&o &lilPe taqpiri&m. mm 4 prlrtumB‘il1 also prmldm (-0 ll41) $" no apleyee of tureaslrt1y ore*tad8oourStl~Bitidon Of ale Dopartaant of th8 soantary of state rrhallbe pridlar@w -to of aal- ary than the aounta ot.nleryagpbopriated foro5milu po&t%oolr urtla*rvMm ina&.d +¶e~tB o nt’ l *xnollraad&trofwl.thatthsonfLry appropridiona a b evo Qo 8o r ib o Q wo r e u wd b y th o Bearoty o f state fs dditlo n to t& o eal1emouat a? the $So,em.oe e8pesiflodtn the BoaurJ.tioolat. the 1t.m Iio.8 haviq beempsidusalulytotbrheadott8mPrae ahA# tax DoputBmt, al.4a.0 itox uo. a1 haTa@ booa pal to tlloaoOr0~*tono~ph- or for t&M euoh&ao Tax Dop8rtwmt in the soorotary of mato'* orf%oe. lule? the $500.00 oxpouo uooutat wu wad for soour- itloftAot ~puoe. qn *ou of Attorney Oonerti~' opll&ell8 holding that a pmml lacmay not bs amm%I- oQar ~hurgsab~tbe proriolonsofu~a~o- prirtiOn Ml1 (OpLniOn lo. lMS, A@1 Wtb, 1917# am3 0pini.m 60. sew, kw IkM, 19sS), ondtroaother dandpoimts,re are ooMermo& with the fOllariDg qttesffonclt *1. WI the repma of t&e *Blue Se Law', on taw wrd, ssw, reulor inefteothe or veid the apprepriatioato the Blue 84 D&+iolO~ ID the ~p~Fopcl&ion 9511 for the flscial.~ear#low and lem? lB. Uas It illegal for the Blue aUr;r Divhion ap&WOpd8tiOno te be OXlpedlsd for' fpr. C. U. Carnoes - page a purposes other then as direatlF spoaifled in t&a Appropriattanliilll,evom if the ap- poprtatien it8elS ~8s net void? '3. Toe it illog;alfar the Soauritles Comndssioner,appointed under the new Beaur- ftlos Aat, to be paid an annual sslsq a? $3,600.00in riW of the above quoted M- etriatlre ~mlsion 1x1the Appra~tlan Bill, slnae 9oOt.%on34 aftbo Aot proridow that sald SaauritiosCamdnlamr *sib811 persons the duties a? tha present Blue IRq CossulaoioDer~ szkithe Appro@rtian Bill h8d shorn #9,601.00 for that pW%ffent Q. ID 6OOt%ion 36 af th0 -tie* Ad, aa origUal1~ psmod upb 8s sub6iequeat- lp amen&d1 them is P m&an to the of- Seat t&at 8t the en% of oaeb you any un- uwd portton of tIk0 Sun& cot as%&0into 8 spoaial aammnt for tha ahlnl~tration a? tho SaaurSUor Aat shall bo wt war and p8!h-% iDt0 th0 ~O?i'dS'dROTOIUO plrmd. &W ``e&tion is u to when this trsasfor into the General Rsramao Fun& should ba m. Shouldit berrithlna certda~sd a? tima after the alwo OS the year mfl, if so, whet is thst peuriada? tbOt’ 1. The onaa@smt of the ~eaurlti0r Aet &id not render inaffoatiroor ioid tho appreprlatlon to the 91x1s 94 Dpvlslan in the oSria6 a? Werotary a? State, in the. Appproprirtion Bill SOP the Sisaal ears a? 1999 *ad 199T. Seation 38 of the maurities Aat provide0 in part as Sollawst Vhat the Aat kuown a# the *R@ao Spj Los of Slams* as embcaaed In hrtioxe8 879 to 600, inalu*ite, Rerlmd Cirll St*tutem or Texes 1985, 8nd 4tio1am 1091 ta 1083, inolosi+e, Pens1 Cmla, 1988, ba and the same sre hareby rapealedl pro~ued, borr- ever, zhst all parmlte snd exeraptionaor- tifiastes ismod by tha Bsaretsry of stata purouantto said 18~ prior to the oSSeotin3 date of? this Aat shall be valid drariag tbe pomd for tidi fhq 8-0 Irma rml0#8 sooner revohad w the oosntq or stat0 for any asbum for whitahthe 600~0ta~ 0s State isau~eriwdb~ this Aottomoke a oortifla8to of registrationheroumlor~ and proridOd,Sttrther tbat allaj@'OemOatO ontored tit0 by w u&r the iureotim 0s aho hoPoty or atato gammwmtto aalA ~1~0 SW mr0r th0 60poritiaem 0f 000wities or mon6y8, to*thor witi all prose0utionsan&legsl0r other pmo00&- ing 8b o g uuudo u tIt0 r p r Qlldo na o flIQ y wa & dno ``o B et04 at tb o timeo r ttm OF tMsiQt,sbansOatiapsl, 88dw~ui~inmii rho, a bm0t,mt- with8ta the psuago a? tlli* &It. * ..* 2s is a Sdliar mle that *o Logiauturo will Qot k prew to hSV0 &On@ a ihfil0 Qp rrBeles8 thin& ud tart, if pouible, en aat OS the Le(iL~latuPo rlll W SO SrrMrpeeted*B te *+oid rentleinguw pertim tlmreoi =ww~W ’ dweltrule tippliesas wall t0 the approprietion muurea as tc other laws m8wd by tho tegkolature. An oxs8daation or wotion 8a or tbo Wou~f10~ bt meals thrt tho repeal of tbo Blue Slq Gn was mot mplota aml all-Ombra&ug, bat that, mmuuiry, by axtm or the protidontt aant8hwd fn Bedtion a8 roixerr- lag the -0 pprpartiq to rqoal mid Bleo SlpLu, the ma0 wcy Lw was otmtinuod in femo sad eSfoat into- SW, at least, SO it am0zwd sail sgmemont~ anteked 5060 br 0~ ondrar tb0 dimtion 0s tbs ae0rew 0s 8imte pir- ewmt to seidBlu8 684 IaW SOP -0 dQpO&fiDOsOr~ Of s00uritiOser mOnoye, t0gOtber with all grOm00utioneaad legal or other p0OOOdl.ngsb0gmn un@r the s&d la0 ati not aaplot0d 8t the time 0s or thei8Ad. l Ina sk la th g olp p r e t&e aocrtary if"slote for t&O Illuoa&y divi~lon, aN0r tho wiyritios dathadslroad~beenonaatod, tho Le~sla- tare deubtlesrr00asidoredthat tbo 8eoretary Of Stat4 by TiPtIleor ths gwvi0ienS Or SbotiOria8 of tbs c&Oopr2t*lo. Aetabme qaoted,rouldhav8 OOrtaindut%Os to psrtora undar tho Blue Sky Lsl,with refblronoeto pr0000uti04wsmd legal or other pmmeedings begun under that law e&i not awplctea at the time or the tasng effect 0s the 800wg- ties Aat. It is the opinion of this department that the approptiationsreferrod to weso E&O to the Seerotary 0s Stato by the Logislaturcfor tho purpose of enabling the Secretary of state to discbarge such duties, a& tbst said appropririations are in nodm? invalid or fneffe6tive. ~2. The rkmti0n of an appropriation58 to autborise the axponditureof a certain sum of money for a certain purposo, and for no other purpo50. The appro- priations foe the Blue sky dirision, therorom, uero available for expenditure only for tbe purposes for which they rare autborisedby tbe Legislature,and the departa@nthead wae not authorized to expend thornfor any other purpose. ThO Sa6ts stated In your letter, h6w- eWr, do not show, of tbWeelye6, any uuautberiaeddirer- afon of them Sude to gurpoaes other than those for ub.iobthe Legislatureautberised them to be expended. Your attontlon is direatod to the Sollortng paragraph oontalnedin the general rider to the Apppropriatloa Bill in ubi6b them approprGttior3s ax6 r0undt •T~a3rer of kbtployeos. xt fall be the duty af the bead 0P any depWmDt to tmbnnfar an empleye0 of h&8 off&a0 to w desk or p&z66 ritbfn tbe dapvtment whea maewary to parform the dutieo of the de- partmentfma for the proper dispatch 0s business.* The m6ro fa6t that Itm 2 of the ApprOpriptiw Dill was paid 8s salary to the bead of the Frauohtse Tax dopart- ment( and Itcir; 11 was paid to the searetary-stenographer for tbo man6bise Tax aopartrcent.,does not imiioate auy divereion of these approwiationo to unauthorizedpurposes. If these turogm%ons xeru employed by the Secretary OP State for tbe purpose of baxdling ulue Sky matters pt?ndlng$at the time of tbo onaotxent of the GeeuritiesAat, it was neverthelesscon- ptunt Por th6 Saoretary of Stat6 to impose upon them tbo ad- ditional duty of aaniag as head of the Franchise Tax depart- r;ontantias searatnry-stonup;rapberfor tbe FWmchis6 Tax da- partuant,uuder the paragraph of the Appropriationhill styled lTr mWfer0s i#Up105’~88”.-10 the ApproprlatOm bill provides c&z 5almry Par rbicb an appropriationim Eimackerein sboll bo pai& to any lJsrson uulese eueb per- aon 56tu5ll~ di8omrg55 5ms:glmd ditties.,5lmh prwidon i5 8 minimal aua not a m5ximm MquIremmt,ond the p5r5- graph oa Vraa8fa of nmployeemr,olevly 6utborirso5 the dep5rtmat head to require mob slplqeea to perforp other oad additionalduties than those pertrfniag to the appropriation from rhioh they 5re prid. It ma8 net illepl for the 804nwitiee 008~ an usual ealy ef $3800.00. Yh6 Uourltier A&, in 80otion 34, expre8sly preTiae51 'Yho SeaPcftie8 Gorssi5demr, ao hece- lasted, ohall dram on uuaml 0818ry not *aa S~tlon'S6 of the Aat oontempl5testhat the Searotary of State dull have the authorSty to flr the lalary of the 8ecrOrSties (temmbololmr 8t5n 5meuatmet to exeeea the mM&vm pIwid5dlnseetion34. nIeuE= derllaed portion of Bee+%oa 34 ~IITUIIS``means that the dntie8 performad by the Beonrlfie8 Ceomdssioner in the enforeemeatof the s54mritle~Aat *all be of the same eharaater a0 thoeo perSorted4 the Blue S&y Oemdedea- or n&et- the Blue Sky Low. It *aa hare no other meurlw, ior the iilueelrJCeamils5~oaor nwer hd 5ay duties to pbr- fgo ,%a the enforadpentof this Aat* - the Seouritleo . 4. Seotioa 86 of tho'Semrlt.iem Aat confri~ tho Pollowing prmidoat .At the ona of the aalmxur year u.q uatumd portion of'eoid fuwl5 in 5&l 5peoia1 osoouat 5ba11 be set over 5zkd paid into the general reveaue fund.@ so period of the ~ithh rbicb tus traarrfer io to be made is set out In the Act. It is oontempl~t- od that it &all be done within n reasonable t%mIItiter the oio~o of the oaleaaar yew. The duty to mtke omb &S’. C. ti. C8VS3hW - $.UI@I 0 pwnt to the ge)oQralfuna from the specirnlactount is a continuing one, that te, the duty to wkok0such payment rests upon the offitererequired to aalrait until they have discharged such ciutyin accoraanca with the provisionaof thb law. The mere feet thet they may w&t an umuason8bls pried of tins after the CIOSC of the wlon&ar year can not operate to ro- 1ieve them OP t&O duty thuo imposed. Very truly yours ATTUIWX Q&Nf%U OF T&x&3 11.W.Fairehi1d Aoeoiatant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4632
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017