- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Oee. “. aheprrard Domptrolla of Fublfo Amounts Auatln, Texas “The quertioa ha to tnir llqmrtasnf M to whether a Preduot tfon owenlted on(Lerthe Fede ad valora tnxoo. Ii w, ‘whatpa mat to the nd valoaer tsx? nuah as brrias o+rlght by the - e3 I8 its taxnbrr - stook taxabl 0 or Hatlonal Bratpa ~ln~lfd, of Tit&a 12, O.&GI.A., 08, prnmxa and duties of Pmduo- 2; U.S.C.A., authorl`` rueh becribo a& pay top a&am A olatiionlooatmd IFapihedir- ae nmount 8ufrlolont to malrntalnthe a held by it aad ot&er hoLdarm /’ ai Clam A atoak equal, as nearly aa my be, Eo twenty pr ourturn et the rolwaa or loans ~m&icror to be iwile by said emooletioa. ‘l&t statute further ,pzwMor that the Wodaot~oa Credit Gvrpbn- tfon amy at any *lne require ths asmcrlatlonto re$irs e& aalioel 8took h&Ld by the 4OFpWQt.iOr? In euoh a8bOOleth&, ti irsthe $Um- amt of‘the corporation, t&e wsooiation bar rw~ourma arai~labls tbe?Qfoxo~ ~Onarable Gee. H. Sheppard, page 2 35Otga llsd, O? Title 12, U.S.&A., roridea for or Produotiun Credit Ammoiat f0~8. the organisetltdn &motion ll31s, of said Tit18 12, U.S.C.A., t0 thB OBpft51 StOOk OS PrOdUOtioil ralatillg~ Credit ~a50aia- tioale,proviEee es t011ws: -he atoek of a uo hlwooietlona shall be di~idad into 8harea of $5 ssah~ and therr shall be two aJ.aaaaa Of Suoh atoak; (1) Ofa A atook whiah la to be had by Produotion Credit Corporations,and *iOh may be per- oh~ad and held by Investors,and (2) slaaa B StOOk rzllshmy b. pumhaaed only by iarm? borrwers ?rmn the aaaooietionand iudiridualaaligiblo to besore bormmara. C1a88 B stork only ~sh8l.l be entitlod to rotin(gri$hta but oaoh holder oi auoh atoah shall bs entitled to no more than one rots. Ho olers B stock, or a&xyintera& therein or right to receive dlridanda tharaan, shall bs tranatarred by set o? partiss or'op8~atIcmo? law sroept ta amthey ?armo~ borrewer or an individualellglbls to bsowia ~a borrower, mad then onlg with tho approtal o? the disoeteza of the aaawlatlen. ?&oh holder,03 alas8 B atook, within two yoara arter he hea osased to bd a borrower, .sh&l erohaago auoh alas8 B atook lt the iair book ralw (not to axooad par) thereor,as 4rtermlnad by the aaoooietioa, * ror olua A atook. All ato@k shell shape in diridanil diatr1bat1onawithout preferenca,but tiledirectors O? ths araooiationMJ, ia their dia6~a8ion, app&y the emoimt of any divldsnd payabla to a holdaT e? olaaa B stack to any indabtedneasof suoh holilarto the raaooiation. Olaae A atook shell be T;re?erred as to assata of the aaaoeiation upon liquidation. . . .* Se&ion llPg, O? Title 12, U.S.D.A., praridea that -ah Produotion Credit Aarooiatfooshall, Pador auoh ruler arid raguletionaas may bs pmaaribad by th8 Fmduotfon Credit Csr- porntion of the district with RFDFWal O? the O096ZnOr Of tha Fara Credit &M.nlatratlon, inrest its ?unds and make loana tar farmars far general agxlaulturalpurposes in the mmnar therein ~roolded. section 11314543, o? Title 12, U.S.C.A., prO~lda8 that under orrrtein oonditlonathe Prodnotion CreditiAaaoOiati0n IS authorized and ezxpowered to make laaaa to tarrfma ?or tha purpoao of enabling thsa to make home alte??aticma, repaim, end isprcne- m4nta, ati to aall, dlaaount, assign, or otherwise dlapae O? any loans made by them fn the ma8mar provided ,th8rOin. mmaabl8 Gao. 8. aheppard, page 9 SubchapterVI, of Chapter 7 Of Title 12, U.S.C.A., 18 entitled: "PROVISIGRSCWON TO PRODDCTION CRFDIT OORPORA- '1'1Oh5, PRODUC'TIONGRZDIT Af3SGCIATIGhS, RFGIONAL ARD GRNTRAL RANKS PGR COOPERATIW3.* Section llJ80, of said YubahapterVI, pzovidee as Iollows: aThe Cmtral Rank iW Cooperativea,and the Produe- tlon Credit Corporatlon8,Produotiou Crsdit Arroolatiou8, and Bank8 for Cooperatlres, organized under thlm ohapter, and their obligationa,8hall be deemed to be fnetrumeutall- tlor oi the United Statea, w a8 8ueh, any end all aotr8, dobenturaa,bondr, and other ouch obligations188ued by such banks, ar8ooiatlon8,or oerpontlon8 shall b8 asmpt both aa to prinaipal aud Aatosrst tram all taxation (naept surtaxam, astate, Inheritance,and gift tame) hoa,or hero- after iapoesd by the United Stete8 or by say State, Terzl- torlsl, or looal taxing aathorltj. Suoh banks a88oolatlon8, and oorporationa,their proprrtl, their iranehire8,aapltal, reserdPto8,surplu8, and other fund8, and their inoam8, rball be aaapt tmra all taxation now or hereafter inpored by the United States or by any State. Terrltorlsl.or looal We think that it ia olear that Seotlon llso, quoted above, olearly answera your quostiaprl,end that notm or the property nor aasete of a hoduotlua OreQit Aasooistlonam subjeot to the taxing power of this State eroept "that any real property and any tangible personal property or such . . . aesooiatlone, . . . and corporationsshall be subjsot to Federal, State, Tarxltorialand loeal taxation to the aams extent as other elsdlar pieportr tud n Is do bsliate, however, in rim or the la8t aentehoe ot ;a;d'Seotion1190, quoted above, that the Bongre88 ha8, either expresslyor by inpltoatlau,authorlredthe properties oi a Prodnotion Credit Assooiatfohto be taxed the 8am6 a8 other property 8ubjeot to th6 jurlsdiotlon0r the taxing power 0r the State or Tern8 after the atoo::held in it by the Produotlou Credit Gorpora- tlon has been retired. xonorable Oeo. R. Sheppard, page 4 Sinae theme are no SpsOirifJraOt8 presented to u8 b,t you in your lnquirl, we trimt that the r0rsgoing f'ullp mawem the questions submitted bgr. you. Pours very truly u m,s- BY Xarold MoCraokan bSiSt8llt xMoc:Awd .b.PPROVECJUL 16, 1g42
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4658
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017