Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •                   EAYTOIRNEY                GENERAL
    OF          EXAS
    Honorable A. $. Sutton
    County Auditor
    Anderson County
    Palestine,  Texas
    Dear Sir:                   Opinion     No. 0*4601
    Rer &Yfeot of zibsndonment or non-use
    on ti.tle  to land constituting a
    oharitable   trust.
    We have oonsldered  the questions  oontalnsd   in   our letter   of
    May 18, 1942, addressed  to the Attorney    @enera 9 and reading
    as f 0110~s ;
    “On Jan. 26, 1881 5.     W. Wallace     et   ux et   al exeouted
    a deed, the material     part    of’ whioh   reads   as followar
    "'!Phat we, ci. W. Wallaoe and hie wife,   M. J. Wallaoe,
    and W. B. Watson; for and in oonelderatlon      of one
    dollar   to us paid and the fuurther oonaiderat5on    ol’
    a desire   to promote the oause of Bauoation    have this
    day granted and sold and by these preasnts      do grant
    sell   and oonvey unto J, HI Barton   Jama A, Quiok and
    U. W. LUnafoPa,   Trua6rra      for bhr &ok      Sohool   ~oi-tamunlby
    In Andrroon Oount and thrir          auaooaaora  fozwrr  for thr
    uoa and brnrllb      o iK the aohool and ohuroh purpoara thr
    followln     drrorlbod     land aibuabrd   in Andrrron Oounby,
    Texas,   a %out la nrllea north of PalrrbSnr,       toni  A
    part of tihr Norbh Xali of 0, Oroor Loagui
    IIf Be inning      at 8, ID, oornrr of Lot Nor 6 of bhr aub-
    dlvla   ! on of arid north    half and running North with l&r
    dlvldin        Lot Nor 0 and Lot No. 4 780 va a a rtonr lOP
    oomem       ! ram whloh a rrd oak 6 ln mkd X brr 8 1st W 7 9/6
    VY Hlokory   18 in mkd X bra N a0 deg. PI 1st VI Thenor
    oroaa rpring branoh a0 v r5ghb of I Ing 160
    for oor from whloh a blook jaok 6 In r brr N
    va and Porrt Oak 10 In n&d X bm S 56* W 8 VI
    Thrnoe  Worth lb0 VI Stakr for oomor from whhoh port oak
    0 In in dla bra S 40 deg. W 0 l/4 VI a Hlokory 0 ti
    mkd x bra N 68 deg. W 9 VI Thpnoe South wlth rald Qulok@r
    weat Lm    160 v6 to the plaos of Irt oorner of this plot
    oontaln%ng 4 aorea of land to have and to hold the aam
    Hon. A. E.    Sutton   - Page 2-o-4601
    unto said school      Trustees   for school and church
    Purposes forever;      We hereby convey and quit claim
    forever    said lands and use and implements to said
    Trustees    and their   successors   for the uses and purposes
    “Many Years later     the Elmtown Common School Distriot
    and the Conoord Common Sohool Distriot            were organized.
    The Concord School District        inoluaed    the territory
    described    hereinabove.    The sohool house located          and
    situated   on the above desoribed        property   was moved
    into the Elmtown School Distriot          and was later     sold.
    There has not been a house on the above desoribed               tract
    of land, nor has it been used for sohool            or ohuroh
    purposes   sinoe the removal of the building          mentioned
    above.    Assuming that G. W. Wallaoe et ux et al owned
    the fee simple title      to the traot     of land described       in
    the above deed, and that there has not been a oonveyanoe
    of any kind or oharaoter      since    the date of the above
    described   deed, which distrlot,       if either,    owns said
    “I shall appreoiate     your opinion      on the         above   question
    at your earliest    oonvenienoe.``
    In our opinion,       the deed mentioned’oreated       a oharitable       trust
    for school      and ohuroh purposes     in favor of the residents           of
    the Quick Sohool Community in Anderson County, Texas.                   Charities
    are highly     favored   in law and it is an elemental         rUle   that a
    court of ohmoery        will not allow a trust       to fail    for want of a
    trustee.      9 Tex. Jur. 55,56.       “In the event that the person
    appointed     trustee   refuses   to acoept   the offioe,     or resi
    after    aooeptanoe,    or beoause mentally      inoompetent,      or d rl””
    or is removed, the court has the power to appoint                another Person
    to act in his stead.”          42 Tex. Jur. 625.
    If it appears that the maintenance           of the pro erty for sohool
    and ohurah purposes      for the Quiok Sohool Comm% itg in Anderson
    County has beoome impraotioable,          the Diatriot   Court may, in a
    proper proceeding     brought   for that pur 080, order the property
    decreed out of the trustees        named in t Re deed or their
    successors    and vest It in the Conoord Common Sohool Distriot
    whioh now inoludes     the Quiok Sohool Community, or the oourt
    might, depending    on the facts,      order the property    sold and
    the      prooeeds  applied    as nearly    as may be to the oharitable
    purposes named in the deed.         Inglish    v, Johnson, 
    96 S.W. 558
    Error Refused,
    The answer to your inquir      is that the title   to the *o arty
    is in the trustees  J. H. g arton,    James A. Qulok and 6. #,
    Lunsford  or their suoaes80rsr
    Hon. A. E.   Sutton   - Page 3 O-4601
    Yours    very   truly
    s/    Fagan    Dickson
    Fagan Diokiori
    APPROVEDJ7XJE11, 1942
    8/ Gerald C. Mann
    ByBWB, Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4601

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017