OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonowblo 0. P. Lookhart, Ch-rlrmn Board OS In*umnar CorSeaioo6r8 Au8ti&, %m8 Tciurlatter of of thl8 drpartmrat on tha follow@: is the AdolQ with tho.Api** i8 *al1 to b8 snd l armbor utoaoblle Cl@b tion fn 6v6ry votrd to oirie f publie safety. o d a8 l Club and prl~;90 from the S68mt*ry The CZab is operetrd 8; the &ib.ra pryiag umu~l nual mubwmhlp me6tlngr am th6 m~bsr8 eleatlng the DIma- pnmibls for the mwmiwiant of Dlreetorr raoslve no 00:sp6n- estioc for their ~urvicss and aeotiat;8 war'.beld nonthly. Tbors ure only th r eellarlad anplope8, two offias glrla and ona man. fbr.C. I. LLoDonald fr in aharga of the offiae and all 86rvie68, "The Club mouree it.8 neorben by 6irWt 8Oli- ti~tion an6 thruugb other members who are oontoeted i -411 *($I Sb~uld a nfmber roorlro any OS 84omk renler trw 8 @pm&m not ~tflllatee with the club, he 18 itstraeted to mall hi0 roaelpt for said aerriar to the club orflee et Dm3.h~ rer relm- bur amrat. l'hrClub *ill honor 6uoh reooipt up tb, but not to ertmed W.00. "k a4altlon to tha above, a porso~l Aeol- beat hk*ur~or Polloy la ths amom% of ~l,QOO.OO 1~ uiiren to e8ah menhr. Tlri8 pnlioy 1s written br the &wrio~h Rerertr Iaaurtmao Coarpa4 of Chat Edlo@ Tuna, to 8mbWs rm8idiiyl la %xam. It i# a h & l,rertrlotad litostobllepolloy aa& I# writ&on ia uoaoldantion of aa uanuml preaiUW Of #l.Zb. The p01100 la ooontuol Oeor e rho 1m autbarltadaad I!Ylns*d b y 4-t l M ie’for u t Aaerio8n &u*rvm th e 8r' &aureaoo Cornway,a* sf the X%llm Auto#bl&o Club. ml1 a8 aa oarglo~wo *We r&gert par oplalW a8 t@ whether OI not the eboto baafit otlem4 bg the Club are ~inmuanoo bmrfita’ oad fr 00, if the Glob ehoald oaf;* unbr thr ru;lurimion or thu Baprkrent. *a 8m fiwwsPab~ co you rim yoplp owmldorr- tion Qf tkia quo8tlon the t011crr1rlg *per*1 *(I) Agplloationfor Uw8barrhlpin Dl1l.m AutoaobfloClub *(6) Ilteab*r~hlp Card nnd Wmtara Union 'collost' Card w(s) A cOrtlrloat0 102 hll mmd ‘(4) A Rr00hors dO8W:b1n(5tho Wu'pWW crnd faollbtim offered by the Club. "(5) 6peolnen Copy of A0ol(LentInaUrMOo- Pollay. *naaae taturti the above enolosuru to ~8 den you hare rsnd*reU not oplalon o!i this WWtion." The ml&x8 Autoaobih Club -8 tnoor@Oorat*d l9 I @lpb and pe~elted It8 e'tierhrf mm the &BUTUftityOf 8titi4On Au@Mt pa, rcee, u&m rubdtrirloa1Eof Artlole1181, Rodsad e~di iutmt~ 0r TIE, 1911. &&lale llIc1, rupra (am AHi*le 1308, ~WB@E'* knotate Clvll iitatkatti), rpralflba or mm*4 thr purpo800iOr SeQorable 0. Y. Lorkltmt, pa@ 4 v&&oh prlratr oorparatlona oaald be forsad. &Ib&lvimlonB of a&S atilola provldedt Subdlrirlon I, Attlale ldQ6, Vornan'a Amotatad Olril Stetute8, provideat V. The support ot at&y bemvolsat, oltarl- tabl8, eduoatiiwiator riaafaaary tmttutaklrrg.* It will ba noted 'that lubdlrlaion 8 oi Artitlr ISOC, sup+ oad subdirialoa e of Artiolo lltl, Bsvlsnd Citll stat- ut*a, 1911, l m i~aatlo~l. The purpoaa alma6 rrfthr aba~rratiormd eorpom- tiOQ 8’8866 86 fSllOW81 Tlta purpose ter whlob rid eorporatloa la rermea1st tiheltpp0t-s lducint:ettal or *II tttubtr takla6 emI prrtiouhrly prwoto the lapreva- to mot a? higlaw6y8and the duaatioa or lta nwm?mra In tbo rrqalreaxmtrOS Ebo la-8 of tkr rYt6te of TOma, sn4 Uo lomfnl oajaymomt gertdrrtag te the emu8 of outoaobiha, aad the ooopwatlon ol &Em mbara ror the bettM8koaEOt tta pablioaighuaym saa for suoh ota4r urgaotr61 we axpr68``~OS SmplI~dly authorizei under aubtbdlof8ion E, ArCi- 019 fllll,OS t&e Eatl~ed Civil %tntutes c+f Teua, rrlatlng hereto.' %ltbdlris1rm91, A&%lelo Uw, 6Upa’ (Aatm Mm, r1at p. lw3, oh. 41, E*o* 1) pro*ld*ar LelSfalatllr8, '91. Corpontlnna nay ba orwtea to .6-b- ll,ah,ou;;iport and xalntalc 6utMaoblle olubs for the nutual boosilt and proEaetlon of aotmabS1o Qp4PattOC6,Wfth POWU t0 tMQUfF0 ati OWJ Crll proparty inoidratal.to &ueh buaiaesa. Rootbing In this Act shrrllbe eoastrWd ~6 llr&i&itI& cfmporat~lnna to writs InaumtaOa as IffatS** mo aas. of satioa81 &Ute skm&oo Corpomltlonv. wuts, 55 8. w. (34) 809 ooaotnriy m&bairi&%o@ 01 Art1e1* fsm, St&p&W, hOidS ia OffOat t&St WhOthOr A 8t3AwOi 1S 0~8 0r ia~ptmo0 is d0t0wnea by itt4 gurpcm, 0rr00t, t30mtits ad Inport, and not n8oms5rlly bT the tomlmblogy us.4, thtmgb it oontains aeolaratiocuto th eloatrary. This WH fwth8r holds that a meNbor#blp eortftiork pmvlding tht fo rl~uul au08 a oorporetien woula cop8tr 80oia08ki auya to a me8bor’s eutowblle $0 a 8pmoiiied 8moMt Wa8 lA insfar- aA00 OOAtFUOt UA6 AOt U SOSJ!$O4 8har%O WUrFUAtiA& thm iOr- I)ItPo o? tha ohurt~r OF the oorpratlonbeoewe the ear- jd$rationia8~lnf3lmb o*rtifioatri, fait06 to earpLy rltb t&o kisururca Laws ot this @et.. Tha 8orriooa roadem by tlu t&l&k8 1LutarobL;J.a Cub MAtiOA8d ia YOOr lOttOre Set iO?th 18 SUbdw8lOA8 ##8 ia- oltulvet~,older pS``ph X 5r8 aIroH idrstioalrit@Ih* renla*r renerr8e by the Batlanal Auto %eniam Corgoratioale th eo uu l8ntio a ed lb o 7 0. COOle~‘8 &iOfS OA lW8a~8 lkStioA RaitiOA, Vol. u8e 1, p~arn 6, deflnsr Instmrum~ as f&uAr *bSUTeAO8 h8 been deflaod i&l @AOF turas es a ebntrect by whiah oae party We* :~d88 to ima08df ``8th~r ug8ia0t 1080, aa or liabllltylrlsiit&froliaA askawn or 0-tT: @At OVU5t. -. . . *. . . Oocbtmot et lasunn60 a is an aure8- maat by whlo$ party for 8 eonalderetlonprow 0~8 2~88 t0 gay FOAuy or it8 UquiVUhAt or do S-e ea t,OS rulu``~totAe larurd tipontha 608tX’UOtblN or 1Ajraa-y of somt&%ag tn *P&h tbo otb8r @WtY &a8 an iatorast. ..lp The rod wle(l``50e* iS drflA*d 16 %%mS Jwf8pi%+ deaue, voluao 84, p&e dB0, 88 fclAW8: *'imuEbb(l**' is @ word OF OWRp~Z’di5n8iTO end varIo4 iaeaaialg.In a ~ena~l8aesetbrtW~s~- rdfies en ugr:*oaent, For e aonuideretion,t0 Paj, 5 *urn of BOAO~ upe~ the bapponlng oi a ertleuler avant far aonting454f, or ind&ty for !OS8 la r esp ec t o r l speelfird sub&at By *pealfind psrilr; la other words, en rurdertakiaa by @a@ Fiacornbla c. P. LoOkhrrrt, Pe$5 5 party, U8Udlf’adhd the 'inouror' to pro- teat the other party, germrally derisnet4 es the *insmod* or the *a8surad’,from loos lrlr ing fro8 -4e rlrk8, for the ooooldomtlon 8aa upon the tarm8 and under the conditions reolted.a Under the fiats stated in ymar lettm it is apperant t&it the IkztiS AUtOI60bilo Club haS eradO A0 eff0H t0 OQBplf with the itiaurenoe laws or the f)tete. It warn inoorporatoa under the general lnoorporetlonstetute end not the law8 r*- 38ting to iAsur8noe 00mpAAlms. Thm8ror8, oortalnlr it ha8 no express authority aotlng a8 a prLnolpo1 to iAStir it8 ma- ber8. It Is obrlou8 tbnt it i8 not authorisod to lrstm my Sam 0r 1&8kUWtIOe OOAtYMt. IA view O? thr rOr~@lAU, it 18 our O$IIAIOA t&t tho rcimbrrrbi~ osrtlFloetoof the hilaB hutoraobilo Club 9ar1614 teat for annual e-8 tlu oorporatloa will r o p lrlootdon8al ath86%0, etc., to a la8bsz’S wteswblle la a speolrtodamount i8 ia iAlJUFUO8 OOlltl)oOt, U&d thht r&id &US AutcmobflmClub ha8 a0 aUtb0rity rbt8OOvOr to 8Ot aS a pr15oipal to iluIU8 Its aeaber8 or ontar lnto rrsah oontmoO@. A8 tbo Dollar Mb- Bobllr Club he8 no eothodty to enter into the eontract above meatlomd, it would not oeaa unbr the+ 8up8rvi8lOn Oi th8 State Ia6taraaae Department. We do nbt hol&that:.tha~Mul’8m0 D8 Uhant Of thir 8t8te IS rithotlt authority to -0 iUV88t % .atiOA to d8- temiA4 rhether the iMUl8AOe 18w8 8mI being 7iOkb(i 8nd to 880 tbrt a0 ooB%panp dMS 8A iAmIWt00 bUSiAO88 without Ul#OF- itf 0r hr. The bSUrM80 tkpettrroat oen rko 8uOh IaVoStiga- tion ~8 i8 groper and take SuOh Sbp8 end aka mob re001eA- detloos ss m*y b* Aooos8ar~ pertaiatag b the eaforooimnt0r tlm tnaure~oe laws and raqniting a oolspl~aooe therewith. (Se8 Article 4682, 8. A. C. 8.)
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4620
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017