Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •      OFFICE     OF THE AlTORNEY         GENERAL      OF TEXAS
    doto nqumstllyl        ths
    0118 stmtod thoroln
    8 this iii0 On4
    not ho roul~ bo
    Pin8 dsts ot April 24 19b2, tittsa
    on, shsritt of Conohohntr, ~8ddrm8o.d
    t tao 8tsto Cosrptrollor's Dopsrtmsn8,
    ova aantioao4 nmtto?,nsds in par8 mm
    lTo o rammbsr      tII0 8888 oi   6.   L.   Coopmr rho
    was trio6 by tho l’eds~s~sand &+mn8 eclotenom in
    th e‘?o dsr s
    P& e alt F 3 R o a oOklmh~s, wh8r8. h8 1 8
    Il.0  1       that   s~ptsnos,      snd *mmml80
    trlrd         la
    ~ono~sbh        OOOPUO R.                  %wwfi,             P*lr       2
    this Coant and &tan 8 thrso mu          son~oaosla
    tho 9tsto Jon at Xuntn#llo.        The To4orsl mthor-
    ltlos      harm notlrlsd us thgt Es dlI bs ?slssssd
    thorssoonsnd would llkoto knowwhothoruo
    wcald      OOQS           thermto?            him      Row       hore 18 the point,
    I want to knowif I real i got pm7for gel&g Chars
    and dsllts?lng him to Huntsville, and what dlt
    bo   the         ns80888?~            pPoooduPo.
    (I                     0      :
    .    .   .    .
    luohsrr aoasidorod  the rsriousststotosprovibh``
    r808    orsaapsn8stlonror shsrllis r 0rlonisos    prrorwd         by
    them ss maoh’la sonnootioawith the shots ststsd        ums$lons.
    :'~o haro slso oonsldsrmtltho ststutos teposlag far fous dutls4
    upoa shorliis. xowa~sP, lm h8?. fsllod to rind l          str tu to
    suthorltln~ o? l~posing the dirtl upon the sJm?lff“i a qussblo~
    to go to 73 iieao, Oklsho~, sad retu?n the prlsom? to ?sbt
    Rook, CoaohoCount or to Eultffllls,      Bx4Y. Thowdron, 1t
    would natursllJ io I’lore that than is no statute proridIng suy
    for or omponsstlonfor suoh sr``loo. In sooord rith font?
    oplnloas or this dspsrtnmnt,la any event, the State is not
    luthorlud    to wt the shorlrs any in8 or ocmpsnsstlonru
    trnasportlng the p~lsom?                              rrom Paint iiook, Tour, or f?am
    31 Hono,okl~ons, to the                               ztstr        Frlson      rystsm   St     Runtsllllo,
    Title 14 (Artiolss 9974008, inoluslro~, Vsraon'4
    Aanot8toa          cous or Crlmi~l  ?rooadrtro, 9~t8ins to tugitirss
    from jwtlos, sxtrsdltloa, ots. In rlow ai tho *bow nib
    tlowd ststutos, and the oesos of tx psrto Yorris, 101 8. U,
    (2d)    259, oortlorsrl                     donlsd, 57 R.,Ct. 990, 301 VI & 700,
    31 L. Ed. 13551
     and Px                            part0       Oanoy,          112 3. 1. (WI           747, the
    p~lsono~        In qaestlon,                  under        thoholdlns.lnth e m 8lssossad
    thr    sbovs       stntod          rsots           would       k     8   ru   6ft1n rra ju8tiso@lab-
    jsot to cxtPsdltloa. fn the .aventp?~sonoP  wslvos sxtrsdl-
    -tlon,the sheriff of ConohoComnt~ rorrld hsro no s~thorlt~
    to m for meld prisom~ snd nttua hir to ConohoCOBB$~     or
    to roorlrr any 001 nutlon for auoh ss~vloos. U Ohs prl8an-
    or wslrss srtradlt r on, 8 Tsrm Rs%or mrr k                                             seat    for     the
    prlsomp with lustpurtlons to dslitorhim to the psnlt8atlsr~
    at Huntsrlllo,Toxms.
    If this prisoner ~sfuso~ to rrln lxtrsditloa   fhs
    Qot*rnor        QOf, uponproper sppllostlan, issoo his rrqudtloa
    Xoaorsbls f3sorgs8. f%oppsrd, Psco )
    for the roturn ot the p~lso~sr madoomlss~oa                   s       sultsbls
    psrson to take such ro~alsltlos.   The prlmwr, “i S kou&ht
    bsok to the !%str by sow ps~s4nwho has Moo ccml~slonod,
    otbor thsn ths ,sho~i~f, tho ~lmaer shall bo dsllvorod 99
    to the ShVPWfat the OOSlI8~ %h whloh it ir lllsgad ha tlS8
    0mSiitt8d  tho 0rm80,     ‘Lhs Oots~no~ is dulf suthorlud to
    001rlll188100ths shoPlti Of Conoho couaty to rstsPn the pPison-
    lr la this   osss6 (300 the lsso of Rrlghtarn t. 5hsppud, 59
    3. T. (2d) l&2.)
    &8;8i0     iw6,       VSP~OA*S   ha0t4t04    cod0   or   crlmia81
    PPoooduFs, proTldosr
    “?ha of?ios~        o? other pors&       so samlsslonsd
    shsll rseelm as a&psamstlcmthi satusl end msos-
    mu9 trsrolln~ lxponsiapomnqulsltlanof tho
    donrno?   to bs sllorrsd by suah COYOP~OP to k paid
    Out Of th8 %StO mSSSPf up048 OOF~ifiOStO        Of
    fha Oovcrnor  reoltingthe senlsos     readoYod sad
    the sllmrsno8thmfolr."
    The   B~l~tmsa       0880     ruprs,  amow   other thlqs         holds
    In lr r 0othat
    t           the   ooQ~nmst~on       Of UL o#lasP or 08hOF          9OF8On
    somaissionsd        bt the ‘~TUIIOP        to FOtUm   8 fUgitiT0   fFOm       saothsr
    ststo is dotomlnsbls  br tho Ooremkor, as s&mlnxt 8 llsln to
    ststutorf mllorgo‘In @y    to the stat0 linemid returning
    trotasuoh point with thq fugitlro.
    In risw otthe       rongloing;,     it la our opialon thst if
    th0 p?iSORO? POfU8OS t0 Wsln lXtPSditlOB                 Sndth0 ShSPm      Of
    Coao&oOountr is oonmlssloaod br the 3o~srnor                  to rstum the
    pr;son+r to this Nsto, the shorlff uoclld hero to rstmra tho
    PFiSOnOP     00 ConmhoCounty,         and ~187bo prld~ hii rota81 lod
    ~o sssu       trsvollq      lrpmarao mmprohlsd         ?OF br Artiols 1006,
    supn.      f t is OUP fume?         09lnlor .tbrt    th8 shorlft   s&d   not
    k     ooqwsstod        r0r 8P%.n&a~     thm pPtsoruP   f2oa   El I1080,okls-
    hem, to the Yom8 ?riaoa             .Iy8tma  at ~a8tsrillo.
    IBlooo~s~o .wlth your             ropuoat,   mm srs nbrnlng
    hopowiththe 8ttOOhSb            iii0.
    Trusting t&st tha torqoln~ Ii~llr             aaawora     you     in-
    qUiFt, W      US

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4615

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017