Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    *                                  r----J’ \
    srty real or permnal    be-
    belonging 0%010eio*4    to Di8tzllots aa& Au-
    thorlties~ orerted or lnoorporatad under law8
    emaoted gureuant to seotlon 59, Ae1010 xyx
    ~of the Oomtitution~ provldwd thut If any
    Hr. Rio L. Ladner, Page 2
    meh Dl8trlot or AUthOrtty     ha8 heretoion     a@-
    qulred or does hereafter aoqulre property
    vhloh at tlm tZme of rooh aoqulsltlon la or
    was then rrnbjeot to taxation, and lm at the
    tltpe of it8 ao@.8ltlOn being ueod r0r gen-
    orating,   trsnamlttiog, .and dlstrlbutlng eleo-
    tM.o energy or power, nuoh Dietriot or Au-
    thority rbmll at the flute8 pre8orlbed      by lav
    for the payment of ad vaLoren taxen make a
    payment in llela of taxes to the stat. of Texan
    and to the ootmty, ,olty, and mob taxing dls-
    trlots vithln whlob muoh property 18 8ltUated;
    8uohpaymerltlnlleUoftaxe8      tobe in the
    amount vhlah would be roelimed by&my-~     an
    ad vslorem tmx at the ourrent rates for then
    aurrent tax year baaed oa the a88e88ed valus
    of   8uah       property     for   the   last    ourrent   tax
    year before beiae aaqubed  by~tiohDi8trlot
    or Authority; provided further that no pmy-~
    ment shall be made vlth nrpeot to nay prop-
    ertp no longor ovned by 8ueh Dlmtrlat or Ati-
    thortty r0r generating, tranamlttlug, or dl.8..
    trlbutlng eleotrio energy oe paver. Suoh pay-
    I        mentti~lbu0ftaue88hbllbemadeoutof
    the revea~em reaeived by 8uah Dietrlot 0~ Au-
    thorlty from thagenerailon,         tsanm=l88lon, or
    dlstrlbutlon of eleotrL0 paver and energy aad
    the liability Sor aama shall aonatltuts a llea
    Or OIV3WBb~OO   OUIf In   thO  %WCUUiO8    Of   8UOh
    Dirtrlot or AuthorU~    snd   8hall    be Oaxl8idered
    88   a   part     of   the   operating      0xpen864*      speolr-
    -.-      no paymelltllehall be made in lleU or
    taa aa wtth nepeat     to dmmm, dapl eltes, remor-
    volr axwa8, mnd water dlatributing or lrrlga-
    tion 8nteme.     It ia the expresrred leglrlatlve
    lntent~ of thla Aot that     suoh Dletrlots or Au-
    thorlt$O8 plake paykwnts fli llOt3 Of tsXe8 Only
    vlth respeot  to  propertier    vhlah at the time
    oi their aaqt<lon vere on the ad valollaa
    tM X'OllS Of th@ St8t.O Of 'PeXm8 OZ' Of snf
    colilltp,city, or mny other taxins Distrlot of
    the State of Texas and vhbh                     at   the time of
    Nr. Xl0 'Lr Ladner, Page 3
    the aOqui8ltloP mre being U8ed iOr. @UAeFat-
    iryli:trummltting, or distrllnatlxq eleotrlo
    power ad energys pzwlded   rudhor   that it
    %S thO eXpl’O88Od lO&S~tf70         in-t
    tht          W
    w-t8     w      k &bb  in l$OU Of -08           V&t&
    awpeet  to dams, dam rlkr, re8er7olr          areame
    gdwater      dlstributlng or'lrrlgatlc8k    sfstamw,
    .vw          to any 8uoh Autho+y     ~OtiDiEtriOt.
    -;uSO where aliy olty or town 80Qulre8
    real and personal property 1oeat.d OtItSldO
    Of it8    OOZPOIV&O   imt8   and   OUtSid   Of thb
    ~bounty ia wb.loh mtoh .Oity or toWL ir SitU-
    ated, exoept rural eleotrlfXaatlon llaes
    maybe used ln'the 8eneratlan, mauufaotur-
    selling or .dlstributiag of ~eleotrlolty,
    lag, ?:
    Stuh'O1~ol?   tOWZ$Shldl8SkO``tinXim
    ; ~0f:bi~OS QD EMUI t0 thw$t&O     Of !~OX~S, the
    oeunty Oity, 'Bahool dlstrlots and muoh
    other io4ml taxing dl8trlots vithln whlah
    mo)r ~property A8 looated In. like asnner ai
    Mmiaebo*s.provided     fO``~8uOh D$&riOtS    or
    that thb SUbrOotbn
    a~plloable to DUO8 PZ'OIHF``
    :&~Quired by a Oity or toWI%,Sltt&!StOd  OXN a
    oounty l.me.
    hnd prmlded further, that my .olty
    0~<9ovn, slaymake 8UOh .pmtS         ,%a -    of
    :tuer to the oounty Ia vh.toh .sald oZtp or,
    ``018       lOcUrtOd, ~rO?kbd   th. Oiw OC tOl?Jl
    ele~t8 to maim mush payment by ordlnume
    .0````80lUtiOll   p888Od by 'the gOVeming body
    ,Of.:D*LdCity     Or tOU%’     (EZQbl&81lJAdded)
    -fouhsw    lnqulred about the aonstltutionality
    of the -underliaed proviso ~to the seoond parafwaph 0r sub-
    dltZslom:Ik; purporting to oreapt olties and tow       of a
    8~Oif%d0&88       fM   th0 'psJnsnt8 inlb3U Of taXUS" 01860
    Whwe gene~y:impOeed       by this Sub-diVisiOXl. 8iJaW th0
    pre7lso``ir ln the nature of an exemption, ve turn our at-
    LmtiOa to the Subject 0r the exemptlonL namely, the in-
    positian 0r a "payment in lieu of tares    upon aities   and
    Hr. Ala L. Ladnel;, Page 4
    tfnfnsaoqulrlng    property used In the gensratlan,        mama-
    raoturing, melUng or distrlbutlng 0s eleotrlelt~, vhen-
    ever ruoh property la looatad in a oounty other than
    that 0s the olty or t0wn and vhenewr m0h property 18
    subject   t0 t8Xatioll   8t tbO t-0    Of it8   6OprriSitiaQ   bJ
    the mxIiOlpality.   It will k notlood ~that in omputln8
    thy 8MUUt Of the80 "pynent0 in lieu Of ?i8~eS" the aUr-
    Wt   ad YdON     tu l'8tO k8 t0 b@ applied t0 th, 888e88Od
    tdur Of SUoh property iOr the l&St year pdOr t0 it8 W+
    qui8ltlan W the oity or tovn, ~' ,'
    sO0tiQ.Zt1 Of APti        mn   Pi .the%X&S     cOI¶Sti-
    tUtfon~&WOVidO8 in pa&:
    -oeOtlon       1..- Taxotlon shall ~b’ eq&l and
    . All propecty In this State, whether
    owd by natural persons or oorpmatlom;        other
    thau munlolpal, s&all bw Wed     in.pmportl~
    its value, ~Mlch aball be +aaertaiaed as m
    b:provldedb$lav.      TheLeglslature..     . *may
    lIIeo The
    . p r o p er
    oountles,. 0ltles
    . and tow,; owned. arul.hold oaly for publio paw-
    pODUS, SU0h 88 ,pUbuO. bulldlnge SrUd thO Sit08
    .: thererori    Plre en&nom mad the lltrnlture ~there-
    or,, aud all. property use& ..or lntended~ for' ox-
    tlngulshingfLn8,     publlo 8rounda.W    all other
    : .:~;property dewted eroluslw4~      to the use and bene-
    :..'rit:or the public ShaJ. be exempt from famed
    I``..oaXesnd'from taxation,, provided, nothIn here-,
    I in rhell~prevent the enfoxwement 0s the vendor8
    lien,, the~?neohaulo8 or builders lien, or other
    Unns nq-exlstlng.~        ,.
    In State v* city 0s 81 Paso, 135 'per. 359, 143
    S.Y. (26) 366, the SupreamCourt   said vlth referenoq to
    the8S &N?OV181Oll8~
    Mr. Rio L. Ladwr, Page 5
    lh mu a mlna tio    0s th n eabow-quoted   oo                 a -
    StitUtiOlUl pFOV18ionr          diSOlO8e8 that N
    CQWtbtO      t0 O%tb@t n\miOi~l      OO~lF8tiOll8 flWl#
    0.d~ thW0 ObSS@S Of tUO8.              %&OS0 8W  ad
    V8b’681;UQS,        OOO~&tlOll b.XS8,sndinO~
    RegudleSS       Of I&O``OP      t-h0    wonts        in       1iOU.         Of
    tU08' imposed UpoP OitiOS                      aad~tWIi0 w 8.       B. 520 be eQ)sI
    Sidsrrd       M     ad   YjON       tUO8        Ob U OO~tiorr          t&WE,             the
    mOti=             Of SUOh WStOIhtS          ObV%0~84       18 IMOOWti~tid.
    If ths       PEyWI¶tS      b0    ``~mnd          U ad      vdOm      ~uOS#          whvr
    01~a~40rrend theaboveproylnion8eitherbybelngba8ed
    upon au utlffofal   rather than aa aatual value 0s the,
    propertyor by be-- Zlltpo8edupon the property of a:En+
    nlolpal aorporatlcax. Llkevlu,    if thements    be ooa-
    aldered u oOoUp&lOA tUtUS ,theytmUmn~r~p~b~
    tlCULagskut  tbs bp3Sfti~    Of this  m    Of tU Upon the
    aotlvltle8 of a muafofpalaorporatfoa.
    If it bs OOIitOndOd tht the80 pWIItCULt8 ~0
    neitherad valolur nor oooupatlon taxes, that Thor am
    some speoler or tertlu                    qald vhiah oanoponte               u    do
    Ol’dflW7          t&WE,    OaO    aCrOaOgl%Sh     thO     ~808        t.hOWOf,            but       \.
    aane8mpe      the Umftatlons thereoni the uuvsr.to     suah
    0ontentioB fs plaia. What cannot be don0 dlreotly       oaa-
    not be aeoapll8hed      by lndlreotlon~ aotloa 1s udged by
    ~ltr efreot rathar~than by Its label. To ooao a e thatmu-
    alofpal property owl0          for generating end aiStF;buting ~:
    eleotrlolt~ uamot be c ~wub eat 0s au o&~alorsm         tar’of
    ‘this   typwand    that a mudo& PA lty oaunot be subjeoted to
    an oooupation tm ?3y visitor       it8 aotlvltle8 in generat-
    %ng aud dlstrfbutlng    eleatrlolty,  yet at the 88xte tftne to
    aver that a legal exaot$on oslled a *payment ln lieu 0s ~'
    torus* maf bo had lrom naiol 8lit~es beaauaa 0s their
    ovaersaLp or 8wh property Ku3 theirelIfJagiagkr.SUdl
    aotlvitles uoulcl be to elevate form ovep rubetanoc and to
    point .the~980,to an e&Sy evaalan 0r the llmltatlonr *
    pored by our Carutltutlca upon the paves to t8x.
    Cotiequent~, you are rerpeoti\lllp advised 'that
    the pr6vlslon8 oontalned la theaeoond paragraph 0s Sub-
    dlYi8iOn k Of Sectlorr 1 Of H. B. 520 relating to the
    ,       1
    Hr. Rfo L. Ladnor, Page 6
    1       exaation of *payment8 in lieu of tu08* fn?u altA@s 8ml
    tows under the alrowstanoes and la thememnertherela
    1       Set forth U@ tiObt%ve Of the 8bOw QAOtti pOPtlCUI8 Of
    our Con8tftutloa.   As a matit  of tbi8  oonolusion  theM
    is noneedto    enter into8 8e~uakdi8ou88laa10r       the
    oonrt.ltutlanJit~of   theprovz8oto    thbpar&gmphab~ut
    vhbh you IaqvlMd.
    p&SSing     UpOX& thO OOZl8titUtZbXMl%t~ Of th0 f%Mt                          m
    graphofsubalvlslon4arelatfq to theexaotlonorpay~
    SWtS irru.OU Of tUO8 frco thO diEtriOt a& 8UthOPitieS
    tbarelndesarlbed~              aeltherdeue              espress may opinlozlhere-
    in 88 to the        valldlty         0s     the last    prnsrsphorsub-dlvi81oa
    48   Mb&t&g       t0    VOlUilkl7           OsyPleatS   b OitfeS 8tld tOlfM~
    ‘Pnutlna that the r0mg0ing                   ratfefaotorlly       en-
    avers    your    lnqulry,       vu    are

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4571

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017