OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lionorablo J. A, Bel@er ' County Auditor Travis Gouuty Awtln, Texeu Deer Si?; Judg: wae 94750.00. *v&l1 Lou pleaea aavlao 54 nhit eaouat ot f44 or salary Judge Powell ia entitled to in the above atyled~ and nnsbered *au** for- 44nlo44 aa Jgsolal County Jud&a to date.* ~onorabla J. A. BslSez, page 2 “On Odobar 20, 19&l, iiocoreble 0110. S. Dowell ~44 ~appointetd Spsoiel Judge La Causa No. 10,158, ??tate of Libbls Burlelaon Pletthorn, droaaaed, ,by proolanratloa d Eaamrabla cOk4 R. SG4~4114on, Cov~rnor of Texae, after the Eonorablo Coo. 9. Uattbewei, County Judge of Travis County, had ent4ssd hi4 dlrrquslifloation In the above oews. Judg4 Darrell nu%¶4aad filed stetutorq oath of oZtio4 m the abovs date. TIhU4r the eb@Y4 appolntasnt, Jubga Dowell, ae Spsoial Countf JuUg4, has 4ntersd three ordara, sll dated Ootober 21( 19&l, In ths above 04~84. Travis C4uatg 14 operatAng, ee prmidbd by law, under the salary lew, and front and hit@? July 3, 1941, the mum41 4dlaky of the : county Sudgs’aII $5500.00. ‘El11 you ploese advlre me whet amouat or t80 or I ealery Judge JIow4ll la sntltl4d to In tha above atyl4d i and aumbemd oause SOT s4mlos8 a8 Spsolel County Judge to d&e.* In oplnlon no. D-3091 this departmat haa hemtorore ruled on a slmllar qaeatloa regarding the oc#lpsnsation at a j \ apaoiel jud$a elated by the ioaal. bar of C%alVeatan Couatp to preride eo a rpsolal dud& in ofvi;L matter& -in ths County Uourt as well a6 la probate matteas. Eaw4Y4r, 1lVthat oplniou w4 did not dQkZ With OT have bOiOI?O u4 thQ ep4CiflO U8IIttiOQ prOS48tad la your inqulr~. In. t&et. opLnlod (Ro. O-3091P the spaoial ju&e / .; 1~44 eleota& by ths hex ~ot~wv4e9?r1 C~uhty axd uau oat appoLntsd by ths Covernorr TYfinaW 'the ,faote 8tet4d in yourlnqniry, it 14 tipparent that the '4@iaialjudg~ $n~pMbats Mttera MLS apROintOd ;~I by the Governor by'olrtue of Articls.lp32, VWnOn'4 AUmtatad GlVll Statuta~c We snolclee a oopy of' tha above mantlcnud opfaio& ~.rtlolls~193& Vacnen'e ¬ated Civil Statutsa, prior to its eraendmnt by the 46th Leglslaturs, 2939, read t&a fo~lmt *'Ii the oouatg judge fe diaqualffied to aat In auy probats matter, hs shall forthwith asHblip his diSqQaliflOe~ tlolgthorein to the Gotarnor, uimrMspen the 00r~r~r 4hku appoint 4ome person to aot em speo&tl judge in ssld 0440 WhO sbdl Sat irOt t8rQI t0 tQM Until SUOh diWWtilf%foation 04aees to erlat." Zonorable I. A. Balusr, page 3 *Be 10 pnaatad by tha Le&~latu?s of the State of Term: *.vtkle 19XL (1738) (1131) flpechl Jud&e Ln Probatr b?attez;~' Shea a aouaty judge te disqualltied to sot if$ fmy probeto flultter, he shall farthtith aartlcy Ua disqualifioa- tion thsrela to the QOV~IIIOT, whsraqmn the Coreraop ohall appoiat BQBO pamon to sot au speoidz judg;m in mid aacre, v&O Sha22 hot irOe8 tQa2a to teTa until suoh diaqualifiaatlan WalSd8 to axiet. A spaulsr. jud#r 80 appointed otlallrwteiv~ the au~e amapcmat%on es ia aon or aey hareafter be gratided by law for cofstlldc judges ia a%.m.llar OPSO,, aad th& MS- sioauru' Court shtUU*,at the b&aaiagj at ee~hilmel year, lnclthd, la the b&go% of tka aountw, a suftlolont smn imz the,Ipeymsat of the e~eeiti &~dge or judges appolntod by 6he Governor tom sot for.tha mgulaz aotmty jud~o.~ 'sm. 2. The fcboo*thttt t&era is sow no lrrw andim whloh spsaia2 juitqea, ap3)ointed by the, Qawm~or to uot %n oaaea wham the regular jadga ie disqualified, mu be Boa- punsated f#r sem~e~a rmdersd bp the? la such oa8mr weator M eaergo5oy and aa“&mperatlvs publio aeoosaittV that the Conetitutlonal $a16 raqulrin& that billo ba.re& on three several daya be 8USpPn66db be, and the am& is hmebg sub-~ pondad, and tSis .?tt ebafZ taho cfiecrt aad be fn full foroe frm and after itr pasaagm, and it is SO wmotwL" 'fha abowa aentioaod aat (waatct Blll.Ez+.
256, supra) beoema sf’fsctiVo Say 15, 1939. -:.. tga .~ors&ng %W6tlJlg ‘khahaa fjdily am&6 ;roUr trrgalry, wb mxe !..‘../ .I). .: . _
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4578
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017