Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    Eoncr&bleB. T. valten
    county Auditor
    8mith county
    Tyler, Texar
    Dear Sir:
    Tour rrrqueat ro                     aen reaelvoa ana
    osrcfully 6oniuiider.d
    by t                           we quota tma your
    xequQmt 88 f0llow6:
    on, our CcuAty bar
    to help bup work
    mtiue0r, ana can-
    JLot   that   is set   up,
    ro plot on which all
    The WPA will rur
    k the garden, as well ~IYtc
    8, but each sahool m-t fu~?nirh
    of the expanee and buy the itans
    , fertilizer,*to., es set out above.
    %inca the mahools are not in good finan-
    cial oonditioa gcsnemlly, they bare (?skedthe
    County for asai8~Ace.”
    Honorable8. T. Waltere, Page 8
    ArtlclO 2351, R. C. s., provideA:
    "ICaohooamleeionera*oourt ~hallr
    0. . .
    "11. ?rOriflefor the Aupport of paupem
    aAa such idiot8 ana itmddcr AA 0-0t be Ad-
    mitted iAt0 the hmatic a8ylua, reAlde~8r of
    thelr county, who are unable to nupport them-
    AOlVO8. By the term re8iAent aa UBOQ herein,
    la meant a pereon who haa boon a bolu tldr
    inhabitantof the oountp not leAA tbAA rix
    IDOAthSand Of the State AOt 1088 t&A AA@
    nlhsA tha ~05i8miOAeX'A CoUrtA WOI’O Ax-
    preeely given the powor and duty to *prorIde
    Sor the Aup ort of p~upelm * by noaewary ir-
    plieatloo.ttopwAre alothe$ ribh the authority
    to a0 all the iAOideAtX%ithing8    nwaraary  to
    provide for their ~tipporC. Stat a8 the power
    to snot P oourthowe and jallsarrlaa with
    lt authority to aoquiro a buildlag site.
    Yoore f. Alred, 277 8. W. 787. AA~ juAt a8
    the power of gnensl oontrol ofor sil roaQ6,
    blgbmays, rerrlm em% briagecl,naouwrily
    lmpliea authority to oo``truot a dniruga
    dltoh to protect Auoh r-8,      brld@eA, an4 hi&i-
    wayr fro23flood watera.:~
    ::lXl  Pare County 1.
    &lam, eupm. See al.so,Texrell v. apark8, 158
    a. WY.619.
    *Authorityto provldo food arnd olothlng
    for ouch putrposerneoeesar%ly i~oluder tha
    power to p08aeu, atore and greaarve the same
    to that end. FUCthermore, it may be mire
    ~o~noalc~land doelrable to dlatrlbuts Auoh Aom-
    modlties, rather than hate the rsaiplentaoone
    or send for the same. Powor to provide ruah
    food and oloth&a$ would lnalrda the powW TV
    deliver it, aad authority to aaquiro the nm-
    essary mean of dellvery muld foll,m.
    HoWrable B. T. Vialterm,
    Page 3
    Wbec Commiesloners*Courtiswere burdsn-
    ea with the duty or woviaing support for suoh
    persocs, they #ore given the sound dlssretlon
    of deternlnlagthose whom they were required to
    provide for under the terms OS the statute.
    By neoessary implloetloAthey aoqulred the power
    to es@oy such help as might be neoessary to
    properly alit out thoss entltlsd to mush rsller
    aAd to investigateand asaertaln the extent ana
    IUCOUAtOr thS AOOa.
    "The mot that the Federal ~oternmeatpro-
    vldea the somodltles does cot, in our O~IA~OA,
    roAdor the authority of the Cfamml.sslon~rs~
    Court of Hunt County any leas in the dlstribu-
    tion thereof that would be true If the Gounty
    iteelf wore fUrnishlAgsuah provisions,so far
    as the state laws wre aswmer~ed.,
    Wi goes without ~aylry that the dl6omtloA
    resldiag la the Comlsslonern’   Courts in suah
    atters   must be soundly exorolsod. If the m-
    alplents 0r suoh roll& am not so indigimt as
    to fall wlthln ths terms or the statute, the
    Cmmlssloners* Court n0ula bs uithoub sutborlty
    t0 do any of the thing8 you faqUlm about. . . .a
    Ws enolose herewith a copy OS said opinion tar your
    It 18 oAr opinion that ths Ooa!AisdoJlerA' court
    wsultlhare authsrlty to expend sotmtp fuado ts assist la a
    consunity garden as set out la your latter for the aouuty
    hst lunoh profeot for ind&eAt ohlldmn         ootmlngui8hin
    the provisions or 6UbditiSiOA11 or Arti95 S 351 8. C. S.,
    rwm.    In other swrds, the county has no authority to make
    oontrlbutloasfor the purporee stated in your inquiry for
    bcAsfiC of school ohildren genetally, but only those or
    whose parents fall within ths o~es~fioatlon llaaaed in the
    above quotitl.rja taken iron our opbilon enslosed herewith.
    Very truly yours

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4467

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017