Honoreble Ta A. Crown Thla oplnioa county Aubltor Ovarrulec Oplnlaa l4cIunnan county co-283 Yaco, Tcxaa opinionlo. o-4454 Re: Appolntmcntof deputy for Dear:Sii: countytreaaurcr. Tour requaat for opinionhaa been receivedand oarcfullycon- aldcrcdby this department. Ye quote from your rcquertaa follows: 'IllWVERT CoaTx TriEksm Is IRcAPAcITATEDOR AccotmT OY Ixums SAID Im!E3arzmxxTOB%ExTgnru)OmSEPERAL~BuTAOT~ coum coumx TREASURRRlxRou~ PRocmmEuRxRTEIRTYliIuEliooGRT TYO``~ISEdPWIfiDEPIlTPTOllCTIBCLmlIllGSI~G~W~ QUESTIOXNAFUCTRUSURXftISMEBTALIXSOUND" We have carefullytraced the Lcgl&k.lvc hlatory of Article 3902;~Vdmnon*r AnnotctedTcxaa Civil Statutes,and from that iqvea- tlgaltlonvc have forold that prior to its amendmentIn 1935 by &pate Bill 5 of the 44th Lcglnlaturcof Texas, Second CalledSceslon~‘khe artlalc,and all of It6 amcntits from 189i'to 1935, did not apply to the county trcaaurcr,aa each and all of aald acta limitedt% ~:,: right of appointmentof dcputlcaand aaaiatantato the offlcera named lnthcack, either nawddlrcotly in the act or referred to aa the officersnamed In the then prevailingraxlmumfee atetut+!, (Art. 3883, 3891, etc.). Innedlatclyprior to its amendmentIn 1935 by Scnatc Bill 5, above referredto, Article 3902,V. A. C. S., then read ln pait aa follovs: ticnever any officernamed In Article 3883 ahall``cqulrc the a&vices of deputicnor aaslc.tanta ln the performanceof hlq_, duties,he may apply to the county commiaaionera’ court of hia ,'; county for authorityto appointsuch deputleaor aaalatants,set- ting out by aworn applicationthe number needed,the positionaought to be filled,and the amount to be paid. Said applicationshall bc accompaniedby a ltstcmentahovlng the probablereceiptsand dla: bure~kmentaof the office; and Bald aourt pay make IQI order a&& rlzing the appolntnentof aueh deputicaand fir the compensation to be paid them and &t-erminethe number to be appolntcd,provided that In no caac ahall raid cormn1salonera’court or any member thereof attemptto lnflucnc+the appointmentof any peraon 66 deputy or HonorableTom A. Craven, ycge 2 (O-4454) . . larirtat in any OffiCe. Upon tha entry o fluah order, tha offlcara applyingfo rlwh dcputiw ahall ba authorlsadto appoint.thcair ncnr piovided by law, provldadthat arid ompcnaatlon ahell not . CI- coed the maxlmm lmountc hcrclnaftcract out." Thus we act at the time the above quoted ltatutcwoo in off&t, the comty trcaaurcrwoo not authorizedto hare a deputy or aaeletant,he not being one of the officcranamed lo Artlclc 3883,V. A. C. 9. Article 3902,R. C. S., of 1925, and all amcndmcnta thereto,wan amendedby aald Senate Bill>. Section 14 of iaid Senate Bill 5 providesIn pert as follows: %cc. 14. Article 3902,Revlaed Civil Statutesof Texas, 195, togethervlth all amendment.8 thereto la hereby amendedso a8 to hereafterread as followa: "'Article3902. Wheneverany district,countyor prcc&t officerehallrcgulrc the aervlccaof deputies,aaaiatantaor clcrka In the pcrforxcnceof his dutieahe shall apply to the County Commla- sloncre'Court of his county for authorityto appointouch deputlca, aaslatantaor clerks,atatlngby worn appllcatlonthe ntmbcr needed, the poeltlonto be filled and the amount to be paid. Said application ahallbc accompaniedby a atatcmentshowingthe probabl&receipts from fees, commlaalonaand compcnsatlonto be collectedby aald office duringthe flacal year and the probabledlcburscmantn vhlch shall includeall salariesand expensesof said office;and said hourt shall make Its or&r authorizingthe appointmentof such dcputlea,asalatanta and clerks and fix the compensationto be paid them within the llml- tatlonsherein preacrlbcdand determinethe number to be appointed aa In the dlacrctlon,ofaaid court may be proper;providedthat ln no case shall the C~lsslonerc' Court or any mcmbcr thereofattempt to Influencethe appointmcntof any person aa deputy,'aaalstant or clerk In any offtcc. Upon the cntry'ofauoh order the officers applyingfor ouch aaslstantc,deputiesor clerkaahall bc authorized to appointthem; providedthat sold compcnaatlonshall not exceed the maximumamounthereinafterset out. The compensation which m~y'bc allovedto the deputies,assistantsor clerks above named for their servicesshall be a reasonableone, not to exceedthe following amounts: . . .v (The act sets the llmitationaon salariesaccordingto differentpopulationbrackets.) The provisionof Article :.:XY, V. A. C. S. prior to the 1935 amendment,as follows: "The maximgm compensationwhich may be allowedfor deputies , . .i - BoaorableTan A. Craven, page 3 (O-4454) to the offloan named In said Article 3883 for iiMp or aasirtanta services;shall beaa r0ih0, to-wit:. . ." was cntlrclyclimlnatedfromSectIon 14 of Senate Bill 5. Article 3902, aa amended,authorizesthe appointmentof deputlcs,asilstanthand clerks for district,county and precinct officers. There can be no questionbut what the county treasurer is a county officer. You arc rcepectfullyadvised that It la the opinionof thla departmentthat the CountyTreasurerof McLcnnanCounty vould have authorityto appointa deputy If the provisionsof Article 3902, V. A. C. S. arc compliedwith. It la OUT furtheropinionthat such deputywould have authorityto slep varrantawhere the treasurerwas authorizedto algn such warrants. OpinionNo. o-283 of thia departmentIs overruledInsofar as It conflictsvlth this opinion. Very trulyyour6 ATTOFlNEXQ2JERALOFTEXAS By /s/Wm. 3. Panning Wm. J. Fanning Assistant APPROVEDM&R 10, 1942 /a/ GrooverSellers FlXTASSISTAKl' ATTORNEY-
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4454
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017