Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • OFFICEOF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lionoreblo Jane8 B. Uldry,Dlreotor PotorTranaportatl0n DlVi81~ Railroadt%mb*LOll Of hX8# Austin,Toxea Eear Sir: cplnlonHo. 04b34 . vehiole,a*edr,IIa~rtlrloateor oonvenlrnm ml to run or operato neooreltytron thle Donanielrion out to the unlnoorpomtsd OltJ, town or vllJAgr. h'onorable J-es E. XlMsf, DlroetoFIPaw 2 give uu mux opiniones to uhuthmr *2. Pl4trso oruottbl8Cds8lonha8 t&e lagml8atlwrity8ti power to promlet 8 rule or a*aeralorder turbid- ding oertliloatod oorrlsr from lntorohonuln8inight with the unoertlileata6 orrrlara*ntlonedin prra- graph one above until suah uueortltloatd oarrlor obteln8a owtlrleak Eros this Uomlsslon. “3. Plrsrr81~0 w ~apr optnionas to whothor or not thlaaomala8lon he8 tho3rgal lothorlty~4 powarta; a``oei thm 0miriomte 0r l 00rfmortti osrrler, otter propar notlea and hesrlng, for vlo- latlon of-therule or poor81 order mantlond la paramph two abwo. Xn otharwor$s,rssmtlngyour ansuez to quastlonnumbertuo 18 la thr ttrrirnrtive, then, ia that went, ir the e~rtiri~4itd oarrler cous interoh- ~zzelght with the unoortlrloate4 carrier,&eli tbo~aowls5lon have suthorlty to QI~- 0451 the oertirloate 0r the oortirloatedcarrier artier notlims&d herring for *fOlSt~.OnOf the rule or goneralorder?* Ifheanswerto your Que8tlws raqulr65a oonstruo- tlor of subs~otlos(a),-‘rotloa(1). A~tloleOllb, Veraon“ kraotetoeCivil Etstutar,whleh datlm*5 8 -otoz aarrlor* 88 roil0tm 9%0 tern botor 05r&br* mmsna any person, rix78, oorporatloa,.~ oommnp, o*psrtnrrehlp, mm3- elationo r Joint stwk lebaolatlon,and ttm.ir lessecls,noeiver5 or trustrrslp olnted by any Court uhetsoww, eunlng,oontml Elng, wnaglng, opratlng or oauolngto.bm ogalr8ted oaf Rotor propolleedveblolaused in trawmrtlne property ror oonpensatloaor ~&PO ovetrany publlohlghuaT b thi0mte, a833 in the(~0tm30 or 5wh tmu- portetlon.8hlgbr*yb&man two or mom ih~orpor- et& oitles, toww or villages la tamersad; pro- vided that th0 tern *motorourrler* as u80a 10 thla Aat shsU not inolude, andthis Aut ‘h@Zl not applp to motor vehiole8 opsretd exolustwdp or oltles rlthln the inoorporatedliraits, or to!es~.~ The authorityOS the Oommlsslonto regoletmthe . opsratlow or the oarrlsrrafarrsdto in pour rlrat question ,ononbleJames f. Elldsy,Dlreator,Pap 3 dependsupon 8 questionwhbtharsuoh oamler la a Wotor os~rlsrRO81)dailaod by the seotlon Q$ ths statat.sbovs cuoteb. A5 we Oawtrua the atattrta, the fr sletursha8 68rinrd a motor oarrlar as 5 p o r a l ong n wp d!GtTSW$ OTtlEU promrtf rca- hero bt motorvohlaleover tha hl&mays of this state, W!W@:~IItha oourmeoi the operation8~aaduatadbr auoh persoah~ tranr555 a hlghw5~b5tw5entuoormora in- c0rporatoa altlalr, towns, or vlllagas. ma statusor tha person an 8 Wotor osrrlafl18 msdr to da~oa6 on tha oharaa- tcr of the operetlocscoAuoted bF him; on whether he trens- 3orta prog10rtr r0rhlra,and whather ln the ~oura0 or doing so ha traVarSOS a hl&~J bOtWOaA tUa or Eore lnObTpOT5ted oitlao, towns, or vllle~et it a008 not &opand on whether, ln the hands of snother pereon,the propartywhlah he trans- ports hao been transported or will be tr8aaportedwar the tlghnaysbetweentwa or mra lnoorpomted oltlas,tows, or villa&as,by motor vohlala. In othor mxrds, *sqsh trsns- partatloa*la tha-dsflaltlon, rafar5 to the trsnspoxtrtlon oparatlansaonduotadby the parsof~mopsrrtlng any notor pro- ollad VOhiBle wad l!ItrsalQWtia(tRl'OQOTttiOr. . . hire," Ati the teat-to ba npplladla whather~ tha parson opsrrtlng thu notor vehialaudes it la treasportlnarar hire property batvmantwo or oara lnoorporatedoltles, towns,or vllleges, ovbra hligtmgor thlo %tate. Yrxir rlrat qwatlaa la thereron snsueretl la the nagatlve. _ Iafn‘vlar of the &neuermade to pllr rir8t que*t10a, it beooaeswneoesrrerpto awmr yotw eaeoad sad third quer- tioa‘. Ykiursvery trttly R. Py. Falrohfld &sslstant ' ‘- -

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4434

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017