OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Rgnolvlble T. Gilbert Adam County Attorney Jasper County Jasper, Texas Dear Sir: ion or this dep in part ae ioll by the Colamissioners 8, to aeoure the IL the authority of ae $7000.00 of the d~slnklng Fund or Road County, Texae, aa a re- our houra notioe. requires that the county furnish the revolving fund ior.the Bet-up, and the our- plue id the,road distriot Interest end Sinking Fund is the only eurplne which the oountg hae to draw from ror this prograra,a Seation 17, of Article 2'3.51, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provides in part: Eonorable T. Gilbert Adams, Page 2 i the Commissloaers Court OS eaoh oounty Of this State, in addition of the powers already oonferred on it by.law, is hereby empowered to oreate a revolving fund or funds and to make appropriations thereto out of the generalrev- ewe of such county; and such revolving fund shall be used by suoh aounty only In oooperatioa with the United States Department of Agriculture to aid and assist la oarrylag out the purposes and provisions of an Act 0r Congress 0r the United States pertaining tothe distribution of commodities to persons in need of assistanoe, under the dlreotien of the United, States Depart- ment of Agrioukture; provided, however, that the county shall have oa hand at all times either the moneys appropriated to suoh revolving fund or l’unds or the equivalent thereof in stamps issued by the United States Department of Agri- culture under the Fodd and/or Cotton Stamp Plan; which stamps are oonvertible into oash at any time .* Article ISSa, Veraon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, authorizes any county or any polltlcal’subdivlaion~ol the county, or any road dietriot that has beenor may be~oreated by any general or speoial law to issue bonds for the purpose of oonstruotloa, maintenance and operation of ,maoadamLzed, graveled or paved roads, and turnpikes, or In aid thereof’, in any amount not exoeedlng one-fourth of the assessed valua- tion of the real property of suah oounty or politloal suv- divisioa or road distrlot, and to levy and oolleot.aUvalorem taxes to pay the interest on such bonds and provide a sink- ing fund for the redemption thereof. Artiole 779, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, provides! The commissioners oourts. may invest sink- ’ ing funds acoumulated for the redemption and payment of any bends issued by suoh oounty, politioal subdivision or defined district there- of, in bonds ofthe United States, Of.Texas, or’ any county in this State; or in bonds of the Federal Farm Loan Bank System. NO suoh bonds shall be purchased which; aooording to their terms, mature at a date subsequamt to the time OS maturity of the bonds for the payment of whioh such siragingfund was created.* Honorable T. Gilbert Adams, Page 3 ArtiOle 780, Vernon's Annotated Oivil Statutes, provides: *All i6terest on such investments shall be applied,to the sinking fund to whioh it belongs, and the use of suoh funds for any other purpose shall be oonsldered a diversion thereof and pun- ished as provided by artiole 94 of the Penal Code." Artiole
779, supra, describ ed the manner and des- ignates the bonds, wh**h the sinking funds aoouniulated for the redemption and payment of any bonds issuedby such oouM,V, political subdivision or defined district may be invested. However, this statute does not authorize the oonimlssioners~ oourt to use any portion of the surplus in the interest and sinking fund for any other purpose. Ia view of the foregoing statutes It is our opin- ion that any surplus in'the interest and sinkl5g fund of the road distriot must be applied to the speoifio purpose or purposes for which It was raised and aoWaulated, whloh was for the redemption and payment of the ~bond issue and. the interest thereon;exoept the investmedts authorized by. Article
779, supra. Therefore, the oommissioners* oourt has no legal authority er power to use s5y emouatof the surplus in the interest and sinking fund OS the above mentioned road'distriot for the purpose of'settiag up a revolving fund for the oountp, to be used by said county in oooperation with the United States Department of Agri-' oultureix aid and assist in carrying out the purpose and provisi058 of se&Ion 17, Artfole 2351, eupra, end an Act of ~Gongress pertaining to the distribution of commodities to persons in need of assistance regarding the food and/or aotton stamp plan. Yours very truly ATfORNEp GENERALOFTEXAS APPROVED FEB 19, 1942 a/ Grover Sellers FIFLSTASSISWN!C ATTORNEY GXXXE?AL 1IW:I.M APPROVEDOPINIOIi comalTEE BY Bg cm
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4427
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017