Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • H6miirabIe'James
    E Kllday, Director
    Railroad Commission of Texas
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir:              Opinion NO 0-4418
    Re:   Authority of the Railroad Com-
    mission to divide a specialized
    motorcarrier certificateand to
    approve the sale of a portion    .
    ..~      thereof under the described facts.
    Pef%iltus to-quote your reient letter requestingan opinion
    from this department..It reads:
    "The Commissionhas your opinions Nos. O-4246 and O-4380
    &i&'hold'~tliatthe'RallroadComUssion of Texas does not
    hWQ'autlibrXty55 apgroirethe dlVSsion of a ,Speclallzed
    _ ``..    Where under the dlvlsltineach.of
    thC'cbtitifi&tbswould retain the right to transport house-
    hold goods and used office furniture and equipment.
    "You will note under the amended applicationfiled by the
    applicant dated February 10, 1942, Paragraph2, reads as
    "'It is.deslredand herein petitioned that said Certificate
    be divided into .two (2) parts, one part authorizingthe
    transportationof household goods and used furniture from
    Houston to all points In Texas and from all points in Texas
    to 'Houston. The other part to authorize the transportation
    of all other commodities set forth In said Certificate save
    and except the right to transport household goods and used
    "Please give us your opinion In view of this amended appli-
    cation whether the Commission would have the authority to
    approve the division of a SpecializedMotor Carrier Certifi-
    cate where one part of the certificate after division would
    retain no authority to transport certain commoditiesauthorized
    in the original certificate.
    In opinion No. O-4246 by this department, to which you refer,
    it was stated:
    Honorable James E. Kilday, Director, Page 2 (``-0-4418)
    "InOpinion Ro. O-1096 ~thisdepartmentupheld'the authority
    of~the'Railroad~Cokimisslonto approve; under certain condi-
    tions the sale of aportion of a'comrhoncarriermotor certi-
    ficate of 'convenienceand nedessity under Section.5, Article
    gllb,'Vernon'SAnnotatedCivil Statutes. The question deci-
    ded in this opinionwas involved In the case of Houston and
    Rorth'TexasMotor Freight Lines, Ind., et al vs. W .A. John-
    'etCal,detiided.bytheGalveston Court of Civil Appeals
    on the 11th day'df 'De&iiber,1941: The court upheld the
    action of the Commissionin approvlng'thesale of a portion
    df"such certificateunder the conditionsand facts pre-
    The dase referred to is at this time before the Supreme Court
    .        i.ipon'thi'grantingof a.Writ'of Error on "Point One,"
    whichdoes not'.involve‘the   question of the-'powerof the
    Coiiiniissionto .approvethe ~saleof a portion~of a common c&r-
    PSefXiotof~'caFrieti ceftificate'ofconvenienceand.necessity
    of‘Clvll'Appeals. Because of the
    Virddii~s~Annotated  Civil~Statiites;lnvolved'ln~thlscase
    td'thatof Sectlon~5a(a);'as'amended    '~yjySedtiLori'4.0f'House
    _                              pertaining to'the
    i%lS of
    ~sBn ~iiispeci~liied-``to~.cal;rSe~
    .eHlij.co8(t&&& .``e.       certifibates;'
    .bklxe+e,``rit;rtis  the“dec5.l
    __.. .
    the'qdestlonsyou ha~i‘submi~tid;‘Undef“the'hbldSrig    of the
    GU.l*eZ?ton~'Oourtyou would; In our opinion, be authorized to.
    dIvlde-a%pecialized-motorcarrier certificateIn the manner
    'sitout in the ~amendedapplicationas described in your letter.,
    and-approvethe sale~of a portion thereof, If otherwise per-
    mi,sslbleunder the provisionsof‘Section 5a(a), which reads:
    held, owned, or obtained by any motor carrier
    operating as a ~spei3.Cllzedmotor carrier' under the provl-
    &ions-'of~thisAct, may.be sold, assigned, leased, transferred,'
    Sirlhheritedj'provided, however, that any proposed sale,
    lease; assignment,or transfer shall be first presented In
    wi%tlng to the Commission for its approval or disapproval,
    and the Commissionmay dlskpprove such proposed sale, asslgn-
    ment, lease, or transfer If it be found and determined by the
    Commissionthat such proposed sale, assignment, lease, or
    transfer is not In good faith or that the proposed purchaser,
    assignee, lessee, or transfereeis not able or capable of
    kontlnulngthe operation of the equipment proposed to be sold,
    assigned, leased, or transferredin such manner as to render
    the services demanded by the public necessity and convenience
    in the territory covered by the certlfiaate,or that said
    Honorable James R. Kilday, Director, Page 3 (``-0-4418)
    proposed sale, assignment,lease, or transfer.16not best
    for the'publldInterest; the 'Conimission;in a$prOving or
    disapprovingthe sale, assSgiiment;'lease; or transfer 'of
    any certificate;maytake into consSderatlbnall of‘the
    requirements'and~qualifikations of a regular applkant re-
    quired in'this ACt and apply same as necessary qualifldations
    of any proposed -purchaser,assignee, lessee, or transferee;***."
    The CoPrmlsslon may therefore disapproveanysale of a speclal-
    Szed'motorcarrier~'certlflcate,  or a portion thereof, unless
    St flnds.the folloting facts: (1) 'Thatthe'proposedsale Is
    made'in -good'falth;. (2)‘thatthe proposed purdhaser is able
    to Continui.'the-operation of the equipment'proposedto,be~sold
    Sn'sukh manner as to meet the public -Wnvenience and necessity
    tiistent'ln~thepremises; (3) that%he'proposed'saIe~is
    _     bests
    for the~publScinterest; .axid (4).'that:thejpurchaserpossesses
    the requisitequalificationsof a regular applicant.
    .' ,
    lq..+do~ssg~&jsay, and'stiould,  accordinglySnquire'idtothe
    .facW'conciMiSngthi'proposedsale and make the flndSxigs'd&med
    by the"LeglslatuiWtd.bd'ofimIW3AuiCe:"In this connedtion
    We call'your attentSon to'~the'dealaratSdn"of"'polSky~'dontaSned
    SnXWtSon 1``of~House'RSll'No~   351'whereln It 1,ssaid of
    specialized motor
    - _- .- -  carrier
    _.,   operations:
    '* *"* to 'regulatesuch.cari%ersin the.publlo interest to
    ~he'e~d't``t"the‘higharays'may begrendtred'safer'forthe use
    the wear‘of such hIghWays may be
    of traffic on the highways may be .I
    minimized, and that the use of the highways may be re-
    Ctrlcted'to.theextent required by the necessitf   of the
    general public; provide regulation for all common carriers,
    fiithoutunjust discriminations,undue preferences or advan-
    tages, unfair or destructivecompetitivepractices; improve
    the regulationof suoh motor carriers and other oommon oar-
    riers; preserve the comon carrier servlng.thepublic In the
    'transportation of commoditiesgenerally over regular routes;
    develop and preserve a complete transportationsystem pro-
    perly adapted to the needs of the commerce of this State and
    of the National Defense Program".
    The Railroad Commissionobviously should not, by approving the
    sale 0f.a specializedmotor carrier certificate,or a portion
    thereof, authorize an operation which has.been discontinued
    by the.originalowner of the certificate. In this connection
    we call your attention to the language of Mr..Justice Critz
    of the Supreme Court in the case of Railroad Commission VS.
    Honorable James E. Kil,day, Director,          Page 4 (``-0-4418)
    Texas & Pacific Rail”’ y Company, et al, 157 S. W. (26) ‘622,
    didided ‘Noverhber~    19,x 941, wherein the court was.ccnsSderSng
    House.., Bill No. 351:
    “If we ere to construe the act of 1941 as authorizing ‘then
    Usuanc ii of new csrtlflcates   based on old permits, r&gad-
    less of whether op not such old permits were being operatCd
    Under;a very grave qukatioti as.to’the      constStutl6nallty   of              *
    the 1941 act would be.@resented, but, as alrekdy shown, we
    donstrue euch abt as ofily authorizing new certificates       based
    6fi old permSt& where the old’pWmlts were being operated.
    Wd&ti on ‘January 1; 1941. So ‘contitrued, the’act of 1941
    k&Wits to ‘a-reason&ble La~Sslatlvb“findl~g‘of       convenldrice
    tid fiecbsrjSty~‘aa apPlSbd to 6x13petiits’whlch    are authorleed
    to be la?uea,?a~ a baale
    ,.. for new,certlflcates.*    + +I’
    Iii thib Snetaht ‘a@pl$@s;tion the proposal. is made to’ dlvlde the
    dpddiallked’mdt6~       balm?idr’certifloate      aB tb tiiat’part’author-
    ltUigPthi tSiiap6titdHon ‘of’ liotisekiold goods ana uaed’offloe
    ~QiitlitursYiiidni’~Hdrliot6~“t6’al~“polnter In Texae’and iMu all .
    ‘or;hti“m’Tejuij‘tii’Ho~dtijn;‘ond        to ‘Bell such pbrtfon.     If au
    E“rhltitdti of’ ~a6t’the’t~urspostatlon         of these partioular    oonl-
    ‘~6dltIlii’kira   bd~ti’dib~dntinued or Abandoned b the holder oi
    tbr’~o~l~lhL1”be~tfildatr,        it would appear dou3:tful that, :the
    ‘Ed nromrrity required auoh operatioll’and
    hat the ralr oc tranrEor therrol would be bht for the pub-
    lie lntorout.
    Oon6ltitrht with throo oonrldrrationr,  and upon the authority
    of~the oabocof HouPton and North Toxao Motor Freight Llnre,
    Ino,, at al, VP, W, A, Johnoon, .It &l, a8 it now rtandr pou
    LrQroo oot$ull     adviood that it lo tho o Won    ol thin do-
    #.     .~?that 6 e
    ifI RWroad   OommLoolon wouPd b o luthorlsod to
    lvldo tho cpoolallaad-mobor     oarrlor,oortilioabo an dororlbod
    ln     pour loWor and~bp   approve    tho ralo OF ruoh portion thrroof,
    Your8 vary truly
    AF?ROVED MAR 86, lgb                   ATTORNEY QENERAL OF          TEXAB
    FlRST     ASSISTANT                     w    201110 0. stiakley

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4418

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017