Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •                                                                               :7
    .       '.
    _'.. AUSTIN
    ,:         .
    . ..RonorebleWill IA``J RIchardson
    Asslstont Seoretarp: or state
    Austin, Texan.
    se lcake avail-
    er ArElO1.e 5949
    of the Rev                                ended dealing
    ntin,g notaries 'at this ..
    ersona .to wrlta tom
    ntnent.c. Xs then noti-
    not feal that It would be tog the best
    interest of the public lf we did. give out eueh ti
    list ~8 It wuld be aontuainp; to s great many pop-.
    sons who would amme   that any person  so named was
    already e aotary public.
    gonorable   Vi’ill l%nn Riohardaon, Page 2
    The eOrpOratlOn steten speoifiically that
    the only reason they wish this informtim      10 in
    order that it rap write to those pereons. slid try
    to obteln the business of furnishing 6 notary bond.
    VCe 60 not feel that that I.8 sufticlefit reason for
    giving out thlo lnfomatlon    or allowlnt: the aur-
    poretion aaeess to our reaorda   to compile such e
    .            llat.
    '.                     @We would sppreolate an opinion from your Co-
    partnent as to ðer our reeords should be open
    to the bonding eoslgmiy before ths notary quelffi-            .
    oation has been kompleted.w
    Article 5949, Vernonva   Annotated   Civil Stetutes,
    "The Foaretary ot State of the Etete of Texes
    shell appoint a ooryenient number of notarios pub-
    lie for egoh cour.ty. Uotaries publlo zey be ep-
    pointed at any ~tlm, but the terns of .ell notaries
    pub110 shall end on June 1st of eaoh odd numbered
    To be elle;ible.for appolntroent a8 notary
    g%o     6 pereon.shell be at least t\;-enty-one(21)
    years of age and a resident of the county for whloh
    he 1s ap op;ea.    ‘(+I emelided Acts 1939, 66th Leg.,.
    PO 498, ii . ”
    Nothing la found iu. Title 99 of whloh the above
    Article la a pert tilch ne&r;s,a list of notaries pabllo ap-
    polnteea a pub110 record.    ``iiragrsph$i of drtiale 4331, Ver-
    non’s Annotated Civil Ftetutcs, makes it the duty of the
    Cemetery of Sate to “keep in a separate suitable book a
    aomplete reglater of all the oifioers eppolnted or elected~
    in this Ftete, and oomisslon     then when  not otherwise pro-
    vided by law.” A notary public has been held to be e publlo.
    20 Rawle c
    . L. 226. Eenoe we believe it to be the
    duty of the Fearetary.of State to prepare and keep a l.ist
    of all notaries publlo.    One I.8 not a notary publia nor a.
    public oftioer, ho’riever,until he heo, pursuant to his ap-
    pointazent, taken his oath, ereouted bond ezd been granted
    his c~lasion    end the Seoretery of State viould -not be re-
    quired to prepare his list until the oomplotlon of the pm-~
    088s of quallfioation.
    Ronorable Nil     K&n    Richardson,    Rage 3
    After    the   oompletion    of the    tiotary’s     quelirioation               '.
    the Seoretary of State is required  by Artiale 5950, Vernon’s
    Annotated Civil LPtatutes, to prepare and "furnish eaoh.oounty
    clerk e printed list of all notaries publio so appointed and
    qualified; th-t said olcrk shall preaoxve soid list for publio                        .-
    inspection and post a copy thercof on the oou.rthouss doorw.
    There ia no statute giving any person tha r&ht to
    reqoire you to furnish them a list OP the sppointaes nor none
    girin& members of the.publio the right of inspeotlon.    A oare-
    ful ccnsideratlon of the authorities, hoqevcr, would lead us      .'
    to the conclusion that the publio would have a right ot aom-
    man law to require a list to be .fL-nlshed or to Mike reason-
    able inspeotion   of such rooordo., Such line of oases could not
    here govern, however, bccouse you stat8 thet you havenot yet
    received your foe in many ~8900 and have ‘not issued oomtissions;
    that your reoorda nro not so arron@d    as to anablcyou  to fur-
    nish a list ol those who have been appointed but.not yet quali-
    fied. Such state of tar%?, being %su~, you could not be oom-       '.
    pelled to furnish souething not yet available. ~,
    ‘It. is our opinion that you ode       not bo required to               "
    rurnlsh'the information requastcd by applicant,nor to permit
    their cpm~s    to exsnine and prepare lists'froa     yolrinoompletcd
    files if, In tha exercise of your discretion, you should oon-
    elude that suoh would interfere with the orderly exc~oution
    or your dutios.
    Sour6     yery   truly
    Ai3?ORlCt? GI?lB?&         OF TliXAS
    BY                d
    .               Lloyd - Amstrong
    Assl etant

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4376

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017