Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •             THEATIYORNEP              GENERAL
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart
    Chairman, Board of Insurance Commissioners
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sir;                  Opinion No. O-4375
    R0: Whether revenue bonds issued by
    local Texas.Houslng authbrltles ln-
    corporated under the.Texas Housing
    Act, not secured.'bgvalid-first
    lien on Texas'real estate are
    ellgible.as tax reducing I'Texas
    securities" under the Rob.ertson
    Lawi Articles 4765-4769, as amended,
    and as tax reducing b&ciwltles
    under ArtFcle 7064, as amended.
    Your letter of January 19, 'L942,-.submlttlng
    in sub-
    stance the above question to this Department-for an oplnlon is
    quoted as follows:
    "Please advise whether revenue bonds issued by
    local Texas Housing Authorities incorporated under
    the Texas Rousing Authority Act (Article 1269k,
    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, H.B. 821 Acts~l937,
    45th Legislature, Chapter 462, pages 1144-1157;
    Sets. l-26, as amended by B.B. 102; Acts 1937;&th
    Legislature, Second called session, Chapter 41,
    pages 1924-1939, Sets. 1 and 2), which bonds are
    not secured by valid first liens upon Texas real
    estate but are secured only by pledges of (1)
    annual contributions of funds from the United States
    Housing Authority under its assistance contract illth
    the local Texas Housing Authority at San Antonio;
    (2) rents and revenues from the San Antonio prboject
    properties themselves; (3) reserve funds set aside
    by the issuing local San Antonio Authorlty~for main-
    tenance, repairs, replacements, vacancies and col-
    lection losses; (4) as to a series A, a special find
    set aslde,by the issuing San Antonio local authority
    with.l'tsfiscal agent equal in amount to the prln-
    clpal'afidinterest maturing for the first nine
    years, are eligible as tax reducing 'Texas seburltles'
    tinder the Robertson Law, Articles 4765-4769, as amended,
    and as tax reducing securities under Article 7064 as
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 2        o-4375
    amended. In this connection we invite your attention
    to Art. 1269k-1." (Acts 1939, Leg. p. 427, et seq.)
    Under the terms of your letter we must assume that such
    bonds have been issued in full conformity wlth the law, but we
    learn from our records that they have not been submitted to the
    Attorney General's Department for approval, and nothing contained
    herein is to be interpreted as passing on the legality or val1dLt.y
    of these bonds.
    Chapter 4 of Title 78, Vernon's Civil Statutes of the
    State of Texas, I'TexasSecurities and Gross Receipts Tax'! known
    as the "Robertson Law"; as originally enacted and as amended,
    provided for and required of life insurance companies engaged in
    transacting the business of writing life insurance in this State
    the investment of a sum of money equal to at least seventy-five
    per cent of the aggregate amount of the legal reserve required by
    the laws of the state of lts domicile in "Texas securltles" and
    in "Texas real estate". Such Investments to be made and maintained
    on account of Its policies of insurance in force written on the
    lives of citizens of this State consltutlng the reserve denomlnated
    by the act as its "Texas reserves".
    The act defined the term "Texas securities" as
    "The term 'Texas Securities,' as used.ln~thls.,.~,
    Chapter, shall be held to include all bonds issued
    under and by virtue of the Federal Farm Loan Act
    approved July 17, 1916, when such bonds are issued
    against and secured by promissory notes or other
    obligations the payment of which is secured by
    mortgage, deed of trust. or other valid lien upon
    unencumbered real estate situated in this State;
    bonds of the~State of Texas; bonds or lnterest-
    bearing warrants of any county, city, town, school
    district or other Im*nlclpalityor subdivision which
    1s now or may hereafter be constituted or organized
    and authorized to issue such bonds or warrants under
    the Constitution and laws of this State; notes or
    bonds secured by mortgage or trust deed insured by
    the Federal Housing Administrator; promissory notes
    and other obligations, the payment of which Is
    secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other valid
    llen upon unencumbered real estate situated In this
    State, the title to which real estate is valid and
    the market value of which is forty (40) per cent
    more than the amount loaned thereon, exclusive of
    buildings unless such buildings are insured against
    fire and kept insured in some company authorized to
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 3       o-4375
    transact business ln the State of Texas, and the
    policy or policies transferred to the company
    taking such mortgage or lien; or upon first liens
    upon leasehold estates in real property and improve-
    ments situated thereon, the title to which Is valid,
    and the leasehold has not less than thirty (30)
    years to run before expiration, provided that the
    duration of any loan upon such leasehold estates shall
    not exceed a period of ten (10) years. If any part
    of the value of such real estate Is in buildings,
    such buildings shall be insured against fire and
    kept insured for at least fifty (50) per cent of the
    value thereof in some company authorized to transact
    business In this State and the policy or policies
    shall be transferred to the company taking such
    mortgage or lien.
    "The term 'Texas Securities,' as used ln'this
    Chapter, shall also be held to include obligations
    secured collaterally by such first lien notes-;flrst
    mortgage bonds of any solvent Corporation lncorpor-
    ated under the laws of this State and doing business
    in this State, and which has pal&out of Its actual
    earning, dividends of an average of at least five (5)
    per cent per a@umpn    the par value of all of its
    par value stock outstanding and on the sale value
    of .a&? ofL$i~.t-icxm W.ue stock outa_ta~Wf3.f?r.a~
    period of at least five '(5)years next~F&edlng
    the date of such investment, and which has not at
    any time defaulted In the payment of interest on any
    of its obligations, any such investment In the bonds
    of any one such corporation not to exceed five (5)
    per cent of the admitted assets of the Insurance com-
    pany making the investment, and loans made to pollcy-
    holders on the sole security of the reserve values
    of their policies. The investments required by this
    Chapter may be made by the purchase of not more than
    one building site, and ln the erection thereon of
    not more than one office building, or in the purchase,
    at Its reasonable market value, of such office bulld-
    lng already constructed and the ground upon which the
    same 1s located in any city of the State of more than
    four thousand (4,000) inhabitants. All real estate
    owned by life insurance companies in this State on
    December 31, 1909, and all thereafter acquired under
    the provisions of this Chapter, or by foreclosure of
    a lien thereon shall be treated, to the extent of its
    reasonable market value, as a part of the investment
    required by this Chapter. And 'Texas Securities'
    shall be held to include every character of lnvestment
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 4        O-4375
    .    .   .by the terms
    _ ..of this Article; provided
    tnat tne aoove restrlctlons concerning mortgage
    loans shall not apply to loans insured by the Federal
    Housing Administrator. As amended Acts 1941, 47th
    Leg., P. 848, ch. 524, 11."
    The above paragraph contains in substance the provl-
    slons of Article 4766, Vernon's Clvll Statutes of Texas, and
    sets out in detail the character of investment that may be made
    by life insurance companies operating in Texas under the Robertson
    law. This article does not.mention the mattersof~taxatlon. The
    article of the Robertson Law relating to taxation, the amount of
    taxes to be paid by such life insurance companies operating in
    Texas, and the reductions to be allowed such companies under the
    law, when certain investments are made by them in the State of
    Texas, is Article No. 4769, and for your information we quote
    Article No. 4769 in full as follows:
    "Each life insurance company not organized
    under the laws of this StBte, transacting buslness-
    in this State, shalI annually, on or bef,orethe 1st
    day of March, make a report to the Commissioner;
    which report shall be sworn to by either the presl-
    dent or vice-president and secretary or treasurer of
    such company,'whlch shall show the gross amount of
    premiums colle‘ctedduring the year ending on December
    31st, ~precedlng,~.from~citlzens
    of~thls State upon
    policies of insurance. Each such company shall pay
    annually a tax equal to four and sixty-five hundredths
    (4.65) per cent of such gross premium receipts. When
    the report of the Investment in Texas securities, as
    deflned by law, of any such companies as of December
    31st of any year shall show that it has invested on
    said date as much as thirty (30) per cent of its
    total Texas reserves as defined by law, in promissory
    notes or other obligations secured by mortasa
    deed of trust, or other lien on Texas real esi%te
    and/or in loans to residents or citizens of Texas
    secured by the legal reserve on the respective policies
    held by such borrowers, the rate of occupation tax
    shall be reduced to four and five one hundredths
    34.05 per cent; and when such report shall show that
    such company has so Invested on said date as much as
    sixty (60) per cent of its total Texas reserve,  the
    rate of such tax shall be reduced to three and six
    tenths (3.6) per cent; and when such report shall
    show that such company has so invested, on said date,
    as'much as seventy-five (75) per cent of its total
    Texas reserve, the rate of such tax shall be reduced
    to three and one tenth (3.1) per cent. All such com-
    panies shall, In any event, make the investments ln
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 5         0 -4375
    Texas securities in proportion to the amount of
    Texas reserves as required by law. Such taxes
    shall be for and on account of the business trans-
    acted within this State during the calendar year
    in which such premiums were collected, or for that
    portion thereof during which the company shall
    have transacted business in this State. This Act
    shall not in any manner affect the obligation for
    the payment of any taxes that have accrued and that
    are now due or owing, but the obligation as now
    provided by law for the payment of such taxes shall
    continue-in full force and effect. As amended Acts
    1941, 47th Leg. H. B. #8, Art. XVIII, 3. 3."
    (Emphasis addedj
    We have underlined in the above paragraph the parts
    which we think bear most directly on your question. We think
    it 1s also well to mention in this connection that this article
    was last amended by the 47th session of the legislature, under
    the Acts of 1941, and~to point-out that such amendment is later
    in time than.elther Article 1269k or Article 1269k-1, herein-
    -after referred to, lndlcatlng that the legislature did not intend
    to include the Housing Authority bonds in the terms of Art. 4769.
    Article 1269k, as enacted by the 45th Legislature, in
    1937; and as amended by the 2nd Called Session of the 45th Legls:
    lature, In 1937, provided
    ---````~.eli~   for
    such    the -houtiIns'
    Tocal  organization of local housing
    -tiuthorrtless``su-e    ~_
    bonds and to make provisions for the payment thereof. Article
    1269k-1, enacted by the 46th Legislature, in 1939, provides that
    such bonds shall be valid and legal Investments for life insurance
    companies, other organlzatlons and individuals, the relevant part
    of said article being as follows:
    "Notwithstanding any restrictions on investments
    contained in any laws.of this State, the State and all
    public officers, mnlcipal corporations, political sub-
    divisions, and public bodies, all banks, bankers, trust
    companies, savings banks and institutions, building and
    loan associations, savings and loan associations, in-
    vestment companies, and other persons carrying on a
    banking business, all insurance companies, insurance
    associations and other persons carrying on an Insurance
    business and all executors, administrators, guardians,
    trustees and other fiduciaries may legally invest any
    sinking funds, moneys or other funds belonging to them
    or within their control in any bonds or other obligations
    Issued by a housing authority pursuant to the Housing
    Authorities Law (Chapter 462, Regular Session of the
    Forty-fifth Legislature, as amended by House Bill No. 102,
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 6        o-4375
    Second Called Session of the Forty-fifth Legislature,
    and amendments thereto) or issued by any public housing
    authority or agency in the United States, when such
    bonds or other obligations are secured by a pledge of
    annual contributions to be paid by the United States
    Government or any agency thereof, and such bonds and
    other obligations shall be authorized security for all
    public deposits; it being the purpose of this Act to
    authorize all persons, firms, corporations, associations,
    political subdivisions, bodies and officers, public or
    private, to use any funds owned or controlled by them,
    :lnclualng (but not limited to sinking, issuance, Invest:
    ment, retirement, compensation, pension and trust funds,
    and funds held on deposit, for the purchase of any such
    bonds or other obligations; provided however, that
    nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as
    relieving any person, firm, or corporation from any
    duty of exercising reasonable care in selecting securities."
    You will-note that this article makes no special refer-
    ence to taxation nor to the ellglblllty of such bond~sfor use as
    tax reducing "Texas securities" as .descrlbedin Article 4769,
    quoted hereinabove.                                           .~
    The Commission of Appeals of the Supreme Courtsof Texas _
    in Santa Rosa Infirmary v. City of San Antonio, 259 3.X. 926, in
    passingon the provisions-of-Article  ,a, Section 2,.~of-~the
    tutlon of Texas, holds as follows:
    "Exemptions from taxation are never favored and
    in construing laws exempting any citizen or class of
    property all doubts are resolved against the exemption."
    It is our view that the rule of statutory construction
    here expressed would apply with equal force In the interpretation
    of laws reducing taxation.
    It 1s therefore our opinion that the answer to the first
    part of your question should be in the negative, That is, that
    the bonds in questlon Issued by local Texas housing authorities,
    not secured by valid first liens on Texas real estate, are not
    eligible as tax reducing "Texas securities" under the Robertson
    Law, Articles 4765-4769, as amended.
    We think, however, that it is correct to take a differ-
    ent view in regard to the eligibility of such bonds as tax re-
    ducing "Texas securities" under Article 7064, as amended.
    Article 7064, as amended, Acts 1941, 47th Legislature,
    H.B. No. 8, Art. XVIII, Section 1, applies to insurance companies,
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 7        o-4375
    other than life and other than fraternal benefit associations,
    and provides for a tax on gross premiums. The applicable part
    of said article, as it relates to your question Is quoted as
    "If any such insurance carrier shall have as
    much as one-fourth of its entire assets, as shown
    by said sworn statement, invested in any or all of
    the following securities: real estate in this State,
    bonds of this State, or any county, incorporated city
    or town of this State, or other property In this State
    In which by law such insurance carriers mar invest
    their funds, the annual tax-of any such~lnsurance
    carrier shall be one and one-half per cent of its
    gross premium receipts; and if any such insurance
    carrier shall invest as aforesaid as much as one-
    half of Its assets, then the annual tax on such ln-
    surance carrier shall be three fourths of one per
    cent of its gross premium receipts as above defined."
    (Emphasis added)
    We have underlined the part of the above quotation
    which we think applies most directly to your question, and we
    believe that Article 1269k-1, quoted hereinabove, brings the
    --   bonds referred to in your question within the classlflcat-Ioncon-
    templated by the clause:   or other property in this State 1;
    which by law such insurance carriers may invest
    _.. their funds.
    .~.                      '
    We are therefore of the opinion that the second part of
    your question should be answered in the affirmative, and that the
    bonds in question are eligible as tax reducing "Texas securities"
    under the provisions of Article 7064, as amended, provided the
    bonds have been legally Issued.
    We do not however here pass on the question as to whether
    the San Antonio bonds to which you refer are legal investments
    for Insurance companies since we do not know whether they were
    issued as the law directs and in view of the fact that their
    validity has not been passed on by the Attorney General's Depart-
    We trust that we have satisfactorily answered your ln-
    .   .
    Honorable 0. P. Lockhart, page 8            o-4375
    Yours very truly
    By s/Robert F. Cherry
    APPROVED MARCR 16, 1942
    s/Grover Sellers
    Approved Opinion Committee By s/GWB Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4375

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017