Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •                   OFFICE    OF THE A’IIORNEY           GENERAL    OF TEXAS
    Eonorable    l’ho~a     A. Wheat
    county Attorney                                             (       i$
    Liberty County
    I i,,I:,,
    Liberty, Texer
    Doa* 81rt                          OQiaiOIl &To. ,p4s7-2-i  ‘5:
    ~Rer      How oft&i-she-yld hogs dsam-
    stration agentii-asd cmAty
    6&bU$tUl?3l   fl&!lAtlU
    ,@oyed'w    such a@At%~
    J-                                 /
    '.Y 1942, requesting the
    Your latter of &&i~?#27,
    OQilliOA Of this dOpWfd!Wlt+3A,thbe ab'o``'iatatedqU6&3tiOA reads
    \,        IA part as follow8;           \, "."i /
    Or TOXEL~, UPOA       .sUoh to-8     aAd OOAditiOM
    say    be agreed    upoa by ths Commie~lone~*
    and the Agents of the Agricultural and PIoobani-
    061 College of Texas; and may employ euah EMBA8,
    Honnrable   Thomas .%.Zheat, &age 2
    and map appropriate aAd expend such sung-or
    money as may be nec3ssary to err3otiv8ly es-
    tablish and carry an such demonstration work
    in -+rICulture and Eome Economics in their
    rcspeotive couAtle8.   Mats 1911, p. 105;
    Xots 1st C.3. 1917, p. 50; AOt8 1927, 40th
    Leg. p. 9, Chi. 6, $1.)'
    "IA Vietr 'Of the feCt that the COtissiOA-
    era' Court must fix their budget every year,
    I think that in view of this Statute that
    they veuld in their budget have to allot a
    oertain amount of money to provide for the
    salaryof    the County qrlculturol   Agent and
    COLlAty h,mOAEItIWtiOA ;yeAt.   These funds would
    be agproprlatid end sst aside in the budget.
    Probably this would conteqlrite the eq&y-
    in& of the ByeAts once eaoh year, although
    the statute doe8 AOt'sosnto cover end be very
    definite u?o,on the, subjeot;."
    Rsfarring to titicle 164, sugra, it is stated iA
    our opition ;:o.,C-2498:
    RAgrioultural e&ante are employed by the
    tiountles under &id statute."
    %l'eam eMlOaiAg o``ie8 Of the above meAt:oAed
    opinion and opinion No. O-1022 for your oonvenienoe.   It
    will be noted that OphiOA No. O-2498 is overruled In port
    by OpiYliOA~NO. O-2709.  '&at part of opinion 30. O-24$8
    which i.8 overruled by Opinion BO. O-2709 is dth retereAoe
    to the statutory authority whereby the Commis8loners~ Court
    may employ a wolf trapper end say him a ealarp out of county
    Artiole 689a-9, %‘ernon’a AMotated   Civil Statutes,
    "The County Judge shell serve a8 budget
    ofrioer for the Commlesloners~ Court in oaoh
    COUAtJT, and during the month Of July cl aaoh
    year he, assisted by the County Auditor or by
    the County Clerk, shall prepare R budget to
    Honrrabie Thomas A. Rheat, Faf~e 3
    awer all proposed expenditures of the county
    gwernmmt     for the eucoaeding year. Aoh~bud-
    get nball be carefully ltezized so ~1s to ri@.ke
    as olear 6 aomp3risoA    38 practicable betwean
    expenditures included,in the proposed budget
    and aotual   expenditures for the same or simi-
    lar ;3tlJFpOB38 Ior the meoebin~ mari    Ihe bud-
    gst ihi ~180 be a0 ;diaparad &-to *&VI 3s
    defiaitely 38 gousible oath of the various
    ?rojeots for wbioh sppropr4ation.s   are set
    ug fn. thebudgot,    and the detimoted avmunt
    of mney    carried in the budget I'OZ each of such
    gro   j sots.   ;phS bUdgt3t.ShE!li C&lo   CC5-&iA   3
    coqleto finaaoial statement of the comty',
    showlog all outstuudiy    obligations oi the
    coo&y, the cash 02 hand to the credit o? each
    and every Zuud of tho oounty ~overomht,    the
    l'unda received from ail 33``~3s during the
    previous rear, the ruAo6 3vallabIo fro3 all
    aouroe8 during the 3A8UiAg   year, the sbtleated
    revenuas  avail.&ble to cover the propoeed bud-
    get and tha astinated rate or tax whfch will
    be required.-
    ibZicle~S(J9a-lll Y'arAon'Y Annotated Civil Statutes,
    prOVid88 %A $i%rtr
    "     'f&en the budget ha8 been finally
    approrh*b;   thy Comnlssioner81 Court, the
    budget,~ 3s apprwed   by the Court shall be
    illad  with the Clerk ai the County Court, and
    tare8 levied only in aeoerdaaoe therewith,
    and no 3Xp3AditUre   of the fuude of the oounty
    shall thereafter be made exoept in striot
    coqlS&hoe with tha budget as adopted by the
    court.   3xoe?t that emergency expenditures,
    fA oaae of grave publio A8Oee8ity, t0 met
    unusual'ahd unPore8esn aoaditiohs whd6h could
    not, by reaeonably dlf&snt thought sod attan-
    tion, have been ino11~Ied In the ariginal bud-
    zet, may Croa time to time be authorized by
    the Court as ole5dBieAtS to the orl&nel bnd-
    get. In all cases where suoh axendmmt     to .tha
    original bud&et la mde,    a oopy of the order
    or the Court amending the budget shall be fil-
    ed 171th the Clerk of the Countp Court, and at-
    tacbed to the 9ud@, originally adopted."
    Eooorabla Thomas A. ;&eat, nige 4
    Yiaare inZmme(l bp the Dapartrsnt of Cooperative
    L%LaMiOn Xork in ~icultura     and Home Zconomics of the kyri.-
    cultural and fdaohanicel College of Taxas that;
    "The Comi.ssiooare* Courts or practically
    all counties in Texas have, in oomplianoe with
    the state law, pasaad orders appropriating
    SUMS to Cooparata, with the United States Dapart-
    nant of &rioultura   Cooperatioa Extension Xork
    and the State of Teras, through the A. and 
    Id. College %tenslon
    h-vice, 15 providing for
    coutitp agrioultural agents and home demmatra-
    tio5 agenta.   These oourt orders are oantinuous
    .        at the discretion or the Courts and tbls agency.
    The agents era auployed by this Bervioe
    i5i &signed to the various aountiee in ooopera-
    tic5 with the Commlsslo5ars' Courts.    . . ."
    Fe have before us a form oi an order usually 'mad
    by the Commlsslonars* Court in appropriating tunds for Co-
    oparatfra &tension '%ork in agrioultora:and hma aoonotics
    uhioh provides in part:                    1
    *This appropriation shall be oontinuous
    annually until the Conunlssionars* Court or the
    Zxta5slo5 Service OS the A. and !.& Collage of
    Texas shell deoide to disoontinua same, and
    the order ot disaontilluanoe shall be passed
    05ly daring the month of                  whi Oh
    tiPls will be aear the olosa of the sedo5 and
    the year.8 work.   Otherwise this order and
    agraamant shall remain in afiaot from year to
    year. The CormPiseioneraV Court or the %ta5-
    sio5 Servioa of the A. and 24. College of Taxas
    shall give notioa .Sn writing to the other co-
    oparating aganoy at least thirty days prior to
    any ofrloialaation   pertaining to the disoon-
    tinuanoa of thcwork in the uounty and set a
    data ror a joint hearingi    I5 the eve5t the
    work is disoontinuad, the order shall not be
    afiactlve until thirty days after the date of
    its passage."
    gy virtue of the above mentioned statutes. the bud-
    get for the county must be prepared in the mamier and *thin
    the time presorlbad by said statute.   In ptsgaring the budc;et
    3onorabla Thomas .:..heat, 31:.:9
    Lhe salariie GS ti.;:      co:;,niy    :i.~;ricultu.z31 i;;eiit3  :i.xi  ?&me
    tiemonstr?tiGn    :.-?s :‘.>r               ~r.lgstiofi           it is our o,oin-
    ion, as abone stat;od,tlxittm 5oiwiissl:~ners'            Co'urt stall
    s~mlly     ejyproyi:&,e      funds litid
    set II:>
    ;he xne.in the county
    i;udqetfor the above ;centisnedagects &nd the a;prQ?ri?tion
    shall be oontinuous annually -untilthe ::ommicsioners'iourt
    or tha ktension 5ervice OS                             

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4372

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017