Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    Bonor'ableJ. Watt Page
    The Adfutant Gsao~al
    Austin, l'oxae
    Dear 8ir1
    Your 1088er
    a State Rapweont
    vnltwl stator 'id
    Honorable T. Watt Page - Page 2
    &rine Corps, retired warrant ottioera and retired enlisted
    man of the Vnited States Army, Navy and MarIn Corps.
    A;e these oonstitutionalamendments have been son-
    &rued by our Supreme Court, e peraon holding a State or-
    iioe and at the aami tlma oooupying ona of the atatusas
    mentioned above retains suoh status while in the aatfva
    m$litary servloe or the Vnited Statee undar an order of
    lnduotlon operating upon him aa a member'oi one of the
    olasaee named in the provisos to Artlolo 16, Seot$onr 3)
    and I&, and they thereroramay retain a Stata office and
    oolleot the oompensatlonattadhlng thereto. aarpenter
    v. Sheppard, 
    45 S. W. (2d) 5621
     Spwwb v. shappar&
    150 5. 8. (26) 769. (While both or these deoi8ioha aon-
    oorned orrioers or the National Guard lnduotsd aa moh
    into the aotive military servioe or the Vnltqd SW&em,
    the reasoning applies with equal roroo 'teeach or the
    other oategorleslieted in the amendments to Artlolti~li,
    seotfonm 33 and ItO,or the'Uon+tutiOn.)
    =.a State Repreeentativoir not a aeaber Of
    sny or the alasmoo naaed, but enters the Vnited 8ta0e8
    Am,   his situationwill be as tollowar
    Ii he is oommiesioneda8 an otr16er in the'bry
    or the United States he will upon aooeptanoe Or .Cht Of-
    rioe under the United States ipso rioto vaoatr hla.Gtate
    0rri00, by ior   or the provisions 0r Artlole 16; SbotZon
    12, or the Oonetitutlon.
    Ir he enters the Amy of the Vnitsd States, but
    18 not aade e+n @rioor in that Am,    ha will not vaoate
    him State orfioa but Uuring the.time he s.rvW iCtho Ax-u
    he will not be entitled to booelve from the State oi Texas
    pay ror aerviee render+ as a member oi the,LegSalatW*,
    by rorae or that portion or Artlqle 16,,Sootion33, oi~the
    oOnfjtitution, whioh prohibits the aooountlng orrioere or
    this State irom drawing or paging  wemrante upon the'Stat*
    Traasuq for salary or oompelleation  to = State oriiaer who
    holds et the came time a "position cchonor,   tryt,   or
    profit" under the Federal guvernment.
    Youra Avery truly
    FEB    5; 1942
    OF !tZXAS
    /9      .D
    R. W. Fair6hild

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4343

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017