OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Uonorablo Frank R. i&may county Attorney carroa couaty Peah34dle, torn8 Your reQuert ior a this Depart&t read88 aak8 a rtats- , aball coastltute a &umr aaoay coastltute 3 Quolwa. “‘Can a oouaty ccmmlsrioaer vho la sick be ooutsd 8s prsseat oven thotz& ho- ia umiblo to cow to the Court XOUYIQ,provided he alga8 the or- ders?’ m*If your, awwr to the flmt quoatioa is la the nffirmtlvo, then kindly odvire ao to vhether Nonorable Prank R. Nwray, pp 2 l‘If an ill oomhrionm vho la unrbla to at- tend a arraioa oi the aourt aannot k counted a8 0onatruutlTvly preasat ana a&La* only the Dlatriot court can determine the queat1oa OS a vaaanoy, iaov aan fho ooi#iaaioneM8 court trmaaot bualneaa vhers tb o ltctute protidea for all Plembera of the court to ba prosoat?@ .‘fe the iaauanae or time vamcnta ror the pay- i88at ot fatpr0rap#nt8 Crc the purahaas of maahfnery praia the tlao varmint8 aantrin the protlalon . . . . and that to create said fund, a tax La tmre- by lerlrd to pay the lntsreat 0~ raid varranta and to porlde the neoaarary ainkint( funca, and to pcy the prlaoipkl themof at nrturlty” such a lcrJ of a tax a8 requfrea the prsacncs of the entire Corn-- miaafonor3’ Court?‘” In Texas Juriapruaonoe, Voluae 11, page 559,it 28 ltatsdr .IB order that valid aatlcn “lay be takan br gy~e~4u88;ow~8, they mat firat be ormea . -any area xamberr 0r the cwaiaaioaer8~ oouzt, iocrludfng the oountt judge, aonstltuta a quorum r0r the tfcruaction of any buatiO88 exoept that of 1 e T y ir q c 8o u a ty ta x. . l .* Artiolo 2343, Wmma’a Anaotated Civil Statute+@roads: “Aay throw am&era of eald court, iacludiag the county &ago, shall oonatltute 8 quoruls roP the tmnsaotlan of my buaitaoaa except that of 1erpinSt a oounty tax.” It ~18 haa in th0 0a80 0i ze00kb P. stat0, ki a. w. (2d) 714 that the aosmiaalouera~ uourt could levy tama only at a rogulu toFm vita 8ll msmbara praaent. It WI hola by the &@mne Court or Tom Ln the cars of Fro0 v. Yaarborough, 8 3. U. 1901 Honorable Prank R. S&array, page 3 “Artlolr 1515 gave the paver to 1~7 tuea for oounty urpoaoa, and Article 1517 (nor Article 2354, .supra P lmpoaad llmltationa a8 to the moda of impocllng taxea as follova: “‘X6 county tax ahall b% levied oxrapt at a regulap trma of *U court, and vhen all the numbers of said court arm present.’ “Unquaatioaabl~, the Legislature had tha paver to atakmthis rub. T& llnltotlon admlto of AO construction. The meanlag is cleari aourta carmat alter or diapenas vith tt.’ (?srazrthetlcol insm- tioa ours) In viev of tha foregoing authorities it is our opinion that tha conndamioneral court cannot maks a valid county ,pbmy vhon one of the cominlasionmra la absent dum to 1llaes.s. liovo the vord *present" as uesd in the etatutr ati&d be gfvsn . .lt8 usual meting and to rmquirm actual presence at 8 regular ‘.moeting of the aourt held at the courthouse. (Article 2343, R.s.) With reapmct to your question as to hov tha commlaalon- o x -m* c o ur t c a na& gndmr lwh ve regret that there c lr c wc sta nc m8. 1s In our opinion no vay In vhlch the oourt CSD aot so at to levy 8 legal tax except upon a full oomplFance vlth Utlole 2354, supra, ’ Urnbellwe that the lsvplng al’ a tax Sor the purpose of paying fntmrmat and providing a alnklng fund to rotlm vac- rants Issued for tha pu,urchaae of machinery and for the ynent of imrprovementa ccdaea vlthln the purview of Article 235 0”, aujwa, rmquiring the arfimativa action of the court vhen 811 wmbera of thm court are present.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4335
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017