Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    Honorable Jamma K. Evrtta
    Dl#triot Attornry
    ~pasas, Texas
    Dear Sir:
    whioh you subnil
    The county Sahool
    met on neptomber 9, 19
    whloh purportedly oon
    Comon Sohool D
    county.     Bo ala
    nion of this doprrtment
    now efieotive aa suoh.
    ty sohool trustees ahall hwe
    aoholaetiopopulation and fndopendmt rohool
    illstriotehating 10~s than trs huMred and iitty
    aoholaetlopopulation for the purpose of eatrb-
    liahhingand operating rural high sohoels,.pm-
    vided alao that the county sobool trust@ee mar
    amex one or more ~oiumoneohool distriots or one
    nonorabls James K. Rvotts, Pegs 2
    or more Independent sohool distrlots having less
    than two hundred and fifty soholastlopopulation
    to a oom!nonaohaol dietriot having four hundred
    or more soholastiopopulation or to an indepandant
    district having two hundred and fifty  or more
    soholaetiopopulationupon the approval of the
    boerd of trustees of sash sohool dlstrlot affeotsdi
    provided that xhen one or mom oonmon sohool &IO-
    tsiots are 60 annexed to a oommon school dlutrlot
    having four hundred or more soholaatio populatIom,
    or to an IndependentdIstrIot having two hundred
    and fifty, or mars ooholastlopopulation, as the
    oaae may be, a board oi txusteer  shall be slsotad
    from the distriot at large and ahall have the man-
    agameot and oontrol of the,dIetriotas enlarged
    until the time for ths next alaotion and qualltl-
    oatione of trustsee for oommon and Indapsndsnt
    alstriots, as prarldod by Oenaral Law. . . .)I
    The oaso 0r county ward of Pohool Tntstetraet al
    V. Gray et al, 42 9. W. (2&l 697 (w, Z. Ref.) dealt with tha
    z$:on        of a ocmmoa?eohool dIstrIot to an fhdmpendontoohool
    The oourt In oonstrulng Artlola 29%2a, et seq., rile
    the rdlibrsSIg mitiosfqtt
    wo al*otion wa6 r.quIrsd. !rheoonrent ot
    the trustow of bath dimtrlota was euffiolrnt to
    authorize the annexation by order o? the U@unfy
    Board 0r Sohool Trusteos.~
    The oaae of Barnhart v* county Board or gahool Trus-
    boos oi Young Oouaty, lb8 9. W. (2d) 770, 8180 dealt with the
    annaxatlon oi a o-on   sohool dlstrlst to an In4apandmt sohool
    bistrlot under Artlob 29220. We quote from the opinion of
    tha oouxt 86 mlowt
    aIf It oould be said that the patltion by
    the two trwteea  or tha Flint Onok Cionwa Rshool
    Diatrfot oould in aSy nay atirot ths nlIdItY Of
    the order of the oounty board In Rnneling that
    dlstriot to tha Graham ludapanbantDIstrist On
    Map 9, 1935, the dafaota wwo oured by tha validat-
    Ing Aot of the &l&h LsgIslatars,1935, Regular ges-
    ~lon, ohap. 221, p. 530 (Var%an'sAan. OIv. -3.
    art. 2e15g-7), vhhiohaot beomm sfreotive Mw 10,
    Rouorable Jasm K. Yvette, Page 3
    1935, as well also by the Aot o? the Firat Called
    Seasion, 14th Le&alature, 1935 (ohaptor t&8),
    now artiole 2806a, Vernon*s Am. Clr. St..whIah
    aot beoame l??eotIve on Ootober 17, 1935. Thea0
    validating aots ooverc0 almo6t every aonoelvable
    irregubriby,  OYOrSight,   inadvertenae,end barn+
    ,108saamlI0tion In prooeeaingsleading up to the
    ?ornation,deelgnatlon,oonsolIaetIon,and ahnax-
    atlon in.matterso? school dietriots, and, a0
    statad, we believe the aouuty board was warranted
    In aooaptlng the petition and request of the two
    trustees of the oomon 8ohool aIstrlot ailin go@
    ?aIth being the sot of the board o? trustees o?
    that dietriot, y8t these broad validating rots
    nere paeaed by the Legislatureto set all suoh
    apparent dab.atabls,derloisnoIos at rest; and we
    thlhk they:ara sui~loimntror that purpose.v
    we a0 not ?Ihd It woewary   to aO0ia0whetherthe
    annexationwas,valia 0~ otherwi88. We .klImva that even ii
    .,*.the oom?mlIdatIohwer~lnvalld, IlrtIOla~28158-25Is amply'
    : au??foiontIn Its tsrw  to vslldata the ?om&lon of the
    ~.. sohof3l~dIstrlot.Seotlone 1, 2 and 3 of hrtiele 2815-25
    xaaa as rollowat
    "Gaotlon1.: All Sohool DIst~iots,,,I&WUhg
    Common soho    rdstriote, niaepenaent sonool’ Dfs-
    trlats, OonsolId'ated  Common Soho   DIstrIots,
    ~RuralRigh Sdhool Dlstriots,all OaamtyLIne
    Rahool Distrlata, lnoluding.OountyLine Common
    Sohool Districts; Oouhty Line fndepeadentSohool
    DIetriots, County Line Consolidated!&muon Sohool
    Distiiots,cOusty.&inO~   ~OnsOlid&i86 Ina~pena~t
    Sohool Dlstriots,OoUty~Linr Rural %iIghT?ohool
    Dlstriots, and,D$strlots   formed by Coneo~datlon
    or Rurel High sohool Dlstrlota and o~utiguOus~In-
    aepenaent~Sohoo1Districts,aud all othe.~,Suhool
    Distrlote,group8 or annexationsof whol``:'DiatrIots
    or parts o?,DIatrictsby vote o? the people roaid-
    i ’        Ihg In auoh-Clstrlotsor by aotion o? Gountp Tahool
    Roar&a, whether areated by Oaneral cirr:!peoIal Law
    In this Bate, and hsretoiore laid out atidestab-
    lished or attemptad to be establishedby the propar
    o??Iaers o? any County, or by the Leglalaturb O?
    Honorable Zamea K. Evetta, P%g% 4
    the State of T8X%%, findheretofore reoognized by
    either State or County suthorltieaa8 Sohool Die-
    triots, am hereby validated In all zeopeota 8%
    tfloughthey had.been duly and legally eetablished
    In the rirat instanoe. All sots of the Board% of
    Trustees In such ~Plstrictean8 all Comulaaloners*
    Oourts in ordering an eleotion ,orelaotiona, da-
    olarlng ths results or such elootions, levying,
    attempting or purporting to levy tare% rar and on
    behalf or suoh Sohool Districts, and all bond%
    iaaued and AOW outstanding,  and all bond8 horeto-
    rore v0tsa but not yet.kaaued,ana all bona aa-
    aumption tax eleotlons,‘arahereby In all things
    validated. The fact that by Yqadvertenoeor over-
    sight anr sot or the orrioer0 0r any county in
    the~oreatlonOttany Distrlot was omitted shall
    in no wise lnvalldats such Diatrlot~ 8na the ra0t
    that by inadvertenooor oversight any eet wae
    omitted by the Basrd af Trueteee of any auoh Dlr-
    triot or the Cosnale%ion%r8~ Court of any County
    in ordering an eLdotlon or eleotlons, or in de-
    claring the results   thereoi, or in levying the
    taxee ror suoh Dlatriot, or in the lssuanoe of
    the bonda ot any suah Dlstriot, %hall iA no ni%e
    invalidateany of suoh proossdings    or any bonds
    80 ieeued by auoh Dlatriots.
    *All eat% of the County Roards of Truetea%.
    of any and all Countlss in rearranging,ohanglng,
    or aubdivld5.ngeuoh Sohool Dlstrfots or lnoress-
    ing or aeoreaaing the aree tbereot, in any Fohool
    Dlstriot of any kind, or in oreating new Dlstriota
    out of part% oi existing Diatrlots or otherwiee,
    are hereby in all things validatsd.
    "sao. 2. 411 Sob001 Dlatrlote mentioned in
    thla Act are hereby authorized and eagomr%d to
    levy, a%%fw%, aAd oollsot the a%me rate or tax a%
    1% now being levied, aesesead end colleotedthem-
    IA, and heretofore authorized or attempted to,be
    authorizedby any eot, or aots or said Distriota,
    or by any Act, whether -Gmerhl or rfpecial,oi the
    *i?80. 3. This Act shall not apply to tm~yDfs-
    triot, the organizationor oreatlon of whloh, or
    Honorable JamaftIL Evatts, Pago 5
    oonsolldationor annexation of any territory in
    or to suoh Distrlot whioh 1s now lnvolr%d ln llti-
    &ion, or the validity of the organizationor
    oreatlon of whloh, or aonaolldstlonor annaxatlon
    at territory in or to suoh Dlstriota, is attaoked
    in any suit or lltlgatlonpending in any ocurt or
    competent jurladiotlonwhich has been filed hrre-
    torore or wlthln tventy (20) Bays arter the 8ft8Ot-
    lte date of thla Aot. Prcwldid furthar that thla
    A%t %hall not %pPlY to any Dlstrlot whlah nk%yhat%
    bson @atabll%hrd'oroonsolldated,and whloh ma
    later returned to lta orlglml  etetue.”
    Chief Su%tio% Our&on, apeaking     tar tha Suprome
    court in ths aaaa   0r Anam90nCounty    Rowi Matrlot   no.   8 T.
    Pollard, 296 S.~W. 1062, had the following to ear regarding
    Tha gonaral and e%t%bli%ho#rule is, rihet
    the Legislature aould hare authorlsed in the first
    inatanoa it oan ratify, 1v at the time or ratlrl-
    oation it haa thr inltlal authority to aubhorlco."
    kid JwiOo aritt,   ~peclki~ror the Oanrari%8lon
    Appeal% in tha ease oi Lyford IndopendontSohool Dlatrlot
    at al v. WUliaar IndependentBahool Diatriot et al, )O S. W.
    (Zd) 854, raid the followlag:
    Vhe validating aot ln quaatlon la not a
    apeoial but a genaral law,.and the power ot the
    Laglolatureto enaot auratire atatuter or this kind
    la no longer an open qu%atlon la thl8 at%fb.* Me
    aleo Twing t. Rhodo%, 16 8. W. (2d) 258; Tom Onan
    county Y. Moody, 289 8. WT. 3811 Brown t. Trimeott,
    In&ependantSohool Dirtflot at al, 34 S. W. (2d)
    In view or the,rooMgoing authorltiea,It la tha
    opinion or thie dapartment that %v%n if the oonsolldatlon
    were invalid at the tlm% of the ardor of thm aouaty Sohool
    Board, the oonaolid%t%ddlatrlot 1% mu, by virtue of it%
    validationby Artlole 2815g-25, a legal %%hool dl%trlot.
    Very truly your8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4333

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017