Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  •                    TXZEATIWDRNEY            GENERAL
    Auslw 11.
    honOr8ble P.W.Winter
    county Attcrney
    Jim Ho= county
    Hebbronvllle, Texas
    mir Sir:                     opinion Wo. o-4318
    Ret  Would 8 person convicted under Article
    480a, Vernon's Annotated Pen81 Code,
    thereby forfeit hi8 huntizg license
    sxitl huntins rights under Article 893,
    Penal Code0
    Thl8 is in Feeponrreto your request for our opinion 8nswer-
    lng the above question. you say you have 8 a8de pending wherein the
    questionwfll be r8ised 8nd you seek our advice 88 to whether conviction
    of ViO~tiOtl of &tide $808, Vernon18 kUlOt8ted   Penal Code would result
    in forfeiture of huntlxq liaen8es 88 authorized and required by Article
    893 oi the Penal code of this State.
    The lest official revl8lon of the Penal Code of Taxas ~8s
    effective on Septeiier 1, 1925. It aontalned Article 893 88 8 part
    of Tftle 13 %ffenses AgainrrtPublic Property”   and w88 incorporatedin
    Chapter 6 ofi88ld title, *Game, Fish 8nd Oysters", said Article 893
    X%8ds 88 fOiiOW8t
    'Any person convlated of vlol8tinS 8ny provl-
    slon of the Same laws of this State sh811 thereby
    8UtCUlKktiC8l’ly forfeit his license for 88id 8e88On.
    Any 8uah parrron80 aonvlcted of vlol8tlnS the g8me
    laws 8h8ll not be entitled to reaelve from the St8te
    e'liaense to hunt for one yeer issaedlately   folloulng
    the d8te of his COtWiCtlOn#    8nd It ehall be unlawful
    for 8ny person who la convicted of violatin& 8ny of
    the provisions of the S8me 18wu of thle Stste to pur- I
    chase or possess 8 huntInS llaense for 8 period of
    one ye8r lamedlately following date of such conviction;
    and it 8h811 8180 be unl8wful for 8ny peivon con-
    vlcted of viol8ting m      of the Same laws of this State
    to hunt with 8 Sun In this State for e period of one ~
    year immediatelyfollowing date of such aonvlction.
    "ditty                w   Of the prO~lSlOn8
    of this (IcMtlOnsh8ll be deemed gulltyof a mlsde-
    me8nor 8nd upon aonvlatlon 8h811 be fined in any sum
    not lrS8 th8n one hundred ($100.00) doller8, nor more
    th8ntwohundmd    (&!C@.~) dollsrs."
    Qttriavestig8tlgndoes not disclose that thb above mtiOle
    ~ ,'!'~.,'~
    been amgmd&in @rq manner since the codiiicstionOf the st8tuta8
    to ebove.
    Ronorable P.W. Rlnter,      Page 2     mm                   O-4318
    _    -
    Vermonta Annotated Pen81 Code Artiole 4808 ~88 p8ssed
    by the Legl618eUn, 8ubrequent to the 8dOptiOn Of the l&i Pen81 Code.
    It lt8S enacted by the Forty-firsttig1818tUN 8t its Second Called
    &sslon,~and 1s offlCl8lly Printad 8s Chapter 3, page 4 of the Oeneral
    L8W8  0s the Forty-first b&!l8tUl'8,  Second and ThM   Called Settsions,
    1929.   As the 88me la relatively rhort, we quote In f'ullt
    "An Act prohibiting the shooting or dlsch8rging of 8ny
    pi8tOi or firearm0s any kind in or SiOng
    or 8~088 8ny public road In this State; and
    pX'e8cribing8 penalty theZ%fOr.
    "Be it enacted by the Legi818tWe of the State Of
    "Section 1. Any person who shoots or discharges
    any gun, pl8tol or firearm 3.n on, 81Ow or 8Cro8S 8ny
    publle ro8d ln thls State sh8il be fined not more than
    "SEC. 2. The f8Ct that many person8 are now
    dlscharglng fire8``1 along and 8cro8s public roads In
    this State, thereby endangeringthe lives and safety
    0s persons rightfully on said roada oreates 8n emer-
    gency requlrlng th8t the Constltutlon81Rule requiring
    8 bill to be read on three seper8te days be 8u8pended
    8nd said Rule 18 hereby 8uspended and that this Act
    take effect immediately,and it 1s so enacted."
    In the c8se or ffallowayv. State 
    125 Tex. Cr. R. 524
    , 69
    S.W.’ (2d89, there Is 8 dl8eWlOn of the ef#ect.8nd 8ppliO8tion of
    ArticleQ93, Penal Code. I 18 pointed out in the opinion 0s the court
    Of crimb81 Appeals that 8 ViOl8tiOn  Of 8ny Of the g8me bWS Of thl8
    State 8utom8ticallyforfeits the llcenee of the guilty party; th8t such
    forfeiture he8 no place in the j*ent    0s conviction r0r the offense or
    ViOl8ting the Bame l8U8.
    We find nothlng ln 8ny pirtlon 0s Vern&n's Penal Code, Artlalc
    4808, nor in the 0rricial Acts 0s the Party-first Legislature, supr8, to
    Indicate that the Legl8lature intended such 8et to b8 denomltded    as 0
    "provision 0s the game laws 0s this State". It 1s obvlous'thatmany per-
    sons might shoot or discharge gun67 platols or other fire&m6     "in, on,
    81Onp;and 8ClWSB" public roads In &hi8 etate without any of +em beinp; ln
    pursuit 0s game.
    It is Our opinion that mere conviction for shooting 8
    8crosa a publia road in violation of Vernon's Pen81 Code, Article 4K
    (Acts Forty-firstLeg., svpra), would not bring 8bOUt a~&rfelture of
    the hunting licenee of the dimfhnt; that such offense .lsnot 8 vfol8tlon
    ;iokhe game 18~8, and therefore Article 893, Penal Code, has no appllca-
    ' Roiorlble P.W.   Winter,   paSe3                                  O-4318
    Yours very truly
    By   8/   Rcnj8ml.nwood811
    Renj8mln wood811
    APPROVRD JAR 21, 1942
    8/ Grover Seller8

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4318

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017