- OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoa. Olevoleab Da+18 aowbtr httoraoy waror ooutt lolfot0n,~ TeLIs Hon. Cleveland Darle, >aqe 2. - Z-?. E. Xoi. 262, Forty-“ ,erenth Le~isLatcre of Texan, reads as follous: ".'.a.2ot authorlzlug the Camlsaioners Zourt ih all ooutles Of tkis State to p-ovlde firs Lrotectlou ahd fire fighting equlpaent Sor the citizens of the county outside 0r any city, tov:11,or village thereia, either by the pUoh&Se end salntenanae by the c;unty of the necessary e;utjment, or by entering Into s;ntrects xslth tha fiorernfne body of cities, tarns, or rillages looste? within the czuuty nnd/or adJoining couatl?s for the use 0r the rir0 tigitizigaqulpezt of the city, toun, or village; providing that tte operat:on or any ffre right- lag equl~nent outside tha olty lir,ita of say city, torn, or vllleEe, gmsuant to oohtrosta xlth the Comissfon- ers Court of the county, shall be co::sidered as opera- tions of the county, and all persons eaga@! lh suoh operations) notwlthstacdiog they %ay be eqloyeer of t city, town, or vllla~e, shall be considered as agents for the county In ell reqectz; _czc~idio~ gzchase of f I;-e fighting equ::,:oentT-uzt be ciuthorlzed t3y election; and dealerihg en e.zer(-enoy. nSe4tion 1. 7729 ~09~:83:0~4r9 court ill ell collntlea of tAs State ahell be authorized to furzisti fire pro- teation and fire flg,htisf equls?zert to tt,e citizens of such county residing outside ttie city lLrlt3 of any alty, tom, or villa@ -1tbin the ccuhty 2ac/zr zZJolhlne, coun- ties. 'r‘heZom=issioners ,Cz,rt shall heve the authority to purohase flr2 tx~ks 6nd other fire fight& equlp- next by first advertising and rccelvin& bids thereon, as ;rovldad by len. The Cmissloners Saurt of my county of t&la Ztute stall also b2ve the auttority to enter into contreats v.lth any city, tom, or village vlthln the county end/or adjof~lry oounties, u;on suoh term cad csaditlona as shall be age& ugot batv;een the Comdssioners Zxrt and tkie @ver:llq t:Cy of suoh city, town, 01‘ V:11SE8, for the use of the fire trucks and other fire fl~kting equljxieot of the city, tom, or vii- la&e. It la apeClflCaLly provided that U-22 aats or any person cr ;.ersons x-rile flg::tlhg rlras, trcvel:nE to or fioo. Cleveland Davis, pace 3. from iirao, or In any 3anner inrnishing fire grotaotion to the ~itirans or 8 oount, outsiaa the oity limits Of any city, town, or villa~.a, shall be aonsidarad aa the eats oi apants OS the oounty lo all raapaats, notri,th- standing euoh parson or parsons may ba regnler amplogaee or ilranan o? a city, toun, or tillage: Eo oity, town, or village within a county end/or adjoinin@ oountias shall ba held IlabIa for tha acts of any ot ita eaployaes while engaged in ?ighti.ng Sires outside tha oity limtts pursusnt to any oontract tharatofora anterad iato ba- troan the Cmmirsionarr Court of the oounty and tb eorarning body OS the aity, tovn, or rillee. Provided horater, thst any iira equipment porohnsad by any Coun- ty rho11 be done only by a msjority rota of property orning texpayarr and pualifiad totar of suoh oounty et a countpvrlda election oallad Sor such purpora. Tee. 2. The faot that under lr istb g laws, County Com``ssionerm Courts era without porar or authority to prorida tire protmtion for the oltlzans ot the mxanty uho reaida oateida the city limits of any city, tow, or village within tha county araata8 an amerganoy and an imparetlva pnblio naarssity that the Constitutionel Rula raquiriag bills to ba read on three several days in each Eousa shall bb suspendad, an& tha name is hereby euspen- dad, snd this hot shall take altaot Worn and after its paassga, and It is 80 anaotad. *Passed by tha Eonsa, Maroh 6, l94ll Yeas 112, Xaps 0; passed by the senate, Hey 15, 1941: by a tire, woo9 v’ota. *hpprotad X!ay 22, 1941. YWisctita 90 day8 after July 3, 1941, dcts of adjourmant.” :;a are unable to peroelta any relid canstltutimel objeationa to the Act. It is tharafora our opinion that the Act 1s oonstltutfonsl and ralfd. It is our further opinion thet uuhan fire fighting *Wont Is purahasad in compllanaa with the conditions 1816 do In the hot psyment for sexa should be mode out of fb4 8aneral fund OS tbs county.
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4300
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017