OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Char100 R. Martin County Auditor Harrl8OIl county Marrhall, Texar Dear Slrsr You submit 0x an op follcwiag questionI I Ben. OonYloted and .obt*:Qn the lb&a ended by a Constgblo oompen&atoq on a arrestingoff10 County Aiditor be authorized Comaiaaloaer6~ Court for he Crimlaal Dietriot Attorney, , all of who16 are oompenaatad County, bl renting a rodm at etting d t?&p to prerent the th h felq +d thereby u , Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutsr, mml~slonsrs oourt may provide . . . a reward not to exceed tan dollars, to be paid out of the road aad bridge fund, for the reoapture anE delivery of any esoapbd oorcvict to be paid to any person other then the eoard or person in charge of suck convict at the ti!xe ot h,:~. eecape.w . . Honorable bharlaa R. Martin, paga 2 8uSh atatutr la authority for ths payment of ‘a rew~H iot ,to rxoeed $10.00 for the 8apturS of in aaoapod oonrlot aub- jeot to the limitation that a0 lttoh~ reward ahall bo paid to tha guard, aharlti or othSr pUsOn Ohu6ad with the alto kaOpin6 of auoh prlaon~r. Ao provlalon la laade for the payment of expenaaa lnourred by the prraon making the urest and returning the prlaonSr as auoh reward la for the wreoapture and dellreryr of tha prlaculer. The first paragraph ot aaotlon (bl or Article 3899, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, reads as hollows: *(b) l&oh otfloar named In this Aot, where he reoslrea a salary as oaripenaatlon ior hla lorvlaa, ahall be ampoworad and partaittul to purohaae and hare oharged to his oolmty all reasonable expsnsea neoessary In the proper and legal oonduot of his offlam, prduma on offlolala~ bonds, premium on fire, burglary, theft, robbery lnauranos protooting PUbliO tuada’and inOlUdin@ the M a tOfluratr bonda ior his Deputies, auoh qmnaea to be passed on, pra-determlned and allowed in kind and mounts, as noarlg as possible, br the Commlaaloneral Court on06 Saoh rcclth ior the ansuing month, upon the applloatlon bf each ofiloar, stating the kind, probable amount of lxponditure and the neeeaaity ror the axpanaea of his Off188 tom auah ~SUlhg’mOnth, whfah applloatlon shall, before pwaantation to said oourt, itrst be ondoraad by the County Auditor, if any, otherwlae the County Treasurer, only aa to whether funds are available sor payment of .auoh ccpeh808. The OOmmiaaloner6’ Court of the county of the SJxwriit~a residence may, upon the wrlttm and aworn applloatlon OS-the Sheriff stating the naaeaalty thareior~purahaae aq~pment for a bur'aan of . orimlnal identlfloatlon, luoh as oamuaa, finger print ~aivli, inks, ohamlodia, tio?oaoopSa, radio ati laboratory equipment, fll~.oarda, filing aablneta, tear gas and other equipment in keeping with the system In uSe by the Department of Public Saiety of this State, or the United States Department of Justice and/or Bureau of Criminal Identlrleatlon." We held in opinion No. O-3571 that suoh statute was aufilolently broad to anable the Commlaalonera~ Court to deter- mine that the aherlff'a use of a commercial radio station for broadcaatlng messages in an attempt to locate run-aw&y children, miaslng persona, stolen property, eta. was a reasonable expense in the oonduot of such office and to pay the costs thereof. . Hbnorahla dbarlea R. ldirtln,pa&w ) If wee held In the oaao of Croathwalta%. 6tat0, 138 S.W. (26) 1060,that a Dlatrlat Attornay la not a apoada ofrlosP withinthe atatutaa and:t h@t thm``uaty.war . wltwhorrt- authority to allow him expense8 In oonaeOtlon with d~ayw• of 'gamblingequipment prufoualj aelmd in a raidby the Dlstrlot Attorney. Suoh holding was baaed upon the propoal- tlon that the perrormauoe o? auoh aot ma not a duty ot the Dlatrlot Attorney but rested upon peaaroffloua. . The statutes Impose no duty upon a Dlkrlct Attorney to .apprehend orlmlnala. In view o? the holding fn the Oroath- walte oaae, aupra, we hold that the expenses meatloned in your second question lnourred by the Crlmlnal D+atrlct Attorney are not proper ohargeaand cannot be lawfully paid. Xolther oan auoh expanses be allowed and approved It lnourrad by a olty pollc~. Such expenses lnourredby the aherl?? IULJ be law- rully incurred and paid provided the prooedure preeorlbad In Artlole
)8%(b), supra, la tollowed, arid auoh la allowad and approved by the Ccmmlaslonua * Court as a roaaoaabla oxpmmo neoeaauy in thr proper oondaft o? the off108 or Ukerlff, Yours vary buly ATroRxW Gl!amAL OF TKXAS By (Blgnod) LLOYD ARMSTRORG Aaalatant APPROVEDFEB 9, 1942 (signed) cmoVm.sRLLERs First Aealatant Attorney Conoral ' WIG0 AP?ROVEDOPIMOX CCIVEITTEE By B.E.B. Chalrmn
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4284
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017