- i%r. 2. L. Angell, Assistant to the President, A k,PLCollege, College Station, Texas EeaC Hr. Angel18 Opinion Ho. O-4267 Rgt Am the teachers snd heads of verlous d6p6X'tUIent6ln A. 60M. 'College entitled t? expenses when attending meeting8 or gatherings In connection with and ln line with thelr dutlee? Thie i6 In r&ply Co your letter of D%c%mber 10, 1941, which reads as follt#t61 "X should like tz get an opirdon on whether A. Elt Irl. College can ?egally allow travel eXpense on the following txi6e8t '1. Profe66or of &irxLcipalend Sanltery Engineering t0 go to Austin to attend a meeting of'the Texsa Public Health Association to aonfer with &h&6 yup concez'n~ the prob- lems deal- with 6anitary praat ce6 ln lkxaa. The Texas Public Eealth Aasoaistion ia an orgrmitation made up of medloal health oft’icers, public health ISUP666, sanltarlan6,and sanitary inspector8. It6 VIEPOWS a%%! to improve the public health by lncreaaing the efficitnoy of health worker@ ~lployed by the cltiea, aounties and the state1 to di66erainatehealth infonastloka6aoz3gthe general public snd gmernmental Off'iCia16$te coadueb and enaourage research projects in publia health, It aacompll6h66 these alms pr@etpelly by mean6 OS an an- nual meeting at +hloh the principal bu6innS6sI.6the hold- ingofco``&teemieetiag6inwhichn@'W &=6'X3dUre6aad awn?prodeote are d3.scus6edand paet izccompliahmentsare PevZewed . In the aepartraentof Municipal and Saaitery Em~i~tWing we have a numbprrof teaacherswho ar0 experts in tile field, and it fa felt that slnoe the Tex%n Public Eiaa>$h Association is public ln abwmctar and its meetings We for the rganerrsl welfare of tihepeople of %X&S6 that We should <~W me% for Bn iXQ%X'tt0 66Bi8t theg!in f2d.r wac. “2. Dean of the School of &?ts &Id Salesmax to attend the !&stars Pars~nml. Conference at the University of Texas, E. L. Angel1 - P6ge 2 --copp--- o-4267 TheT43xasPemKJnnel Confmence is oonduoted under the auspices of the'Unlvereity . ._ of _%6x66._ - Its w bernhlp indudes repre6entatlve8OS School6 of IEn- $ine@r~, Buuslne66Adniitmtlon, Muoation and personnel offloers frm %%a6 2nduetrles. Xta pur- pow la the cultivation of better relations between these echo016 anffthe employers of their graduates, with pparticularreference to the Sunotione of the 6Chool.6in PrepaI'ingtFaine8 Uorker6 of Various eorts. Profeeaor ofJthO llepartmen$ofAnlm6lEuusbandryto attend meetfn& of 6hqep and goat raI6er6 at Del Rio, Texas, for the ynrrpotieof assisting these men in 6OUlC of their problems and tomgain from them know- ledge of the current need6 from thie group 60 that instruction at A. & #. College can be of mo??epracti- cal benefit to thie lnduetry. The apeei8liata who are employed a6 teacher6 in this department can be of great benefit to the sheep and goat raiser6 by ConferHng with them at the9.rmeet- Srigaand akthe 6&me time thie Cont6Ct with the cur- Pent problems of this grartpwill m6ke it pO6sible to ~tt~elateri616 in the come of study pr6s3tlcal . zf IIiunotion of'the 6tlIts10 to foster .IndUstryand agrlcult~re, then 6hould A. 8sM. pay expenses of its experte tq a6sist, 88 abov6 3?0qumteddl “4. Dan oft&¶ saho01~0f &?&U.ltUreto go to Luring end San Antonio for a oonftie ultb the offiofalrrof the LullingFoundation and wlt;h16+d6r6 Of the ~M.6 induBtZ=y an&Woblems re'lat~tothe fieldof in- 6trwtlon, 60 that A. dhPl.aan better 6erv6 the Sgrl- cultUral find live-at0ck IndwtrJr of the state. “5. The Dean of'the Sahoel of S@lneerlng to go to Hew York City to attend HntlenalHee~ing OS the American Soalety of Xeehzu1ic61EngiMars for the purpow of eonferrlngwithntembenr ofthatywqr to fLndan outrta!xd~ 6Uin to t&e the pC~61tiOXIkB Head of the Dears- of Indwtsial ZmgLneerlng at the A. b M. l Theme&elriplip in the AtfW?~c6nSooiety 0fMeckanlaal Engineers I6 made up of mechaaical er@nmr6 f+romtxa- dustry and te8~ChsF6Of %eOhaniCal ~inee~ing fX'Om college6. TheDean of the Sahool oZ'3h@ne6rl~rro~ldb8v6 m opportunity to Znte-Pvieua @at number of men who 6m leadere, in this field and 66cxwe a better m6n for this polJtlonthan Lp he attempted to emp$loyhim through corre~ondenco alone. m.6.L.Angezl- P6Se 3 o-4267 “6. Frofe?haarof the Department of ``rtiouuure to go to Dallas, 'PQxae to aaslst in supervising the A. & M. College exhibit for the meetlna;of the American Asso- clntloti.for the Adoancomcntof Science, Tim Amerloen Ass3clatlon for the Advancement of 8CieSlCGinclude6 in f&6 membership 6Ome @,OOO laem- ‘bel'8,Which l3UllibW embrace6 OUt6tWding 6&%&i6t6 of the United Skates. The Board of Dlreotors of the A. b M. Coll.e&ehas made an appropriation for the College to have an exhlblt at this meet%ng, and it is neoe666ry thnt some membera of the College staff aas%st in .sett%ngup the exhibit and 6up@rv~s- lng such an exhlblt durQ-g the time of the meetlng." We attach hereto a copy of our Opinion No. O-1973, addressed to Honorable CLlffopd B. Jonem, -Presidentof Texas !$whnologIoal College, and out Oplni!m ?!o.O-2084, addressed to Eonarable Homer P. Ralney, Pros%dent of the university of Texas, which discuss and outline the condltlom un&?r which expcneea nay be pald in attendin& gatherings such 68 those mentioned in your letter. Subsection 6 of the general provislonnscontained in the Eduaatkmal Appropr&atlon Bill, a8 passed by the Legislature ia 1941, reads ln part a6 fO11OU6: "~otfp1yallug~enms shall be Incurred by Ward members, heada,of instltuticm6, or by any tpuployee of any of the 8ohoo18, or other agenciee named h&r&n, ~fmaideOF outside of the bo#&Wie6 of the State of Tim’aa, except far State bvairmas, end no travel rphalf. be perfarteed outside the Stata ex- C@@ ryrointhU &dV&llWd Wdtt0ll COlWInt Of ths Saboo1'6 B3ard et Regents or DirecOurtb" As to what 16 "State business", within the cont~3,atlon of u&Id Apprap;riatm Bill, 16 left largely to the discretion 0r the local boards in oantrol of Che v6rlou6 eduaatlti tnstitutions, These questione~mat pz%marTly bc detsraLinQdby the govemlnfs bodies of maid id6titUtiOIUZ. in th0 oplnwls, troples of nhbh Elm can be added, It Is our opln?.tmthat each of the six propersedtrips aan be clamed as "State bus%ne~s" and if the )&nactingBoarctof A.Cldvl. Co~&g;6$ecido6 that each or all o& said proposed trip6 am "State then the traveling expenses referred toin your letter taxi legally d $a% Hr. E. L. Angel1 - Page4 o-4267 very way yours ATFORNEX amwui OP TEXAS By a/Q&L ii. Isarcua aeo. w. Barcus Amlstslnt APPR@VJZXFx;B2, 1942 s/ tlrov*rSellers FxRRTxssI~m ATTORNXX O-S, Approved oplaicm CQmlRltC%% By a/mB Chairman
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4267
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017