Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    Honorable J. 5. Murehlson, Exeeutlre Dlreotor
    met0 L)opertmnt 0r abu0    xairt4r0
    Auatin, Taxee
    Dear Sir:                       O~lnlonXo.   O-426
    our Constitution   and   or H
    47th Legialatute,or appl
    to the Heady Bliad, $814A
    I osy
    or old-agr 8s8l8t-
    e aot to rxoo*d'
    &oh to.iotual
    am ov&th, rga
    $rovldeQ that no habit-
    tual drunkard while'suoh
    roquirrmentsi!rrlength~or tinm
    mw in Texas ah611 never~ba less
    years iiurlnCj
    the nine (9) years
    moeding tho appliootloafor old-
    age a&sistanos ena aontinuouml ror one (1Lpar
    proootM.ngsuoh appiioatlon.
    The Legislsltursaixallhsve the authorityto
    aaaept fror-the Oaernment oi' the W.teU %#DBB
    suoh flnaaalel efd for old-age essi+~Oenoe ae that
    covermeat my offer not idooneirtentwith 3;)~
    reatriationehereinberore provided.     (.see.Br-a,
    he.    3, dktptea   eleotiaa   Aug.   24, 1935.1”
    Ecnorable J. 8. Kurohlson,Braoutirc Dlreotor, Paga 2
    OonetltutlonArtlala III, Pootlon 510 provides:
    *The Lc2lalature ehall have the powcr by
    Cencrnl Laws to provide, unciersuoh llmitatione
    an6 regulationsand restrictionsa8 nag by the
    Lcglalature be deemed cxpcolcnt,ror assletanoc
    to the needy blfnd   Over thb age of twenty-one
    (21.)yeara, en@ for tht psynentof 80~0 not tD
    axoesd E'lStcsnCollars ($15) per month per pcr-
    ran; such aasiotmac or aid to bc granted only
    to aotusl bona fldc oltlzans of Texas; provldcd
    that no habitual criminal and no habitual druuk-
    ard and no inmate of eny 't&e supported insti-
    tution, while such inmate, ahall be eligible ror
    ruoh aesletance to the needy bllnC over the age
    or twenty-one (21) ycare; provided, rurther, thct
    the rcquircmcnteror the length or time or eotual
    reslbenob   in Texas shall never bc lcso than five
    (5) year8 during the nine (9) years lmmcdlately
    preceding the applloetlonfor c8slstanOc to the
    nced~ blind over the age of twcntj-one (21) ycrrrs;
    ad   oontinuously  for one per  lvmtcal8tclJprcoed-
    lng suoh applioatlon.
    *The Legislature shall hats tha authority
    to ccocpt iron the Gwernment of the United.Statea
    suoh rlnanoic~ aid for asdatanoe to the nec8y
    blind aa that Oovornmcnt may offer not lnoonelst-
    ant with the restrlotlonehereinaboveprcPvlde4.
    (Sec. 51-0, tit. iIX, edoptcd clcotlon Aug. 23,
    constitutionArtlole III, Gotion 5lLbprovides1
    *Subjaot to the llmltatlona end rc~trlotloas
    herein wntalneb, and suoh other llmitstioar, re-
    strlotlona,end regulctione 88 nay be provided by
    law; the Legislature @hall have the power to pro-
    vide for aeslstsnoc  to Qcstltute ohllarcn urrdcrthe
    age cr rourtccn,(l4)Jcarst such assiatanoc shall
    not cxaced Xl&t Collars ($8) per month for one
    ohfld  nor more than Twclre Dollcrs ($12) per month
    ror such ohlldron of anp one farfly! provided
    that the amount tffbe cxpcn%ad r0r such aeslstanoe
    0th or state runas shall ne7er cxoeed the sum or
    Boaorable J. 9. Murahiaon, Xxeoutloe Lireotor, Page j
    Ona Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollere
    ($1,500,000!per year. The Legislaturenep
    lmpoae reel&antis1restriatlonsend auoh other
    reetriotlona!,limitations,and regulation8a8
    to it may seem expedient.
    "The Leglalature shall have the authority
    to eaaept Srom the Sovarrmenf of the United %atos
    suoh Skmnoial oaaistanoeto destitute ohildren
    SE thnt Governmentmay orrer not inoonalstent
    with the reetriotlons herein above provided.
    (,Peo.514, Art. III, ~a0pt.d eleotion Aug. .23,
    House 8111 611, Eeotion 35, provlCemr
    *'Iseo.35. The purpose oS this Aat ie to
    inaugurate a progxun of eoolal eeaurlty and to
    provide neaeseary end prompt esalotanoeto the
    oltixens or this %tat#.who ara entitled to avail
    thaxmelves br ita pro*%-$ions.This Aat kshvill
    be liberally oonatrued?$norder that lte pur-
    poses may he eaoomplfshsdas equitably, eoanoaria-
    ally, and expeditloumlya# posslble.*v          ,,
    requiremertsset up in the   Aot are aa
    seotion 201 *Old Age Aeaiafanoe ahgU ba given
    uuder    the provit~loneot thle Aot to any needy per#ou:
    ". . .
    v(j) v:hohse~reeided in the %ate of Texts fox
    five years or more v&thin the lest ntie yeare pnaedlng the
    date of his appliastlonfor asslstanae and has resfded In
    the Ttete of Texee oontiououslgfor one year lmnediataly
    preoeding t&e appliaatfon; . . .*
    Section 12: Wkaaistsnaeshell be given uuder the
    provisionsof thi6 Aot to any needy blind person who%
    . . .
    “(3)  Who has resided in this State ror rive yeera
    during the nlne years lmedlately preaedlng the date oS
    ...&   .rdr
    ,Ronorable3. s . Wurehleon, ExeautlreMreotar, Page 4
    &pplIoetion,and who has realdeb In this Ftste oontinuouely
    ror yie year Imediately preceding the dete of epplioetlon;
    . .
    Section 17 provides for aid to dependent ohildren,
    and defines the term, ins part, aa embracing any IndIvIduelr
    "(2) Eho has ‘&sided In this State for s period
    of at least one year lmmedletelypreosding the date of the
    lpp2loatIou ror eealetenoe~or was born within the Ptete one
    yuxr imediately preaedlng the date of epplloation,and whose
    mother hcs realded In the E:tetefor e period of et least one
    year ixmeCIatelyprecedfng.thebirth of suoh ohlld; . . .*
    .TheConetltutlonand the statute refleot olearly
    the intention of the people of Texas that the eId oontelaplated
    ahou2d be extended only to altizene of this Ftste. Obviously
    Texas could not undertake the finanoial burden of provLdlng
    eSoola1 CeourIty* for other then its own oltlsene. Eoreover ,
    Texas aould not oerely a~w!m   euoh burden with respect to 611
    ubo might beoome oltleene,  wIthout aome alnlmum requirements
    dth wepeot to the period OveY which that aifizenahip ehou2.d
    hare etieteii. 33 the abeeooe of suoh requlremmte, cltlxen-
    &IQ Zn thla'%ete might be eoqulrad lumdiately by oltloene
    or other states removing to Texas and %n reot and intention
    establlrhingtheir hqe hare. Yhere wea the poeeibilltythat
    lar#a nmbere of people Eight be fnduosd to make their homes
    In'Texee for the purpoeq of obtelnlng Immediately the benefits
    or ltu 9x3Ial Scaurlty pro~mmn. To guard against this, the
    mfn.lmumresidenoe regulrementeof the Constitutionwere enaot-
    e&l end these requlreoents shouJ,dbe oonstruedTg t.~.d.Igbt
    of the purpose for whigh they were provided.
    vreeIdew end WreeIdenoen, being words of elestla mneenIag,
    the oonstruction to be placed upon them depends upon the
    oblrot or purpose of the statute In whIoh they are eqloyed.
    54 0. J. gage 708.
    Since both the Cmstitutlon and the Statute   con-
    template extension of the benefits involved only to “citizens”
    of Texee, lt Is clear that mere ph~ysioalpresenoe Ih this
    State, wIthout the intention of viekingthis %ete the fixed
    and permanent plnoe of abobe, Ie not the character of WresI-
    Qenaaw required. CitlmnsBlp i.8not aequlred by mere phyal-
    oal presence, but by phyelosl pmssnce with the Intention that
    the plaoe of physIca presence sheli be the home. Act and
    intent F-Ustco-exist and oo~+eagund. Xlsele vs. Oddle, 128
    Fe& 94.X.
    bls J. 3. ~urohlron, Xxeoutire Dlreotor, Page 5
    what than 1~ tha chsfaotfrmorthe wma~den~an
    nqulrd     c?vOrthe perlfid8aentfoned ln the Conatltotfon
    (endthenot?      Plainly, uo think, a oontlnuousphyaloal
    p&escnoe dtihln thla State lagnot oontamplsted. Thus to
    aonstrue the language used wwld wsult in the hsrsh and
    unrkasoneblsdootrlne that phJaioal abmnos froa the State
    to& even a day on buolnsas OF for plemsurs, or for other
    koporar9 pu&po$o, Would Interrupt thu pdrlod. No euoh
    anroasonableIntent should be ImpaMd ~108s roqulnd by
    unambligmualanguage. Henos we mjsot suoh oonstruotlon.
    Xn our oplnlon,the peiiod of RaotuOl &esldenoe* oi a oitl-
    hen of this Stat. is not lntsrrupted~orbroken by mere phf-
    rrloelabsence from the i'Satefor temporary purpoaos, when.
    fho intent exiate    to mturn to thla Btat*,whan those tom-
    go&a&y pU&poaok oooasionin&the nbBeno0 a$feaatleflsd. On
    tb othelrhand, the word *aotualwmdlfpimg *residonoo*
    requlretithat the rea@OnOe     ba *&%a1u-4hat It erlat in iaot,
    rather than b$ fiotlon of 18~. .Thua,while oontinuouephy-
    dosl prcsstnooIs not required, tha person mast be physioally
    pmeont in this Ft8to under suoh ol&oumstanoosand for audh
    a aubstantlalp&t at the time period involved es w$J&nr~-
    aonabl9 1nQloate that hrrra Is in gaoti"rewell ?a Sp,tantioa,
    hia fixed aa4 pwmanent place or abodo’(lurlng   the eatlro
    PUS   IntwprOted, the resieaaoa roqulmd      is or
    the lIJ,HI
    @no@       ohimaotarla   that   nqulnd   or oao who poti-
    Mona ror a elm&or in thin State. Mloharl YS. Mlohaol,
    3ljTer. Cit. Ap. 630, 79 8. W. 75; Spear Naydtal Righta,
    'pm 725. We regmt thst It 1s noC poasibls,tolep do*a
    a rule of thumb br arhfoht&e oxlatmaae OS the "aatual real-
    dentmu esay be dotermined   b9 90~; the lesue la psoullarly
    .e one or root, ownpoundedof aot and intontlon, an4 ia to be
    msol~od     la the 11&t of tho oiroumstaaoesof Oho partloular
    oaao,   according  to the neoeaaaril9germ&al rulaa stated lboYo.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4264

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017