Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    owl up 8 rather ex-
    merropolitan mvo-
    croered oWm,latiozi
    and l@mllJ& to
    d policy of aacident
    im?tenaas vh.l&
    entlon speolfically    and
    ua AQtonio Light,    (2) The
    on Port, (2) The Xourtoa
    o Id&t    ha8 not yet lcreued
    only lwnahed its edvertlra
    ChrOOhove boon in full-fled&od
    many yMrs*
    “Thor. lr ecae QQoetlon in our minds as to the
    1qpUty of the oadour plane of operetlon iollov-
    ed or propored. There has olro been aompl8int to
    UI from oompetltlve oompanlse end agenolcd; but ve
    give no amtrolllng   velght to this, cinoe our eolo
    duty tr tb
    lmlature tibe obrerved~ end our only intereat, thoro-
    .rore, 3s lxt Aoteotlag mAArenmAyltlg v101aonR.          '..
    3!here are mm0 variotlom in the plana proropos-
    edor    fo~veA,novurdltt        the past, by the va~loua
    MtwJMP8J      bttt in OF&l that Vb Wily &t8Pt?dM hlCl
    oar.-oplttlon from your Oeputxmtt     vhsther ang of vuch
    p&w or atty p&rt QP part@ thereof aoparatolr aon.elAor-.
    eA eatatwtte riolathtt!t    of the law, vo s-ire       and
    nunAlecropratoly hweb bolov all or the eesontl.81
    ~oaturer and you llroylwav that all of thoo or0 cm-
    Rott to & 1 entorprlree wiles8 a 1laitatLoa to the
    aontrgry lo lndicatadt
    '1.  The Mlirhore  of all of the nexie-
    paper* inrolved ere prlmte corporQtlozta.
    "2. T~Q cmepnlsa lssufng the yolfafos
    me Auly lioon~od aaoident lzmnvmoe compm&w.
    9.   The polluy forms, endorscutcnts,and
    riders   used nre duly approved by thir Board.
    "4. In oath lnutnncc rho novsppr      publish-
    er (aoqomtlan)   enters Sat0 vrlttca or v6rbal tuprer~
    or taelt oontractual rclatlons 8~1th the ia~tmattaa oati-
    Orup f@P tha ~irO~tiOA-~tZIlOti~tl   and ~C;cliC~-W3l'kOt-
    Jsg enterprlee hereln inbloated.
    "5. In aaoh instaoco, except the i.&llaa
    XIov8, there ie ta8intataod in sffLco quartore px*oold-
    od by the novapupcr corporatlcn a Fo-called roy;lrtrar
    Vho io a duly authorized EIgt?At  lhtonrod by thir, BoomI
    in ~@spllanae vtth Artiala 506&b, anA there are olao
    tneneroue duly oppoiated and liceneed rolloltom vorls-
    lng ttndtw fstd in eonjunction 131ththe registrar.    In
    tho cam 0r the mlas      m18, th0 :2t.mmnoe comp8qf
    peye 20 the ra,#atmr 0 flat wa rer nonth, out of
    Vhlah ho paye the DallOs &N'P (d. Ii. Belo i-,Or~o~8LtCUl)
    445.00 par monthrent Sor offfco epuue, sncl hlic ovn
    help and ofiao oxpenffe vlth the oxcoptlon of adver-
    tising and cervices of the Sallee lPeve route uarritare
    mentioned horoinaftor 31 paragra$m 13 rml 20.
    EGaorablo 0. P! IIohhwt,           p&w 3.
    6.     Ylth the moAl$loetLon above              M I.a tteA
    a eto th eml& w Ieva th
    , e.tmtmp a pprer
    o vld6
    t                             it8   ... *
    OVA expotm        r0r, tha regirtrar         ma hle      mm      of roiici-
    tore 0lCiee rpaoo, fvrnitura.    equipment, stationery,
    cttppi ler, au-da, poetage, eta. Boeider, at Its ovn
    w%ll built       up through t&e cnterprlre.
    9.. In tome oaaer, re have found thlr new-
    paper 8Avertleillg aommhat mlaleadin& and IniePopre-
    eontatlve 8e to tho torme, merite, uvl benefits of the
    pOuOyJ     but    UO &@k    tOP   110 OpfniOtI   tApon   thiia   fOLLtUW#,
    beliorlttg that your opinion ar to the other points
    involveA vlU, eaablo uu to Alapoeo of and control thla
    feature along with othora 1st acoordnnce vlth the lau,
    Art.  5052, etc.
    ‘8.   In some inrtnncie th61roglatrur and
    *olWitor* an full tltw, ctalnrled tmployooe employed
    anA pald by the nompapor but AevotN      full time or a
    mbe8atlal     portion of their tine to tho lsmrance
    ttud.noas at tba diraation of the pnper.
    “9. In other inetaaaes ir 19 probably thdt
    ruch roglvtrar 8x43tollcltore arc lndopendont oox&mm-
    tom 01th tho nevapaper or am aga,ontr! of the lnrumnce
    aoapaay or lnAepe.ndent oontractorv vith it.
    The navepaper advcrtlelng ccuttalns in
    met      lnartanabe a coupon fom,
    daeL&nodto te matlm¶Or
    oth6rml8is ddlvorad to tho newepopm to tie csttaixtion
    of ltr ~Insurenco Ilapurtmcnt’,iiic?Lcnti~ t&it th par-
    eon uhoee name, atddrc~tts,
    nad other gersozml detaila
    ara lndlcatod in the ooupm is intercstod in obtaining
    on0 of tha ~oltcloe ofrwvd.
    ‘11.    In other inotsnece tI:e qxe~apcr adVeX'-
    tleiry,     instead of cantaleing      B umw coupon for inquiry,
    -0            0. ri         la&hart,        peg6 4
    oentune enbbaal     appllmtbn                        tar $iollolea, to be
    mall06 6r 0tbmrf0* retomled                     to     the *Ineuraace Do-         ”
    partment’ ar thr, Jaevepapr.
    %.          Vithaut oxeoptloa,        PO Sar ae ua have
    olmelmd;          it       lr rtetqd
    pwmuently and rpeol~unlly      in
    tbnow’~@dv.rtirkrg,          the ooqoaactho8ppllea-
    tl6n( b uc moLt o th eg lc a lo that
    y ), th 6p o llo la
    y lva l--
    a l6o nlyto eub o 6r a er o r8th em      p era a dto th e
    maawrofthlrllauunte~lp               or p 00 lang a* thqr
    ramln oubrorlboro and that the polioy mey be toralaat-
    of3 when t&a nov~paper rrubauriptioa ooeeoe. In meet
    e8aee l&o pall0                 Itrelf   provitlss that     it   contabe    tha
    vh6l6 ogntmot                i etvtbeninmrer and lmwod ant%that
    aoltlwr th@ ap lloatlan      nov any stetenmt mado by tha
    arrsred &all go.    svallnblo   as a defoare or a&%loslble
    k rlvld6no o .
    9%       The pr~umecharged for these pol``~ocr
    uaully Indude 8 tventy-fiv4 cent iniffcl regirtra-
    t1on r6e.aml a premltatr~            from $1.20 (shn Anton%0
    m&a)      to 43.60 (other t&roe) par year; theea gaweium~
    belel``      bellolfo (evpsalally the aa Autuafo &l&t),
    lovol? than 8imllar poll.cles aould be
    pw43h8eti  T ir8tan)mothero                  tlag  cwea
    Cr qenolao in tha oo-fyi            probab
    7      duo, at least
    In part, (1) to the taut t&it the neurpaper %* beer-
    lag a eubtt6ntlal part OS the tot41 coat or LIIm.r6nGo,
    and (2) ln part to the fsot- that the ltmuraaco com-
    ponlos aa afford to eel1 ahegpsr in the larger volumar
    made goe&ibXe throa@ mob as errengmnt             than they
    could by marketing throu& regdler qmal~re not ho-
    lag the abditLoaa1 benelite Sur&l@h%Qby tl-,o nerayq.m.
    la et leeat one laataace (Eaa &tonio LLEfit) duly tu-
    thorfrrd reprtmentetioss of t&6 in~uraaue coxqaap (Iiort2.i
    Ailbericea Aaai&unt laaurance Ccnqmny)ham adrrittad          spa-
    ulfloally    that the oompiay could not and voul& not
    eoll the sat46pollay at the eaza prlca to any one
    othm than subsoribora to tha nev~papc, gioa              (2)
    above e# the reaecm.
    ‘9.  Ia mart lntiMca~ the luquiry COUpoaR
    or ~pplleitloa &rme publlmhud In tho aeuepaper lay-
    out0 m 8olloA by the i.nqutxsre cr eppliu8nte dLreot-’
    ( to thm reghtrar, ueuall acMxursod in oare ot the
    %u uraaao Dapmrtment of tL newpaper.
    *Xi. Ia other iaetauooe thee0 inqulrles or
    eppliu8Uoe furme bbve been &zked up from the eubecrlb-
    m @ tmmm%tted to tho xegletror by the nuvr;qter        .
    rout0 aarr%eru, vho w    la every lnutewe not liCeaw4
    a ala wma oa e      o r lolxeltaru, a a vha
    g e nt*                 d a m$ a en  ld-
    ployeeu oi er ladupundoat oontraatora vlth the neve-
    3661 h mout inetanaer upon receipt by the
    re    trer
    ‘I    of the Inqulror’r coupon, the regiwtrsr eon&
    a      lloenaed rollcltor to interrlev *    proepsot
    &lee 8nd mtxma appllaetlonr for peXlclue; the eppli-
    ortlanr thoa JMag parqod upan ud the polioler refue-
    ed or ooaate?d&aud and lrrusd by the regletrar end
    mallrd to the aeeured OF bsneilolary.
    =x7. In most inatancer the re&H.ratloa fees
    and oceml*rlonu al&mod by the lnacrance c~ea        are
    pld ta the lleeneed ragletrttx and aollcltor~,  either
    8e tholr role oompeneaUoa or la oddltion to tbelr rog-
    ulm marlea    or othua?ocQlpenwtlon OI! euployaur of or
    %nbpwdat eontr8otore vlth the publlehere.
    wi.   In other lneteacea such c~rsious
    end registratton fees, or portions thereof, arc retnin-
    ed by the publtihera 6s o partlol ofl’rtit ogeln~t QX-
    39.   In the one6 of the lklloe 19evetho pro-
    niuw aw prdttod      to bo eolleated pertcdblaolly by    ’
    aevwpapor route arriere   vho &w not llcenfml aml vlx2
    are eeiployeee oi or lndepetient contxnctor~ vlth the
    “20. In such lnetancee (D&lee Iievs) as, the
    nuvspapermute oarrlem are p3altted to pertorte any
    funotton ln the fnsuranee enterprlee, such as oolleo-
    ticm aad tcaasmleelon of applicstiona, prmbnt,    or
    @lOtie, it 18 WApulated in thcr spp2iGtttbJ2or
    coupea-rm that la eo doing tao new per route car-
    rtar 1e the 8gaJatof tba nevspfbpecuurwribec, In- c
    quirk?, 8 8pp2liaMt aad not OS the aouepeper or of
    the lnwvawo          caa&lmy (a protfelaA of uhlah YO @mlB-
    2y doubt      the   wll8lty  in Vlmt of the provlalMe at
    the wtatutee,        mow am           &l'ti.GbJ 50% &Ad 5063).
    =a2. & e sell ewe* the regfrtrar,    la met
    th8 puul*&or,  ramlte to the inuttr~0  oalapaler the*
    emra of tbs pwmlvw     an8 lA every caw tbn nauqaper
    Ir.ha28 U#po!u?ib26 &*fctr.
    ‘P2omo    give ~11your opinion ec to vhothor each
    *a*     0r ch above ``petlci~adp2a1~10r op8~8ci0~,  c0ib.
    eltleu8 meymtsly      or ln aonjunotlon vlth othem, oon-
    ltltutee n tlolatlon OS any eppllonble prooirion of
    our lnwwncQ scacuter.       apealfy ceparate2y a0 ve la1
    drum rhioh phaeee 8re 2ega2 and which are illegal.‘
    %omt    purtlm28r2y w lnvfte your attantloa t6
    ‘lmlone air B.&s.,    Artlole 5053 end P.C.,  Arti-
    s       78; B . ca. ., Artiolea 5055.5056, 5058-5068, Ltlolu-
    eln,     and P. C. Articlea -573        end 57Ca.
    P u tlo u2a         r 2Jr
    it eobrre to w that from the @O-
    tf~laa# as CM abow oltetd atatutec the &$&mtuw
    latonh8 thata%lpua’saw        vho arenotdulylioe~eed
    aganto or eollcltcrre (en8 partloulIw1~ sll aarpara-
    tionu, vhlch are e olflcally       forbiddoza to be lloenacQ
    ae o$ent# or a0110r tora of l~aura``o~) ahould keep hfmds-
    oft the lneurezme bueineesl errlctty, and that purtl-
    oular2t   undsr   &%lol.oe 5055-5C6$bjb, lnol~slvo, the Aw.w-
    p8psr carparetlone are mlavfully aarrylng OA the bud-
    neon of ro2lGftlng a       rocelving~apgllcatione   for la-
    U'UPQAW,    lrsulng md.dellverfng pol.Uise-thereof,      acid .
    othemlre al-         ‘In the LrrmaaotloA of the bualnms
    of wj ~ASUWAW aompany,g md dolag at leaet tndlract-
    ly through eotual control of othere LhOWt3
    things UhlGh
    they are meet epeolflaally  and onpbaticnlly for blddcn
    to do dtreotly themsalves; and that their osiplofooe
    en8 ladQ*nQeAt Qantr&atore and the iAeuranae marpan-
    lee and tbelr egonts, employees, end IAdepeAdont WA-
    traotore are llkevlss oiolatlng one or more of the pro-
    vl~icim of the cited statutes.   It weac to pa plain,
    oloo that in offerlag thee0 pollcloa (1) o*   to rub-
    oi equal itwurability, and (2) at rater lover than bon-
    .rubwrgbero to the3partloular fnwspaiptra SPA prchwo
    polioior •~COV~OW, the lnrurR~co oompanlocanb their
    agent@, om#lo~oom,and lndopendant oontractors  aro
    gut3           0r   dir0ddAatlng       and wm.Ag       1A vi0mm
    cf     rtatutory       prov191oAQ."
    The aontraota      botuoon     the lasuraaf30 aoapanlor 8nil the
    w          pob2l8horr, show mentlowd,                   now in r02-w. two to be
    ~outo4 014 put in r0m      (II ronem3d                  by t&o +otootatla  aoppio~
    -t   0
    A* H. Bole carQorot1on tr ae sollol?t:
    'T&m mw         maa0 and ontoroa into .thls th8
    2nd day or .&arch, A& 2936, br nnd between XRTPR-
    OOBAHcAsum      cmm,     a corporation or&anlteQ on-
    dor tho IRUR or the state 0r Indiana, 1~1thoseoutlve
    0rfi00e io olrrcmti,    ohi0, and bar*    a p3t-a to
    do buulnoer in Toxw, horelmfter     aall& hhter-Ocean,*
    end A. 8. BBUI CCBPORATIO&a Toxaa corporation with
    ita doalolto la Dellw, Tesw, herelnafte~ doeQuoted
    99 Vub2lder. (
    "That IWR~,.the   proteotlvo b0Aerlt3 of deelr-                    I
    able aaaldont iPsuronae are AOt COAVOA``A~Z~ obtaia-
    able br tbo roadorr ot and rubacrlbora to newpapore
    or the Publl@her Upon mm11 weekly poy~2nts fm auab
    ahfirnetor 0r i~aurzmce;.aad,
    '%iiEiIW, it la mutusllg aon8ldoPod br the yar-
    tlos hereto thot on oppox+tticy for ouob reodore and
    mtbccrlbers of the nouspapero of the Publisher to buy
    ruch charaoter or soeldent Ipauranoe upon pmluuw
    payable uookly vould not only be mndwlve to thelz?
    wellare but iould a&so lnoreare the bueineas af said
    bteP-&WA      8nd inGrWff0 the GiPoUlatlOA Of the nOW?-
    ppere of tho Publisher, and llkewlae would lncreaco
    itoaeablo0. P. lmkhart, page d
    tho Ralb aad tubscrlption to said p3vspap8ra to the
    advantqp of Publiahwb      IrulewWt.      oantxaotor neve-
    pBr aarrlore taarou& war     rollalaary elm?la   to a0
    it creeee the rubtoription tale OS tald nevtrpertj      &id,
    ??WRgaS, raid titUF-f&Sah bet oubsittod to Fab-
    lithur ep¶olm8nCopL6Uor ~ouafoa, two OP vhlhich   6ve to
    b8 ;derrfiocrl in tWW  Vith @icy  tOFElthel'Ut0 6ttUChed
    lea p a rht
    a r eo
    o wrh,
    lto mp ‘4
    c dp eo foflpllc
    sa ay,~
    a a r k o dto lnlc r o ORe
    ep 'l334x'andthe
    o o tively,    oth8.r
    'l33 ZSiU,’ eaoh of which poliaies it undertakes to
    iSSW m&dt8u fOr tha p?UmiUUI     Of riVe odot8 pr WOkl
    alto priated.iarn  of pollcf by tald Inter-Oacan vlth
    ths vurloue uhangue an4 acblftlont thereto indicated by
    ink thoroon 8~4 by OddeDdopasted to said poliop, and
    vhuh mm 0r poltoy le marked b Ink on rirttt pase
    thereof '133 IX47,' vhloh polloy aaid Inter-Ocean   ml&-
    That PublltRer contents t&t t&c voluntmy
    tsrviae an4 err0rt8 0r its tald indqmda~t conttwctru.
    xwvep8pca``arrlws may bo snliated In tto yu\cmotion
    of aaid butinerr of etiib Inter-oCeaa, oondAtlone4 that
    thbp do t0 v0luwriiy    r0r the pwp0m   0r incraealna
    their navtpap~r ales an4 thomby further tholr ovn
    Fommet ax& i;lureas8d sarnlnga to them thereby.
    9.   The PublMlzsr a&reea to sponsor by edvwtfse-
    t#AtI in Ltt adily nwdpagma tke said gol.faf8c Of fn-
    uuramze, r0mas of vhiah fcZ'8nade a part hW8Of, to
    that iusmt1oR     as tQ tbe benQfu8! thsreal and pre-
    tiafmt to be paid therefor still ba eveilable to t&o
    reatlers of an4 eubeorfbert to its nsuepapm.
    0r ite wvwpagiw *The
    gllenoe     0P ttir    ogrwmcnt,   with-
    later-CaWn      e&all hare
    *4. Snte~ooeM &all provlat’ itr auly noormut-
    ad ed authoriwd         etrar, resideat in nnd vZth cm-
    wnlent offiw     b i!?sa 8, Wx68, Sor the tran8aotMn
    at fte   bWiaasS  in 8ObtiOXl to S&d   lJ1mr4BCe butlneta
    that w f&ov hoiu the ma&em 0r en4 eubetrlbwe to
    5* Iia t~o w
    a nap ll
    r o vldo
    l.la enwd
    afpat, U’lWiM tor ur a tolF     thh a dow e tad 8b o v8
    fn gaarapa* 1 hereof euah pW.Wd forme T@  0 appliaation
    for fueuwnoe at Inter-Owan atiy pruvide far swabnow-
    papas mabralbera aforeeaid, an4 if snd Pken rIgned
    welt newpaper eubecribero, to rewive efmae,aa2
    3 tai, l%eted by the weittu’y  heroinaftaF dOQi&lUJted,
    to traneait cum to the R&etrar,    and srrd Rc$letrm,
    ite4usabe sapropwandla&elrorm,       FbtO.2atom0
    Usus the policy of ineursnc8 called r02 theroln; and
    raid agmt ud Geglrtrar hall    tbengomp;p``W~w-
    ror tha dellmw~ of raid polioy to
    ‘6.   ZntezMoenn hereby aowtltutss          Publilrhes its
    altory co reoeivat, oolleot and waount to it for
    'ir       prwaluw rwllred    froin aaid neviqsper aubswlbexv
    and readers upon eat4 polIolee of l.neurenco to proour-
    8d und6z the wp3nswahLp or Etiblleher sforeeal6L         And
    it belug tan&mrtooa   that    eoah polloios rbll   only be
    tttued   by Inaer-Oueeu qmn epplfaatlonr l;her&or, end
    aah poUaLec, to bavcancel8d by Incrtr-&em         fur ma-
    ;4)                nt or premlwa ee provided ln said reepocttve
    ;           giz1.e     of insur’3nw the mblfwher agrwa to wt as
    ruo?a &epoaltnry aud ti   receive  an83 aa~ouns to inter-
    ;;.         Owrin for all premiurpaco turned over to 2t, and to
    keep a reaard of euch fmm aab by what oae\lrsd pi&
    pad of rwh 6ata 0s rpag be r8qti~ite       tQ cmply with
    w&lo   0. P. Lookhwt, me    10
    ondwbwrlbwr      of thedailynmmpa``ca     $ubUrbed
    by the Publleher lto  oerteln IJovapoper, Travel and
    pedelrtrlan AOoidant p21Uie8,  in acoordance Vlth
    th6 res~sotlve forma, coplas Ot vhlch BI'O 8ttRChed
    : haeo,    the lwuaw6 or vhbhhas been or lllr11 b&l
    ruthwlzed and approved by the In~urancc Ikpa&mtnt
    of the starts or Tbxas.
    “6 . Xmadistoly qxkn receipt or an appllce-
    tlon rm swh irrsur~e pouoy fma the rubreribarm
    or roaders of such n8umpa~oraby the tmzd liwuwtti
    e$6nt mtmtloned ln pere&rqda 5 ixweof, he mW3.l dw
    liter to the Re&letrar, or other duly suthorlzed
    egsnt of Inter-CMaen to be nearedb inter-&soon, rwh
    applic8tlon and a aohedule, ia dupf ime,  upa0 torn9
    to be iurrblahod by Intor-Qoem, which ichadulo #ball
    ebou the nllne, addmae aad age, tog&-her with en
    LetCar, a~, other duly  autharlzea egent or Inter-Coesrs
    &all,  a8 8a     se may xwmonably .be poeslble, countB~-
    a*    mid lrrw poliolee of insurance to tho poreona
    rho have agplled and me eligible tkereror, QI) appears
    fr c l
    ouo lohedtsbb
    c h            xbuvery 0r the poliom   0r in-
    mar-o   dUll tbsrrbe aado to the ~asurode, wbncrlbere,
    oroadorwarrrld``arorewld.                 Theprovi-         .
    am    d   QOadltm8    irr ~0h polioiet3 0r in*~tic~
    oonta&mdeWllatalltimsr         detexmlnothe llabllltg
    of Inter-Oeew,to   ruoh polloy-holders.
    “9.   The B&lrtrar     shall rurzah voeuy to the
    mbliehsr   an& IntmNaean      a dupliaate list    or all
    was arraquiredbyaaidpolicy.
    810. Inter-ocean   klgraoa that durfq the contln-
    uawe of thle tsgwolnsnt $t ~111 not acaept insurcmco
    tom or 8ouspapr, Travel and Pe&strlfm AM%-
    -7     po toy ircar any other n%vc~p,     ma@4elnoor
    oaleal plnted and publlahed ln t&d city 0r wllm,
    !F liar County, Texas, end vlll not lrruo sng suah
    pomi13~ or lnsurww       to the subrorlbers tx readers
    of any other rmumpaper, mqatlne or periodical vhlch
    11 pr¶ated or publlshcsd vfihin tht? City of Dallas,
    Dsllm3County, Texas. Tba PubUsher a@eciw that dur-
    lng the oontlnuowa of tbls fwxwmentlt vlllnm          m&k
    ta3.n say crontraot or entm into any contract vlth my
    oth49rlnuurerior     theisrwnco    of e slmller r0moz
    6GofdetktZWMW%        poliid.
    rim      pe3ty ageme to prcmptly trenemlt
    to the leowd party lenaedlots1y after receipt there-
    OS, @X1 mporte, oarrenunioatlon~,or other lnforne-
    tioa r000i+ea by him relating to clsiree prerenced cr
    any 0th``~wttor   irr ubloh eaia eecmd party wy be
    fntereetadj ana to interpee    AO difricuitios t0 the
    thoroogb trvoet*tron     and equitable adjUWti#At 0r
    web    aAa every olalh.
    %ia   zooond party agreee   to   promptly invertigeto
    muI dlepoeo or all olaime aocordlng to the morite ee
    tihow by th0 pxire and the faote.
    V&e first party and all reproeozmtiooa eoli-
    01tlAg l
    pplloatlons ehell at all times be 11o8Iledl
    by the peapee etata authority, the ooet of euoh ll-
    WASO ti also the tupeneo Lnaidont to the ieruo and
    dellvery0r euch polfcforto be borw by the first
    ty may report for cencellat~on,                       1.
    ~awh polley vi11 be oawelled by vrltton notice to
    lwh polloy-holder, end Grcdlt in the twmant or $1.10
    r0r awh polluy ehall be givtm to raid Sixat party.
    %%ii agroawnt is made eubjoct to the condition
    that the seaad party &all COAtiAU6 to bo liccnecd
    to do buelneee in the territory nov cirhorcattor cov6r-
    06 by this 8&X-WWAt aAd #hell have the leGa rl&     to
    eorry out the provielow hersoi.
    *Ifi UXTtfZZSWiBRECF,the cald Siret party hoe
    hereuu&r   met him hen& on4 the tti      coaoad pirtg bee
    caueod theee preeonq+ to b6 executed in dupllcstc, by
    Kaager of Q-ii Spooitil Elow,pqx3r Travel
    art&t,    or by en offlcor of aai6 second
    &By Of &tAURr)T,l$tl.
    BY                        -
    liuAorabi00.      P. xmkhart, pa66 27
    -You ha+0 submitted a number 0S qucettone fn’your in-
    qulry, a8 ehou~ above. Hawaver, We thbk that t.ho riwt quee-
    tlon to be dsterdwfl Is vhothoatbo nevegapore Involved wuoh
    are peIocrto awpamtl0r.m are agente 0r ws above ma      iar~-
    anou oompanlee. If tho above nemd neuepqere are a&eats of
    the hsMt0toreLulElod  fnrurance 00q~Os St trill not b0 &cc*-
    naryto aAm?er   of dfeouee the other queetloiw aubcafttsdln ye
    'tilnsura``    agent, so rm au the lneurw is comerA-
    ad, 18 8    reon exgroeely or lmplledly autborizcd to rep%wOAt
    .1t 3.na0Au     vlth third poreone in nattee rclat~    to S.IISUF-
    geei   (ClCyh OA SAeurawe, Vol. 2, !?eo. 466; fozac Jur., Vol.
    8.         l
    Actfol&5&6,     Vernon@8Annotated    Civil Statutde, pro-
    vides Lo offoat, 6hat ang pareoa uho eolialtr 3.neurancoon be-
    &elSoShnylneuwmee          cecpparry,whether lzm.r~oratedurn%r the
    3aoe 0r this or aay other state or r0-3.g+p govermpltlnt',op uh0
    takt~ or twWnIft8 Other thszl rOr haf?df fXQ appuCatiOA fOP
    io~urawoorenypolicy 0r fneuranceto or Srcl;l?mwhc~.
    or who sbv8rtlcee or othormlre g:vec not&e tbst         he ~211 re-
    colvo or trawait 6he mew, or who &all rocalro or Uullrcr Q
    @lay      oi lneurawc OS any such Q            or who shall examIn
    a- inspeat    ay rlek, or recuLw, -or  O-+-K*
    00 lea,   or tremalt cnp pre-
    ~UQS``~IIOIIP~QW 0romlra 0 r0rvardang dsepm0rany               bti1dm.g
    or bulldfnge, or do or porfomwany other act or t=iing ic tlx~ mek- -
    iog or ccnswwt~          0r my contract oi ireurazlcc for   or pith city
    euch lneoraxaso co``eny other then SOP himolf, uho ehhsll osanlne
    j.nio, or ad+t      or 8ld la edjuztiq    any loee for or On b6holf of
    m IneuranCo cm,             shethtw any of euch actw ehell ba dOZl8et
    the Iaetanco OT requm6, or by the fS?i&?lO~At        of auoh $.AQursLlQO
    cosrmnpor OS, or bo 6ny lx&w or other pqrerm, shell be held
    to be tbs. SSefSAt  OS .the eoqpa~y for uhLch th? act is EMU, or
    the rirk Ie taken, ae Ser UP relritee to all thO lisbilitiee,
    gutita, requlrecfxitr, an3 pmoltta3 net fort23 in the Chopxr of
    vhich   hrtlcle    5056, aupra, l.0 a   part.
    By the provfslo``   OS Article     50G4, Vmnon*a knotat-
    a Clvfl .%tatutoc, LW aorpcwatftm or atoak cozapanyoan ba &rQAt-
    td a llioonoe ho aat am agentfor ltf0 inewance.
    ArtIols 5W%b, Yernon~s &nnotecoQ Civil ~tatuteE, is
    rgplloabls regarding the liceaal~ OS ogente for life 1awurR~Ce
    ~Orspanieeraoeldsnt ineuramar ooqm%os, life and aaoidemt,
    &LrtlOlO5os5, VernoIA’s AAAotated GlPil !?totut6?r;pr0-
    dder in emtot that it shall not be lawful for any person to
    oat within this atote, 6s ageat or othervlao in solicltlng or
    ~elvioig   applioatloar for lnwmnoo or any kind v&tever or in
    w aummr to %id in the tranaaotlon or the business or aa~ in-
    ~IPIUKJO um      inoorporated in thla state or out or It, uithout
    Curt proour~     8 0ertiiLoats or aatharity rzxm the omiahoiorr.
    fbr waa6l o&6 ale0 provides th6t aa unll.oenaad agent who shell
    r&oit laeur6~0% shall bo subject to a fine (Artlolo 572, Yer-
    aoA’* &AOt%tQd P-1      &de).
    ./             &tiOlO fj68,VOrmon'r 1LoEotat04Fen01 Co40, dofinoa
    ltmAWtO0 @pntt in prrot%38lly the 8amolangaagtt aa Article
    5056, V``AOA``lrrnotat6d Civil Btatuter.
    Article 5706, Vor~cua~cJbmotuted Pea61 Code, providea
    io orsot   that my p~ereor;vho ch03.l eot 89 a xfe, hesztb, QP
    ~ooibent krst~'6~e   ta@+nt vithout   hnoi~&   flret   obtairtcrd 8 ll~anee
    as provideii by law, or ubo r&n11 eollolt life, health or atot-
    &OAt IA~UWAIJO Or OGt CL1R life, health Or aooidmt agOAt Wtth-
    out having boem appolntod or deilgmted br lmo duly aubborlrod
    ur6 ~WJSWAOS oolppang,60Oi4Ont a2ttu~mc8 c03p2y; iire 004
    loofdont, health nnd %OCidOAt,or life, health aad Acaident in-
    eurauo4 ooeqxny, or aeaocietlon, or orgsnlzotions looal mutual
    aid aesociQtMn,   or statevido mutlinl aescolation to do zo pe
    provided by lav, or cny o*&w per8on uho shall eollalt,    life,
    &ealth Ol’ecoident inMrQnCe   or Sot &.Bt@OAt for SAY y~ncm CC’
    lArur%Aoe ouxp%nyor asroofation not eutboci~ad to do bii3%AeRS
    j.~ Teraei or cay ofiiaer or repreeontatlvs 0r 8~7 life i~rurar?ce
    ocsapaaf, eoaldeat im!ur~ae company, life and ecofdent, health
    ad .%ODlddAt, ok’ufa,   health &id aocldsnc insummoo C&‘$eny OF
    aonornblo 0. P. ldehart.                  paw 23
    usoclatlon,~ or csr&kml8atlan, lOC8l mu:ual aid armolation, or
    rtetevlde rmtual oesooiatfon uho dotm not hav% a valid and out-
    &au4Ing lb&o,     ar providad by law shall be guilty or a&ede-
    ObQnor,and upon convlotion,   ahall be ifned any CUBnot &o%od-
    ipg &00.00 aA hall     bo bwrad rrom recofv%ng the 1iOOASQ U@.Qp
    &mtxmoo agm            for   a psrlod of          at    least two yeti--a.
    Comlderlng Artlcleo 5062a end 50&b, ~upro, recalat-
    .m         th0 ~,iOUUing Oi &Xlll rUOOrdini; tt@Iiti7aAa COlitXitOrE, to-
    ~@hor vlth Article 5064, Yemo``t! Anaotatod Civil Statutoa,
    pvoblblting aoqmratlonr. and rtock ooqmaloe f&m oatlag da
    WAtS rOr urCI iJIUpFUW0~it 18 QQ6IWAt that C CO~pO``tlOII
    'damtot be lioonre4 ae an Inouranco agent in thlt rtato.
    It oIU bo noted that the agro%wmt or coarractbetvreen
    & Inter-them!-Casualty Cw         and tbo h. U. Be10 Coryotiatioa,
    that. ths lneurence companyconstitutes t&e publleher it? deposl-
    tory to rem8lve,        0oUeot        and account to It for 3llpromLua~ real-
    &red i’rasiraid aevapapcm aubrcrlbbors ~AU readere upon mid volt-
    010s of i~mruranoo 80 prwurad under the a~oneorchip of t&o
    publIehor . 'It will be noted that tb% ccntraot or agraonxentbe-
    tueen  the Iiouatm Prlnthq3 Corporation and tlxo Barth Amenicon
    Aocldent ,InrUranOOC-y      ttst the publksher OF @Atlaq    torpor-
    otlon agrose vfthln 24 hours tmer the receipt b;' it  or such ap-
    @mitkSI    t0 i@W  t0 lth8 appifO8At & FOliCy Gf t&t3rO= ~&?EtioA-
    ad, itch poller        to    be   dated     as   to    the date of Incue, and wlthln
    24 h0Wr rXWI tha d8tO Of iWViAOO      Or SuOhpOiiCg  t0      to
    the @t#eond pirty tb0 6``lIts.BtioA thersfor, Upa~ ubiah Qafd ep-
    pltoutlou #hall be not&               the    ztmber of' the polfcqr itwucd~tz            ruch
    mider         or eubcor~btw and l
    de date                0r   m~.e   or   euch   pollay.
    The pxbllehor agroce to oolloot the full IxkltIkl prero-
    laiam or thirty-centa 011 all A%V policies leauod L'roz the 25th
    day or eaoh mo~tb to the 24th day or the next ecscoadhg     m&h,                                ,
    both IneluSive,        and pay sold liiltlal                premiumon a net baair of
    2~1-833COAtS to iald seoond perty In ChIaago, Illlnol!+, 09 or be-
    SOPO t&43riClrt dag Of the fOllOUlAg aOAth.
    A slnilnr provfnloa ie ccntoinad  lo tbo propo~cb agree-
    IT&AC or wxtraot betvtwm tlx 3~53 iU22als LQbt of 3x1 Pm.tonio,
    Polioa, and the Xorth AmerIoa;l AcoIdmi  Iamwor~ce Cmpany of
    Apparcmtlg the agruemmt   or contract tmtueon the Xoua-
    ton Chroniale PublIah5.n~ coW@dny and the ~d&l~tOA   i&tiOAAl
    Bmor~ble~Q. P. &olrbarL,         JMJ#J
    Yneurtkuae O&any  ooritaixm no Drovlalon vhiwu the @O.Lsher a
    OOlbOt a &NWIiUlQ thercaon. Iiwever, the pub-
    1 g r W l p OlfOy W
    lUhea agree8 to epowor the plan or erfcrutlnz inruranco on lt8
    rasderr and rubbroribeowand in 6lfeat sollcltc inmmnae by m
    wiow    a4?ertimmntr   reQulred by the aontmct, for -the Vr(r&-
    lagton F&ttiowl Iwumnoe Compuay.
    the daxrlition or bmxr~e    a&@3Jlca08 rut
    , Vernen*a hnoteted civil   statutes; aad
    &ticla 560, Vernon*8 Annotated Penal Code, ~0 think, that the
    &we rimed ~ublishtrrr me e#onts 0r the oaldcua JlcltmaInwlmllcQ
    ompmnlas ar thm yard “agent is deirined In them3 wtlcloa.        And
    (ICabovo et&ted a aor~oret1o.u cennot be litmnsod II@se k.mmnco
    agent l.n thlr etato. It ks our furthw     oprarcc that the ebove
    d       DUbuaw     oceq~(LDIe~,acapt  the -81 Antcnlo "@&vhl.U.h
    &M not executc;il the above acntrmct, 611 uhiah am
    atiow,    6ro unl.euirtuJ Wtirq ae m&mm    of the er ove mmd   -
    !iz UMWB     oclrrgrales.
    We em      mturning   hcruwlth t&     pbotortatio ~oplco cf the
    &cm &e~%tloned:auntracte 3.n ctxapllanca ulth pw            roquoat.
    As it 18 oar opinUn that the abova rimed publj~r:zI-x
    awpniea,    aoapt  the Tan Altc;ClO X&hit, @iW lE?``WXll~ Psi.-
    lr the s&mts of tb heMtoforc ;I-      ineurcneo ccq?tn:.er,vu
    do not tlaSn&that lt ir necseserj to paoe upm 223 oddi8:ti3ml
    progoeltlow    contalzmd la ycur sh~ulry.
    YOUZ'Qvery truly
    ATTOZHLY GkXW&    03'TiZA~
    1: ;,.;:.i:
    " (,~.,
    ; 'l'..$;~...i
    .:..~                                 Ardel3 Wllliem-

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4253

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017