Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • .. ‘, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN xionorable Jantee E. lulday; Direator - Motor Treutsportation Division Railroad CoamcLasion of Pezaa Austin, Texaa. Daar Sirr . Sp&lalieed motors aarrler aikifiaate PO. jj533’iauthor- itel the iolloulng service by Rederal TranapoFtat2on Company:~ , - torableJames IL lQ.lday,page 2 “IT IS RsPmxAIJz UEDRRSTOODAED AaiRED TEAT THISCONSIHATIOB QRDBRANDCERTIFICAT~AUTHORIZES TEETRANSPORTATIOH OFTEEFOLLOUIEO COMMODITIES OELY: "FOUR TRUCKSAUTEORIZBDTOTRAHSPORT: 8HousxomQoo~, UBRB OFFIcEFuExxT~AriD BQUIP~,~ToQL,~ToCKpEEDs1IoFpS,P~ YdcFIIwRY AXD QRAIE from Boueton to all pointa in Texas and from all potits in Texas tb Eouston. "OIIZIEU EQUIPMEET to and tram all points In Texas. 'TXMADDITIOHALTR~CKSAUTEORIZEDTOTRAES- PORTt. ~EouSmoLDG0on5,uSl3DOFFIcBFuR~1IlD lWJU%mTrromIiou8tontoallpolnts lniexas and from all points In Wxan to Eonattm.`` "RESTRICTIOESiS TO AI& !fFiUCKS: *The tranrportatloio~ HOUSkXD GOOD& USED-' OFFICEFmwITuRxAmlzQuIPlumT,zilmST`` ~' STUFFS AIfDFARN IfAGEIB'ERY ia~prohibltedf'romone dealer to another dealer. 'The transportationof OIXZIISID BQMPMEHT irr restricted to that transportedto or from actual ollflelda, and the carrier 1s problblted Srom tranaportlng sane from one dealer or refinery to another dealer or rerlnery or from a dealer to a refinery, or fYom a refinery to.a dealer. *ALL EQUIPK6BT to be operated under author- ity of this aombfnatlon order and certiilaate ahall not exceed POURTREETRUCKS.~ 'THIS CERTIFICATE Issued in prlvlty ulth Spe- aLa1 Commodity Permit PO. l2775 ac arid permit wan ln fores and effect on January 1, 1941, under the : ~Qrandfather~alawe OS Eowe Bill Ho. 351." ., ” Honorable James E..Xilday, page 3 Federal TranaportatlonCompany haa petitioned the Rall- road Commission to divide thie certificateas follova: .One part authorizing the transportationof houae- hold goods, wed office furniture and equipment from Houston to all pointa in Texas, and from all points In `` Texas to Bowton, to uhlch operation there ahnll be " alloaated ten trucka. The rentadnbg authority and rights to be retained in the other part of the dlvl- sion of said certificate.* Federal Trawportatlon Compauy alao aeeka +proval by ? the Commlaalonof a sale to the Wald Tranater eud Storage,Com- pany, Iuo., of that part of the certlf'lcatedescribedaa 'ten additionaltrucka authorize&to tranaportthousehold goods, used ofrice f'urnltureand eqtipment from EWaton to all point8 ,in ``_ .; Texua, and from all polnta in Texus to 'Houatoa8 i It la lmaedlately~aeen-that32'the dl&alon'and &&i of auclipurt18 approved, the orlghtul ovner, and 8eLler;~ar``uell aa the purahaaer,till poaaeaa the right and authorlty~totrana- port household goods, oaed offloe fumlture and equipment f'rom Houaton to all pointa ln Texas andfiom all polnta In Tezm,.to ,: Houston. The result vi11 be~that two aurrlera vill be Suthor-. Iw lzed to transport these aonmdltiea by virtue of one aertif%oate ',C orlglnallygranted to oue aarrler. Thla urlaea, of aowae;be- if cause of the dupllaate~grantSn the orlglnal certificateapper- talnlng to howehold gooda, wed oifloe furniture and equipment. Under Eouae Bill 351. Bats of &e Forty-seventhIsgfa- lature, apeclalizedmotor carrier certiiloateamay not be lsaued by the Comiaalon except upon a dhowlug by aubatantlalevldenoe that there exlrtia publlo neaeaaity for such aervloe and th8t the public oonrenlencevlll~ba promoted thereby. The certiil- aate laaued authorize8 the holder to engage ln the bwlneaa of a llmlted oonunonourrler. ~ln1os.x#IO:O-3700 by thla departnent. ;T Section Sk(a) of House Bill.351; mzpra, aontalna.Jhe '- follovlnggrunt of authority to the Commlaalonr 'Any certlfioste,held, ovned, or obtained by L any motor aarrl4r operating aa a ~apealallcedmotor c&rlerl under the provialona of thla act may be sold. aaaigued, leased, transferredor lnheritedlprovided, houever, that any proposed sale . . . ahall be first RonorableJ&es $. aEild8y,psge 4 c presented in~wrltingto the Coaaaiaslon for Its sp- proval or dla8pproveland the Coamlssionmamy~approve or disapprove such proposed sale. . . . The subject application does not.propose the sale of 8 certificatebut only a 8818 of 8 part thereof. Ottopinion Eo. O-1096 this dep8rtmentupheld the au- thorityof the R8Ilro8d Coamlaslon to approve, uudur certain con- ditlona the sale of 8 portion of 8 caaaaoncarrier motor certifl- cate of aonvenlence 8nd nticessltyuuder Section 5, Article glib, Vernon'sAnnotsted Civil Statut.est. The question decided in this opinionv8s Involved In the case of Houston.end Horth Texas Wotor Freight Lines, Ina., et 8l vs. Y. A. Jobnsaat, et 81, decided by the Gslveaton Court of Civil Appeals on the 11th dsy of Deaember, 1941. The court upheld the action of the CcmmIssIon in approving the sale of a portion of such certlflcateunder the conditions and facts presented. Three things p8rtIcularlywere enrphasized by the court. First, certlflaatearapresent property rights and as such ordlnatiy carrythe right to sell and convey a portion there- of as veILas the vholet second, the fact that for many years the RailroadCoPrmission has approved the sale of portions of aerttil- cates vhere the certiiIc8tes~veresevered l horizontally'8nd not %mgthvise' and such departrnentsl constructionla entitled to great velght; and third, the fact that a neu service uas not created by the sale of a part. Upon applying the nasoidpg of the Court to the subject proposal we an met vith difficulties. i'j -Under the aertificateheld by Federal TransportationCoar- psny, ve vi11 say it h8s a.property right In the rigat to transport -"5 household goods, wed offlce~furulture8nd equipment;8s veil as In other comamdIt.Iesnot Involved. True, this property ‘rightIs divided .:y into tvo paragrgphs in the aertIficste'8ndllmlt8tionsplaaed there- upon by restrictionsupon the number of truoks that may be used. Federal TransportationComp8ny does not, hovever, propose to sell its property rlghta in the right to trsnsparthousehold goods, used office fumIture 8nd equipment; It retains p8rt of such property rights, Both lt,.8nd the purchaser under the~sale,vi11 h8ve the authority to transport these commodities. In the second place, the Railrosd Ccmanissfon h8sanever approved sales of portions of specializedmotor carrier certificates. Hence the veight of depsrtmentcrlconstructionIs absent. Honorable James E. lKl&ey, p8ge 5 And, finally, it38 apparent that a nev service vi11 be created under the propaaal. Two cart%era all1 be authorZced to tmmaport household gooda, used office furniture and equlp- ment from Houston to ti points ln Teurs and from al1 points in Texas to Houston. The enterprise of eaoh vlll seek the bual- neaa. The limitation upon the number'of&ruckr doea not vouch- safe the aervlce or destroy the faat that tva carriers vould authorized to trsnaportthe a8me aoamodltles issued to only one. Routes traversed 8nd the:hlghwaya used are not &de aigulfieantunder.the lau ereatlng apealallcedaiatorcarriers, in contrast to that provldlng for aammon Oarrlera. The comodl- ties transported8re the essential ooualderatlnna. Conaequent- ly, the apllttlng of a~apeol8llzedmotor aarrler Certlflaate upon the baa18 of the ~8me eommo~tlea to be tr8naported,and, a scr2ewhlchYouldretainlqthe aellerand&tthe aametlme transfer to the purch8aer the autharlty to trqpoet the same~' commodltiea,rould m8nlfeat;l+be opposed to thehnderlying pur- poses add reanQp(Imotivating the legislatureti its MthOriZ8- tlon or apeclallsedmotor carrier iqeratlaua. It Ia'our opinion, thiweik, th8t eaoh of your que8- tions should be anauered ln the negative. Tours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4246

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017