Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

    ItonorablaT. IE. Trlmble
    Pirat Aaaistant                                           Q&,(0. fl*J
    State EuperlntendsmtOf Publid InatnWiOn
    duntla,      Texea                                             7747
    r   mm     d8t0 in
    lpplioablo rtet-
    ty Bdllcdl2vu8t.88
    the Ponelopo Rural
    itory to Cho youlit
    tm6 fna0p8ndm                                  a 888um.d that both
    of thee       eohoo                            e bounderi.  or Hill
    at8 are olasrleda8 oom-
    degMdeAb 80h001 4latrlots
    er aonaideretion.
    wa8 d~temined
    uestion              bx the Supreme
    rroent aa80,ef Oountf @oha      Trurtees
    61 v. Dt8triot   Tru8bera  'ofPniris
    8t. l?o. 8, t88 3. By. (86) 434.    The
    tutioaal and void Benate Bifl 388 oi the
    ature (~ootalQSb, 64th be., fP.E.Ch.S39),
    whtoh was 8 oomprehenslre law regulating the detaohmrnt and
    annexation oi territory and eugmr8ediag all lawa previously
    omaotod.  f3peakingror th4 oourt, JuetioO Crita aado the
    r0ii0d~   rtatemontt
    3iaving detrrmined that the &et of 1935 i8
    wholly void, and having rurther dmt8rmineQ that
    it repealed no law behind it, we r8aoh the inor-
    oapeble oonolu8Ion that the ~validkty or invalidity
    Bonorable T. bi. ‘I’PiPlblar Pegs 8
    or tie aota and orders Of the County sohool
    Board or Orenge County involved in this oaae
    :nustdepend onwhether or not they square with
    the 8tetute8 or thi8 state in roroe at the time
    the tit or 1935 war3 paeeed. It thererore be-
    oome8 IJ404888r~ fOl’ U8 t0 d4t4dn4 what 8Ot8
    were then in roroe.
    4X4miMtiOll Of OUI’ 8tatUt48    di.4410648
    the taot tha’twhen we eliminate the Aet of.1938,
    this 0888 must be gOVern46 by 6eOtiOIl2 Of Arti-
    018 274Er,   AOt8 1929, 418t Lb&, 18t C.S., p. 269,
    Oh. 109, a& 54OtiOa 1 Of +.Ft~iOle      2742f, AOt8
    1929, 418t   LO&., l#t C.S., p. 106, oh. 47, Ibard
    Of SOhOOi mFU8t448 Or YOUR% &NUbtg VI WiliObk
    Cammoa Sohool MSt. Ho. 12, %x. COIL Dpp., 88
    S.   ii.    Bd S38, $39.     .   .
    0.     .   . ..
    Vhle oaae Bl\ldt ba gOVern44 by S#OtiOa U
    Or  AI%014 27424, AOttdis@, 4i8t kg., 1st o.
    S ., pa ~59, Ok. 109, Cnd by SOOtiOn 1 Of &ti-
    ale 27422, AOt8 1929, 418t Le&, 1st C.S., p.
    105, oh. 47, cOnstrue together."
    seotion E of hrtidle 27424 and Seation 1 at ai-
    014 27421 read reepsot?u.llyee rOuOW81
    "Sea. 2.   That 0~.and erter th4 pamage    0r
    this Act the County   Roar& Or Sschool%~aQ#e@ in
    any county in this State @hall he04 authority
    and full power to oreate C4mmoa Sohool Dicrtriota,
    to subdivide distriot8, end to oha      bourrtirf
    liA4S ar~ang or all oo       Sohool r 8triOt8 lo&al-        .
    ly coming under the juribdlotian of the County
    Board of cS030hoolTrWteea, rubj4ot to the #UQOF
    vieion or the Dietriot Court having juriadietlon
    over the aoaaty where the County Board is appolnt-
    ed or elected; provided that before aa;lehangea
    may be made in boundary lines of a~,ool dfatriots
    the tru8tee8 or the COMIOP sohoal Watrieta ar-
    feotsd 4hall be notiiied to appwr Befare the
    Oounty Board for a hearing, 8ad after #aid hear-
    ing, OF the date 84t ror *id hearlrl@,the County
    Eoard of TYu4tsea may-pa48 ewh arder Or order8
    Honorable T. LI. Triable, Page S
    wSeotion 1. In each oounty of this State
    the Cmmty Board of Trusteaa shall have the au-
    thority, when duly petitionsd 68 hersin provided,
    to detaoh from and annex to any #Oh001 dietriot
    territory 4ontiguou8 to the o&man boundary
    11~ of the two di#tI'iOt#~ provided the Board
    or Tru8tee8    0r th8 Di#tribt to which the annexa-
    tion ir to be #t#dO approves, by siajoritg VOt8,
    the proposed trtUI8i0rof territory     and provided,
    rurthcr, that when! the territory to be dstaohed
    eroeeda ten per aent (lO$) of'the mtire di@-
    triot the petition mat be dgned by a oaajority
    or the tru8teea or 84id Blatriot ih additioa to
    a majority    Or the q~aUfied  vot4ra or the terri-
    tory to ba detaohed. ‘i&8 p#titiO~     Sk&~   giV8
    the ,mat.es and bounds of the territory to be de-
    tashed from the one and added to the other dia-
    triot and izwt be algn~d by a majorleg of the
    quLlliii4dvoters re4iding in th4 raid territory
    40 detached. Upon reoetpt of tlis 44id petition,
    duly aigrieQ,   and Upon notior of the approldl    of
    the proposed annexation >y'the Board of Tru8tee8
    ot the dirtriat to whioh the terrltor ir to be
    added, the County board of Trwteeo      0 % 11 pa48
    zm order tranrferring ths old territory and re-
    derining the bouadariea oi the dlatziotr erreot-
    ed by said trewIL,r, the aiid oxd4r to be moord-
    ad in the minutes    or the County bard    or Tru8tee8.
    ?'rovlb-a6 that no eohool di#triQt shell be reduoed
    to 4n are6 or 1444 then @no eqwr4 milse.*
    The oaae oited by Juatios Orit in the above quoted
    exoezpt is mard 0r Sohool T2?U@t4440r Young c;ountyv. %UllOOk
    Common Sahool Uist. Ho. L2, 
    65 Yeates I
    ?. (Ed) 638. 'I&eCami@-
    aion oi ngpe8le in di.rou88lngSeetdon E 0r ~1014   ST486 and
    S44tloa l,oe Artiole 274&r made the roU.owing obwnatlont
    z)ouorutruing @aid aote together lead8
    to   th~‘Ok&l8hOII~th8t   th4 L8glrl"tIture
    intended the
    provlsioa``tor   notioe and heariq, eontaiond la Sea-
    tlon 8 or iiousa Bill SSO, to oparate a8 a limlta-
    tion   o? thr authorltp   aonfemd   OR the oounty
    board by the other sot, so far:as a change in
    the boundary lime of a oomspo~aohool diatrlot
    la involved.   Qomplianoe with aaid provision
    we4  prerequieits to the exeroiae,bp the oounty
    board of school trusteeo of young oouAty, of
    authority to &mgo     the boundary lines or,the
    Eullook oomon sahool di8triat, and, einoa there
    we8 no suoh oonglfa~oe, the order tor ouoh oha~ge
    was mmuthorieed and therorore ie invalid. The
    dirtriot had thr right to apply direotly to the
    oaurto, In the tire    ixmtanoe, r0r miier against
    aaaldInvalid order. State Line Consolidated Sahool
    ulstriot v. Farwell Independent Sohool Dietriot
    ('kc. CCJCLr-pp.) 48 S. K. fed) 616."
    You are, them&ore, advised that under iicfiales
    tMte, Seatioa 2 aradArtiolo ~&Wf, seatian 1, the r0ih-
    log rteps must be taken berom  the county board 0r sahool
    trtwteo8, vdxenduly potltioned, my enter a valid order
    traaafer?fAg territory rrox the PeAeloi)egutal Sob001 Dir-
    trlct to the HouAt Calm Independent Sohool Diatriot:
    1. The board of truateea of the mchool dlatrlot
    to whioh the amexatlon ia to be made (koountCala) mat by
    a aajorlty vote approve the tranerer.
    E. The petition ahall give the aetea arrdbounda
    of the territory to be detaohed an4 ahall be signed by a
    majority of the qualiricd votf~rareaidlng In the territory
    to be detaahed.
    3. Ghere the*rritory to be detaahed eraoods lO$
    or                     (Penelope), .tho titfon
    the entire dfstriat                         mumt be signad
    by a nrajarityof the truetess of suah Q-9"
    iatriotfa tiddltloato
    e majority or the quallrled voter8 or the territory that 18
    to bo dotaahod.
    4. The trwteee or the Penelope i&al rrlghsahool
    Diatriot Bust be notified to appear berore the oounty board
    for a hearing.
    On 3~1s 20, 1939, this department rendered Opinfon
    g.,;;Ts   involving the aeAstruatloA or viola   Fi74,er am amended
    . The oonstitutlonallty of the amendment wan not in
    is8ue and naa, therefbre,not parrad upon in the opgaion.     fn
    mmornble T. W. Triable, Page 5
    view or the deoiaion or the Supraee Qourt In the County
    soho   Trustees 0r Orange Ccunty v. tiirtrlotTruetees of
    prairie View Comon Sohool Diet. No. 
    8, supra
    , holdlq said
    #emWent   unoonstltutfonel, we now expressly withdraw Opin-
    ion No. O-275.
    Very   truly your*

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4238

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017