OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF T’EXAS AUSTIN Opinion Ho 1 ?e: c0fiaOiida4237 0r in ana* aoqmnies under t. 400SO& v a 'I 3.C.S. 19 + You hsvs nubbnrilit to rel questions Fotolv- 1~8 the eonstruotion 0r m e8 04 'an 5041 Vemoa*r I?.- VLed Civil statuts8 0r Tax 0 , 0 1*8 0 0&0lidttti08 0r iJleuraAnae0oERpRn1atl. alder Art*. 5040 hutare MdOF th. t neau8arg to *mend h it Bmhllo~ 6apltal oboak 5erger. . . . and req,uire BfmRta aB repremz%ti.Rngthe eiore insuranira ocmpmla8 dolnd a rinsof4 wNah are and hvo Been subrtanti- controlling sto8kholdare and rrhioh have as.aotual.LJ aompatlng with @ash other, hamp have b4.n~ pradoualy ortpuxlasQ under 1116 Rtete, atap unite or ocarolidate upon ma- pliaooe with the terns, or thir law. Suoh aonsol~dation shall not be m9otmted in riolatiori or the anti-trwt and *ntl-monopoly lawn or this State. Berore auy rooh aousolld8tian shall take plaar Elm psrtlos holding art leas8 two-thirda of the capital ntook of aaeb of the oeeganlos h. 0. P. Lookhert, pa%s 2 shell vats in Zevor thereor at e separete aeetlnngor the etookholdere of eaah aoapaay aalled ror euah purpoee. Suah neatln$ map bs salled in bhe smnaer provided in the by-lawa of the Faepestlve 0os;malee OF the Iawe ondor tile& suab ooqmnlee are o~izeaiaed, 14 oalltig eprahl awtijpig~ or etookhOldeF8, esoe# that eaoh ntoakboldor ehall~,.be notlried by aall. of the time end plaae and obfeot or 8wh 8+watg.* .b.rtr5041 pravi4art %%ch kapaaiee ptopoeiag to eoaeolldste aey unite their aer;ate OS eap pert thersor and beoole inoorpmeted in ona body m&r th* nupe or my OII, OF aolpa of a& oarpeniar cc’ &&a~ eny otthas aam4 thet may bo a ilq!j UwJb M b iea le r teek la a uo i o% o r p QF stita l ltQokhe OF B te tno OS eeoh of the ooqariiee ao.neelldatod, the eotwl value or whioh 8Doek fa t&a am ocwpuyl ehall beer the came pro- portion to the eotual valw et. b&%atoak eurrwSueU by luoh l tooklwl4~r + We entlti Beebe ot the mapany IPI r~Qar:og maah 0 ::,, 8ese tb the MtiFe ae~ata of the asw ooqmny, rhloh ““x% a a lhe21 be ago@4 qmn by the beard or dlreatora or 088h”~o 1 gtsorldaQl thetileid hook- holder8 (holding tw6- s* the rtook) rmr~et the muting pwwiue4 r0r .ta, thi,weaodiry lr tia le, d*lo@a tha vahetlon ,ciaemte t&a samnittea ot Hieakhaldon appointed br their reageattre bmrdr or dlreotore; 8r *2. orprmqmaq aey teki owir all the aeeete of the other aa%pas@e ptopoefm to oonmlldrta an4 ieme 6tO6k to theirrtiookbO’ld8Fs iS th* ~FOp6Stt66 tht th. valuq,or 06el~ esoek b6we ta bha eatire value 09 the ad&i of ~$hc.a++qq 6n vi&oh they asa rtoakkol~m?@, aad for thijs gmrpcrrrethe aapikl etoak ei 6uoh pureslrrlng emmy trry be inoreeeed, te now OF mey b* herearter pro- vld.4 by l.ew. “3:. In ~880 or awealfdatioe M~V the fleet 8 t1o11 pfovided in the rlret eubdivfeion hereof, the Weeies P BBer ehsll upon proof tarnished of ooqlteeoe with the tenan hereof’ WXIbeilM: ltlefied thet tba pFWmed oan*olidetlc#l is ror the brrt interseta of Ohs llay holdem et the reepotivo 06?~pmlem and MLde iii r ~@8e)rdt8nOt9 With leW&RU e; ````````h~Q````~ P%. nnd delltar a aharter CO *aOh LL@W O~puY* #&. 0. P. xmkhart, pa@ 3 "4. SuQh ewwolidatfao shall uork a df8uolution of the oompamie~ absorbd, but shall in 80 wise prrjudiaa the right of aZig4xadftor of azip6uoh oorporatianto har4 pap want O? hia debt out ot tha assets end property thwsof, nor shall w oreditor be thereby daprived of, nor praju- diOti iA .A$' Si&ht Of 80tkOn than peAfling @I' rxhtin& 01 whiah msy thsreaftm aslm a@Autt said oo~pany, and mr- +icro or S~QIW Qf the proper offi44rs or a&eats of ssah new tar r4orglrnlldd aorporatlon aball be doam saitioiant aa to all or any of aaah 04qmni4s. "5, AlI pOli410a of insuraaoa oatstaadlsg agsla8t all s&oh aompaaies rhali by raamn of rueh aonselidatitwz br arsumsd by ~tlha rcrorgluriadronpaty, aaQ they *hall carry oat the tesiw Of suoh pdlioy on th4 t ot the lnsuror end be astitlad 60 all the rlglhta and pr rrllagaa thsmof and the ;;;;m48 8oo~letiniF: on aaah polfog prior to sa0k aon8ollda- .I It till' ba &ba&xrad that the firat option pro+lQe& br Art.504l pro~ldas teea n0vA80116e~tloA*and oontem letas thr orgpmlaationof a naw aorposn$lpn to take over the baa zp sass and urotr or the croanolidatlng, obspaalas; nbilr the sa0oad O~%OA aontsr fat48 a *m4rg4rP",with one vf' tha eorporatioo6 eontlaabg it8 usfstume, but leqd.rlng Eke a'68ets OS tha othesrri 11n the 0880 qf the "ooaablLidntfOn*, 110 e A4B Of vkdta- the olmrtor of either of the corpwatians 18 iarolva ) tatas oont4mplatoa thr issuanos ol a sew abrter 60 a 31s~ mm-*. 'PhO 0Epikl. Rt?UOtUSO Of th0 “A4W 0mw” Il.86 ZtOt 4XO.d tee aapltal struotwe or aithar of t&s aonsolldstina; BOQpU3lasf all that 10 reqalred Is .+&at the aapital steak of thr4aw 0oapaAy~ be distributed among the stoakholdar8 of the 0QA8QliQatkrg 8014 orstlons in sush ammaw thr6t *the actual vaLlaO* 02 the sto0k L the mw oosporatlongdtan to eaah storkheldw "shall bw tha saaa proportion to tim aotual velua of the steak swrrs&itra4* by sa6h 8tookbolPer *an tba~antirs assots of tha OOmpaAY aUSS*nd~iag aash atook beara to thn aatlrs asaat&+f the A- OwQW.* i.., m. 0l.P. Lsakharti, page 1, IA wbioh ther ire stookhoL40rsa, ths tnormso I@ not man5atvryg ,the, 0apital #took may s&saia the mm, baa say be rsa pesti-@ Aetgl(((;the st@akholdors ai tbc abaorblne and ths ebsor Ii ad,ampany. The 8eOanb branch Of pow question ingulres whsthar upon *oonrollQatSon*, or apen *aorger” with SA 8ttsnCant larseas* IA tha Oapita’l #tOOk Of the 8~WIving oo&qaAy for tha pltrpoae of lff$ 0tiAgM .ppVStiO+Mt Plnong tha #tookholders Of t&e respae- t~M~@oqaaio# of lts&ock, partlotiar assets as& ba deai@at& aa rqpreaaatlng the aagltsl steel la the woonsolIUatadw 0-w 0~ the Qple hand, et as reproseating the Increa8o In cupit swok la the %ar@ax* on the o6har. XA tlilr 0i3nneotlon, toa asu oonemaed with the ltseo t ffh/. 4720 upon oonsolldatioas OF aargars undar Art. 5040 an& l hrti. 4720 prorld*sr Vihon the fkst reotlag of the 8toakholdscs shall bm hali3 end tha ofriears a? tha OoapaJly ela&r9* the pm#i&wlt or lrerstnry shall notify t&o Comlaslon~r~ arndhe aball thmroupoa lmmdiataly make, or oauae to be u&o, at t&s 0x0 pan80 ot the oaapuby, a fall and thorsagh axamiaatlvn thumb. Xf he rinds t&d all of the erpltel atoak of the ooopuiy, awuattn& to not less thm oaa hundred thousaad dollars, hss boon tally p&Q up an& Ss In the ou8to&y e? the nff&sars, aIth8r la oaah ov seoarltlaa of t&s olsss in whloh sash o(*r paalaa ars luthariaad bl this chqtaprbo bweet or lsaa tbeIir funds, ho shall ``QWIta 6wh aoa~paay a aaftifiaate ai author- ity to traaaast aaoh kind or kLnda ot i~snrranes ba&ers~ritbln this stat* as sash 0rmm8 glsg B yly tar. WH%as m&ybe aathor- Iaad by fita ohartaet wbiPh aertir P catsshall axpjra #&It&e last day ot Plabroary aart aitor ths data 31 it8 is#uan~& Before suah stitiflorte la Iasned, AQt l45e thaiI tw@ OffiO~S of EUOR company shall emout atd file with ths GosYissiBd~ a sworu eohedule of all the. astratr of ~the ooqany -b&tad 84 hita upon suth esamfnatlaa , shoriug ths valqa UsraW, ED- sa$har wItA s stern ststaaent that the 65a4 ere bona ifda, %a wuon<io~ral and urianaumbarea pso-party of the oeqaaY gad are rotth the emurats tatat#l in suoh aohdtalo. HO o``II&@ or fir& aattiffcate or aatbority ohall bo &ra~bml axeapt l.A a6dordty hsrmith, regardleas ef the data 0% iillne 0r tha utialto of inaorporation with the Comalralcw6r.* &rer 0. P. Iaekhwt, pets 6 8. ?Y.?ni+ahild Aari88M8
Document Info
Docket Number: O-4237
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1942
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017