Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1942 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’OF TEXAS AUSTIN .Honorable R. L. County Attorney Jo&scul county Cleburne, Texae Dear sir! ~Your request fo tioned qgeations ha& been we qwte rrom p0 In this llerves th6 wa3muIt as 0. PC f.&aestioM arise outing this w-t where he la jail? “WI where the amu&md, after hi6 re- arrest, makes b&d ag*in, w trhrr sheriff Qhar&?Sa the su~ety.the oosts or agprovligia new bond HOnOrable & I,. arosier, Pago I? (sin00 the statutes make the at&o ltable 0nl.y r0r the approval 0r only one bond)? "(J). U%ero aa aoausijd4.0 a&x#ady in jail ona sommd ofYenss,may.the euretyroliovohia- SOLC,0% .~llabllityand ioroo’63 ‘&mmdant to make a nearbOnd ;W asreLy Stating tp the 8horlff that . ho surrenders the~prlnolpal .ti.thaehorlrr? ”.. . . .” with rororonco to your rlrst quotiti&, we have been unable to find any statuti.wh$Oh mako~‘a 8,urot.y liable to the sheriff ror the.oostn o.f.oxeoutinga warm&Of ar- rest, oxoept in oases where the prlnolpal has violated the ~rovlslons or h.lfa.bond~by failing $0 appati before tho Qourt or magistrate ~IUL@&I t&o 'bondat the.timk statbd therein. (Art. 273, Ogdii@&Crim.-Preo, ae aaondod). Undo? tho“raot oltuatlon rolatgd by,~you;.the.aoowod; or pti~ipal, bar,sot ri0iatea the 00ndEtion~ 0r hi0 bond, and therefore the e -ponsee in re-fi+cratinghti 1s no.t ahargeable to tho surety. Your seeond quo&ion llkowbo``sh&ld ba a&were4 ln the nogatlve,~‘.Wo ha~s.been.una~Lo :tc%$.nd-any atatu$e whlbh taxes'*he 'do@ of appmving~a POud Pgalaat $&? au%wty, '_, '$&#$lg 'now.to your .@lid question, ii&al. ~282, Code of CHtirnil Proobdure of Texas, provldosr d$hosa #ha have be&me bail ‘forthe ‘aoouaed, or oit&3r 0r ‘thoa,~ may at any tinq rallo~e tlym- S8lYO~.of their undo- by -ndew the acouoad into the ouatody,~f tho ~shoz?ll?f in the oouaty whore ho is ~prooouutad.n _~' The Ctiurtof Cx&inalApp8ala of TOXW, in the _ ease of Raohol VS. Gtato, 277 6. k. 649, held that ii the . 6urety tolls the'offloor he,surrandera prinolpal while prlnOlpa1 la IA jal.l,suoh is a aurrondor,of prlnolpal. In the Baohol case, eupra the prinaipaluas in- illotedfor unlawfollf selling~fnterloating liquor. While out 61nbond be wa# lndlotsd .forthe offense of perjury, and oonfined.in jail on thi6 seoond abar@, While ao oonffnod, appollant,.one of $he sureties on hio bond, stated to the Honorable a. t. Crueler, Pago S aherlrt that ha wanted tcimarrender his prinelpal. JUStlOO Baker, writing for the Court, hold that the aots of the ap- pellant ES above set out ooxztitute a surrender under .krti- 010 530, Code or CriniiielPzvoodure,~l916, whloh is oarrlod as Artiole 282 in the 1925 aodifioatfon of the Code of Csia- inal Procedure. We quote as follows frouiJuatloo Baker@8 opinion In the Raehol oboe8 * . wiled down to the U3t atolysia, this c$i Is beilonl this o&t::$or.a review u?on the solo quo&.on of whether-dr,nQt a surety on a ball boad oan surrender his prinolpal underthe facta and alrotuaatanoeaabove sot out, end whether or not artiolo,330, F8rnon~s.C. C. 13.1916 is ep- plioeblo to the issue raised in tho instant aaao, which is he r8mw88 *Whose who ~EY'Obaooam ball ror the aoouaod, or .oltheror thoiii, mixiat any.tldie.rollov~thoa- selves or their undertakin(r, by aurrendoriry the ,aaousod Into the ouatody~oE the aherlri in the oouuty wher4 ha is ~roaooutod~* " . . d Yroa thbtaotrr in tl&e eraseand~Wi0 doelalona,supra, wo are ioraedto t&e oanolualaa, ii the tidiaputod erldenae shows that the appol- lent's prlnol al was! then oontlned in jail, Thai in truth and tn Saot ho rent to the deputy and told the dspnty that ho thou aumendorod hia.prb olpal, thet uwh would in law be in stiaat a au+ rendering oi the prinolpol under our C. C. P. art. 530 and.that it would not be noaoeaary Sor h&m to 40 the unroasonablo.thln& OS going into faU wlth the sheriff and thoro going thrcn%h M un- aeoeaaary tormalfty au stated by the ``proz%oCourt OS Louisiana. '. . i* ALSO aoo,Patlllo vo. state, 9 cfrl& Ii+ 466 Whitener ~8. state, Jo CrSm. Rb 146, 4. s. ‘Ji., 4 95. 'Tharoforo, ln.anawer to roux!f;hirdquostlon, you ore roapeotfully adrlmsd that where an aoausod is already IIIjail on a aooond orrenso, the surety on his boud for the first arranso may mlIev8 hLmaolf of liab,illtyby a8rel.Y statbg to the 8heriiS that he, the mrety, mrren~er8-th8 prlnolpal to the ahmiff. Truatlng that the above satieraotorlly answer8 your questions, we are Yours very truly ATZOlU?3EGEmERALOFTxsA9 m (8) D. BUl-10DRYi AsslotaxIt

Document Info

Docket Number: O-4235

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1942

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017