OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableWm. J. Tucker, Executive Becretaxy Oeme, Fish and Oyster Corm31eeloa Austin, Texas Bear S:Lrr Opinion lo. O-38 We are pleased to Q opiaion from thle department of House Bill No. 186 of betveen the the south boundary tate fIighvay 4 to t of ray boundary of the city 1imltr amoron oountyt ta or the 01ty ore oanm later- de as a neotlng end propagatdng Its-vlngeddover, ehaahalataaad other @me vithln vhloh am It &all be unlsv-’ Pul at any time to hunt, teke, shoot OF kilX any kind or epeclaasof vild fovl herelnebove mantloned.' You ask if the boundaries of the b.lqIs@.neW~ attqwt- ed to be oreated by this hot are suf'flaientin viev of the Pollov- lng Paots. Honorable Wm. J. Tuoker, Page 2 Prior to the passage by the State Highway Commission of Minute No. 16701 on September 26, 1939, Texas State Highway No. 4 was designated as follows: -From Texas-Oklahomastate.linenear Perry- ton via Perryton, Canadian, Wheeler, Shamrock, Wellington, Childress,Paducah, Guthrie, Asper- mont; Hamlin, Anson, Abllene, Tusoola, Ballinger, :Eden,and Menard to Junotion and rrom a oonneotion. with State Highway No. 41 via Lula, Leakey, Uvalde, ICarrizoSprings to a-oonnectionwith State Highway No. 2 near Webb Oity, and then follow State High- 'rayNor 2 to Laredo and from Laredo~via Roma, Rio Orande, Mission, LaFeria, Rarllngen and Brownsville to Booa Chioa." Berore is date, the State Highway Gommission had ordered thatjall:2tate Highways over whloh are routed United States Highways were to be numbered and reoorded aooording to the United S~tt%%@%lghwaynumbers. In the order entered Septem- ber 26, 1939,:alI. .priororders designatingState Hlghways.were stiperseded~and canoelled. State Highway No; ~4 was deslgnated as being fro@ Brownsvilleto Booa Ohica. U&3. Highway No. 83 was reoogaized ..,.as,,. being as follows: wBromtho Tezas&klahoiuaState Line near Perryton, via Pdrryton, Canadian, Wheeler, Sham- rook, Welllngton,``Childress, Paduoah, Guthrie, Aspermont;Ramlin; Anson, Ablldne,``soo~a,~Ballin- ger;.Eden,Menard, Junotion, Leakey, Uvalde, Orystal City, Carrleb Springs;Webb City, Laredo, Rama, Rio IGrande,Ylesion, Pharr, and Rarlingen t,oBrownsvllle.w We are advised oifioially that prior to the passage 0r these orders by the Highway Oonunission,~therwexisted highway signs displayingboth the United estatesHighway numbers and the State numbera. #ollowln8 these orders the,Sta$e number signs were disoontinued~ohHighways in Texas which had been designated as United States highways; Regarding former State Highway No. 4, It appears that that portion with.whioh we are ooneernedwas oolnoldentwith U, S. Highway No. 83. 'Inoonsequenoe,by the passage of the order referred to, State Highway No. 4 from the Texas-Oklahomaline to Brownsvillewas changed from State Highway of State Highway No. 4 from Brownsvilleto Boca Chioa was not a designatedUnited States Highway, It remained State Higbwag No. 4. Honorable Wm. J. Tuokbr, Page 3 : .~: ,. All of the foregalng trampbrad prior to the enaot- -m&nt af House~Blll No. 186 by.the Fortr-seventhLenielatum. .’ At the time of the enaotment;State Higbray:No.4 ran from Brownsville to BomOhloa. It does so at this time. The boundary line described by Seotion 3’01 House Bill No; ,186 isnot marked as State Highway No. 4; it $a-marked only as U. S. HighwayWo.,l%i If the highway now laarksdas State lilghwayNo. C,,asidwhich is now the offluial Stats Highway No. 4, if oonsideredas thqbouadaryline referred to.&n Sea- tion 5 of the Act; obviously the -Pgso~iptionof the boundaries* 035ths’gamesauotuarywill ml. .~@$ .$athe highway now marked as’.StateElghway No. 4 whioh ‘extendsfrom Brownsville to Ema’Chioa to be oonsider- ed as the bo*dary llde referred to by.tha Legislature in en- aoting House Bill No.“l86? Obviously~nst. Suoh intent la oompletelyrebut&ad by ,theother language employed In the stat- ute. Note-the ~allusionto.“the o-on ,boundary.llne.of Za’tia and Stam C.ounties to,the South boundary Llnq,of Stats sd=F SfcL’7L”;bo whare ‘saidriShtiofeisap,‘bodndary:~.rinterseota the We& bountlary bi ~theoity limits of theraltryi.~t~Brownsvi~e,~ z%z ‘~*pliasls~ 0ur.s)~. .%/ lIefieenb~‘~td.‘~siny :aeauxatrhlgbyia$&ap,ill&disolose :. Only ~bne-hQhwq~as iiiterseoting or o~e~*lnp:bh~%he mnamon boundary lirre~ of Zapata an6 Starr Ooanti~sir:.,:``ferenoe to the ‘-( eabmmap will further dlsolose that the presentState ~Illghway ‘~a No. 4 does not;intereecttha West ~boqn&arp#%he -oltyllsit8. of Brownsville’;but that ,U. ‘S.Highway Be:,83 .d6ee1 .State‘Uigh- ``!r way No. 4 intersootsthe boundary of Browncgllle. It is ,arguedthat.sinobHouse.~B~ll~I&. ‘i86’iaa pan& statute, it must be striotly,oanstllred,.that there ie insuffio- r. , lent notiae to the public to.,~meet ,the,req~rernentrr ‘of,Oertainty eesent+l to valid~ityof ,suoh~pena.1enaotment, .-~.:’,’ From T&a&i Jurisprudenoewe quota-The fsl&awlngt ‘?; “The intention of tha Legislature in en- aoting a ‘lawis the law Itself, .tha’e,s&no6’of the law,*,and,*the psirlt whj.ohglves’Ibf.a*to the enactment; Henoe. the aim and ablest of oonstruotionis to.asaertainand enforce ,%ha legislative Intent, and not to defeat,,nullify or thwart it: Honorable Wm. J. Tucker, Page 4 , "when the-intent . .ie.plainly . a. .expressed . . In the language or a statue, xc must be given er- f;;tl;ithoutattempting to oonstrue or interpret . On the'other hand, when it is neoessary to oonatrue an aot in order to determine Its prop- er meaning.,it is settled by a host of deolsions .tha't the court should first endeavor'toaaoertain the legislativeintent, from a general view of the whole enactment. Suoh intent having b&m aaoertained,the court will then seek to construe the statute so as to give effect to the purpose ,ofthe Legislature, as to the whole and each material part of the law, even though this may %uvolve a ~departurefrom the atrlot letter of the law as written by the Legislature. *This is the fundamental oauon and the oardiual;primary and paramount rule of aon- struotion,whioh~should always be oloaely ob- -sened.aud to whldh all other rules must yield. mdeed; luthe oonatruotion of olvll enaatmenta, the,courts are expressly oomanded to *l&ok dlll- gently for the intention 0r the Legislature,kesp- .:&ngin vler.at'alltimes the old law, the evil, ~dnd'the``remedy~'*:~ 'And,Chisrule is ~equallY-auuli- :oableIn the ,oonstruotien of penal~statutea. ,- .-Intenttobe given effeot.--Uudel' the fore- going rules, when the leglalatlve intentis aaoer- talned, oris pla,inlymanifest, it is binding upou the eourte and must begIven effeot if it is leg- ally poasible'to bo so. To ignore the legislative Intent and gi+e a~statute a oonstxuotionobviously oontrary thereto, or to xefussto enforoe a stat- ute aooording to ve Intent, when asoertained,Is-. pieme Court to be van inexcusable dloial,~duty'and 'au unwarranteh lnt the exeroise of law- ful le~slative authority.'* (Undarsooringours). 39 Tex. Jur. 166, i90; See also'Artlole'7,Vernon*8 Annotated Penal Code and easee alted thereunder. Prom~MoQuillinos Munloipal Corporations;Vol 1, 28 a., Revised, (281, P. 769 at p. '770,we quote: *‘, ? ‘. ‘L. HonorableWm. J. ticker/Page 5 n*** If the deeoriptioeor the boundaries . in a statute*oannotbe literally applied on aooount of inaoouraoy,the statute must reoelve a reaeon- able oonetruotlon,lnorder to oarryinto effeot the intent of the legielature. A desorlptionthat gzvea a definite looation or that le~au$f$o.$e~t for identilioatiimtill be sustained. In support of the statement-in the te8t,~oltatlonia made to the oases of P*Pool v. State;93 Blai 378, 112.80. 59; Douglass v. Harriavills, 9 W.Va. 162, 27 AL Rep. 548. -0oupledwit&the fact that until the order of September 26, 1939, the hl@may crosslug the oomnon boundary line OS Starr and 2a:pata~Countles was ofiloially designated and known as State Highway No. 4, and the further faot that ref'erbnoe to the 8tate Highway Department:~filolalmap will diaolose no other publio highway oroselng said county line, and Is oerttilnlythe buly h&h- wap from auoh lnterseotlonleadin& to the City,of ~Brownaville,w,e think the language of the statute is no2 so``~xiu@mta$.n as to make It impossible t@~dstexml.ne the territory lnt&&ed~t? bb lnoluded. In tilesanotuary, and that this oonetruotion~'~&nporte with the manirest Intent 'ofthe statute. Thereior‘e, lt'~isour opinion that 'I the motion oi..the4ot.:undor oonsiderationLsY~sUd; that the bonndarle#. o$.thqL:b3.x$ sanotuary ars dsfinit@$ asoertalnableam ~' the Ao’r, 8houJ.dbti:qqmstrued as though ths,Le@~lature,hadwritten ?: wfitsd Statea &kay 83" in akl plaees where:by mistake the words *State Highway 4* were actually used. Youa very trtily ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY A#Lltant BWZRS APPROVED AU0 22, 1941 s/ Gerald G. h@nn ATl!ORNlUGENERALOFTEXKi APPROVED OPINIONCOMMITl?EE~WB CHAIRMAN
Document Info
Docket Number: O-3811
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017