Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1941 )

  •                                                          424
    Hanorable Stansell Bryan
    B0mrable       Stanssll -ml,    Page %
    Ths authority of the State Bl(Eway Comlsslon,
    tou6Mn.g t&6 subject-matter of your letter, reatr in the
    following prorlsiona of Eousa Bill 99r
    *The Stats Highway Oomlssion shall havs
    the power and authority      upon the basis  of an
    engineering   an8 traffic    invwti&Aon     to deter-
    miida`` zix the IMX~IUWI,rsaaonable and "udee:
    s  road or hlnhway interseotlons,         -
    way gradcarom             OurYea, hi114   r u on an
    other   mart or a          y*.less than #is-h&
    hereinbafore   fixed by 618 ,Actt,    taking into oon-
    sideration th6 width an4 oolndltlonof the pave-
    ment and other oirmmstaaoas on suoh portion ,of
    ssdd k&&wap a6 well     88 the usual traffio            themon.
    That whumver      ths Stats lIlgb*ayCopaisslon shall
    ate ei aapwd at any maid
    .at a lasp rate 0r sp*d
    bofom   net   ferth      In   this
    Aat   and shall
    dealare the aaximuzz~,reasonable
    snd prudeat~pesd 1Aai.tthusat by psopu order
    of the Comnlasion entsrsd an its mlautss, auah
    T&6 Of spO6d Bhdl    b6Nab 6mOti79    VA& Op6Tm
    tire at maid point~on aaid highways when ap ro-
    prlate slgam glring .noti@e ther6of are ereeeod
    under the sdez of the O&mlsslon at saah laea-
    ~eotlon or portion of the hi&h~&~.~ (hpharir
    'Xt is abiened that Hous* BUl. 99 do68 sot
    the term *State desl@mted hl@wa~    or the srprsraian
    ways whlah are a part of ths State k&&way System*   or term8
    of si,mUar restrfetirs Laport. Xmtead, the term *pub116
    hlghwaya",%ighway-, *a highway" and *'anyhighway" as rU@d.
    ft 1s our oplnian that tbs Legislaturs did not In-
    tend to reatricrttha pxwvlelaar,of &taae Bill IQ .rsluting
    to the quertion before us, ~a State deslgnatsd highways as
    dlstingulshsd from oouaty hf%hways and road*.
    The term %ighway* is gm.mrlo, lnaludlng al5 pabU@
    ways,     The phrase *pub110 hl&waya is a tautolo&loal sxpms-
    sion sinoa all hi(ghwayaare n~oa~sarily          publie.
    It,wea held in Viilliaasv. Carroll 
    108 S.W. 89
    90, (rsvsrsed in part on other grounds, 208 &. Pi.M)4) that
    , ~,..   -,A
    Honorable StanselL Bryan, Pa&e S
    alStreet* generally means a ammgeway wlthiu the bo~nda of
    e municipal coz-poratlon,whiP a *roe49 m-8  a oounty hi&way
    forming a Ooiamunlcatlonbetween the olty llmit8 of one olty
    or town anrlthe city llmlto of another city or town* aab,
    further, that mhlle a street 1s a highway, it 1s not naoes-
    sarllg true that a hlgbway is a rtreet.
    In Fletcher 7. Bordelon, 56 8. $i. (84) 313, 319,
    it wea saldr
    "The 6treets of oitia8 are publla highways,
    end under the primary eo*rol     the &gislatUta.w
    Illwood V. state, 45 a. 111.(aI) WI?, the CourtIof
    Criminal Appasls of Texas oonrtdereit appellslant
    '8 ooatantlon
    that the road upon whloh he wae alla ad to have 6rlvtm an
    automobile wh1111e
    In a ststa of.lntox! Oation ~8% not a pub110
    road wlthln the amtempletion of the law. In t&a BOllTIeof
    its opinion the court observed es fsfiows!
    n~ur em statutes throw light upon the quaa-
    t1on.           xt will be obcerma   that the omb2ws
    of WhlOi &%llsat     Is oQnvlotea i&lQrn of %hO8. ",
    ambraoeillo Chapter 1, Title 13 of the Penal Code.
    Artlole 8900 Is found lo cbaptar 1, Pit14 ,ll6,'
    R. C, 8. relisting to &ate highwar8. In the 6ama
    chspter and title, AEt10&3 MO1      ~a0tlon (g), 3a
    found the ftilo.oring langt~$a: {Publie huhwe@
    shall inelude enp matI, rtrest,    wag, thoreughfma
    or brldp in thlr Btoto not privately owned or
    oontrollbd, for the use o? rshlolos 4ov6r whlah
    the state has leglrlatlvo jurisdlat~oa under it8
    pollee powerr*
    In Phllllpa t. &nron, 30 8. N. (gd) lGBS, 1060,
    3136MO. Z0.2,It wa8 hbld that the w@rd whfghwayW, as Orad
    ln statute8 reqtiring persons operating motor vahlalaa to
    uue the highest degree of esr8, lnOludad all hlgbwa~ traveled
    by the publlo, regardless of their lagal statue.
    & UOOd v, Town of %ntmrd, 1e9 *. B. $11, SlE, aI8
    Mass. 3.86,it was held that the woti "highway" connote6 In
    soms conmotions, end perhapr taohaioally, a prrbl.iOway,,Ort-
    &nal jurladlcti-Onto lay out which 1s ln oomty eotilglonars,
    but in other cannactions 1s uaad eomprehenslvellyto 180&d*
    all kinds of public wsy0.
    Ibnorable Stem&l        Brym, Pago 1
    I$ Croaker t. Jett, MO. ti~p.,93 3. W* (en) 74,
    70, ltrer held that the aord whlghwey'@,as used in a stat-
    ute relating ZL)the operaclonOC automobileson pub110 hlgh-
    =YsD was used in i&s popular, rather than in Its teohnlcel,
    sense, and was lntrntiedto lnolude all highnay traveled by
    the public reg``rdlt~ss
    of their legal status.
    In i~owollBroa. Truck Line T. Platt, C. C. A.
    Oklahom, EP!Bed, (&I) 879 8C+Fi, It was held that the tins
    "highwey" io a xxme for aL.fkldndsof pub110 ways, inaludlng
    a#unty blidtownship roads, streets end alleys, turnpikes nnb
    plank roads, rallrqeds and trmya,    brld.ger gad ia~rlea,
    canals and navigable waters; in short, that every publie
    fa a highway.
    In liallowuyv. Syatt hWa1 k Boiler Yolb, I.61SO.
    189 La. 837
    it was pointed out that  hl$hway8 nra publie
    waya aa dietiaguishedfrom private waya, the dlrtlmguiehiag
    mark of a highway beiw that it Is open generally to publlo
    There isrno langus@ in the quOt4d prOvi6fOXW  Of
    Bouse Bill,77 of the Party-seventhLegislature indfoatieg
    any intent on the part of the Legislatureto restrlot the
    ~34  d the twz whighway*. In the abaenc# of any mush lla&t-
    ation w4 are lidvi;lling
    tu attribute te the LegisAataraw ia-
    tent to regulate only titatadeeignated highwaya a~ to the
    rate or speed or vehioles and BP te ruaonabls drivlq r&g-
    alatione, end lev.veunregulatedand unreatrietedthe drlvleg
    of ~wtor vehlclee on oounty roads or county hlghwaya not
    lrtriatly9 part oi thfiStnte Blghway tiystea.
    8.8conoslve the purpose of the Iagislaturein the
    euaotnmnt of House Bill 77, and of lta provlaiona applicable
    to the qu4stfoc  at hun&, to be to aehielrrearet~on the hlgh-
    wags and road8 in Tu-me. t:ebelieve that the LeglsLature In-
    tended to empower the Gtste Elghwey C~amiseion,upon,thO baeia
    of 811englncerlng and traffic investigation,to doters&&e and
    fix the reasonable snd prudent speed of wtor vehiolu On
    oounty hlghwtye an& Oounty roads when such beoomes ueeeauary
    end deslrabl.@for the surety of all the users thereof.
    It Is thsrerfore     the opinion of this depaptarant,
    answer to your    sp44ffio    question, that the titatsHlghuay
    Departmentdoes have autbrity,          under irouseBill 77 Of the
    Honorable SternsellBryan,   Page 8
    Forty-seventhLe.@leture, and in accordmoe therewith,to
    fix the rate of speed of motor vehicles on county roads and
    oounty highways In MeLeman County which conneat with deslg-
    nated State hif;hwaysat lees than the maximum provided for
    by House Bill 77.
    Yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-3508

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1941

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017