Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1941 )

  • LowerColoradoRiverAuthorit
    Gent1alwl:                          Attention: Mr. Gideon,General
    Re: Power of the City of I&no to
    oharge the Authorityrental
    on its poles used In -iah-
    We have carefullyconsideredthe validityof the ordinancepassed
    by the City of Llano on December 9, 1940,which requiresthe Lower Colorado
    River Authorityto pay rentalon the poles which it uses In the City of
    Llano in the distributionof electriccurrent.
    In the letterwrittenby Mr. Gideon,your generalcounsel,you
    havs requestedour opinionaa tc whether this ordinanceIs enforcible
    against the Authority.
    The Act of the Legislaturecreatingthe Lower ColoradoRiver
    Authority,being Ch. 7 of the Acts of the 43rdLeglslattie,4th Called
    Session,p. 19, containsthe followingsalientcondition. It ia made~a
    govarmaental agencyunder the provisionsof Sec. 59, ArticleXVI:'ofthe
    state Constitution.
    The last sentencein Sec. lof said Act reads:
    "HothingIn this Act or in any other sot or law contained,
    however,shall be conetzuedas authorizingthe Districtto levy
    or collecttaxes or assessmenta,or ta create any indebtedmae
    payableout of taxes or assessments,or In any way to pledge the
    oreditof the State."
    Section2 of aaM Act reads:
    "Exceptas expresslylimitedby this Act, the Dietrlct
    shall have and is hereby authorizedto exerciseall paver,
    rl&t, privilegesand functionsconferredby general law upon
    any dietriotor dietriotscreatedpursuantto Section 59 of
    ArticleXVI of the Constitutionof the State of Texas, * + *
    and it is authorizedto exemlse the followingpowere,rights,
    privilegesand functions:
    .      -
    Lower ColoradoRiver Authority- page 2 (o-3301)
    “(a).  To developand generatewater power and electric
    energywithin the boundairesof the Dietriotand to dietribute
    and sell water power and electricenergy,within or without the
    boundariesof the Die@ict.;
    "(I). To conetzuct,extend, improve,maintainand reoon-
    struct,to cause to be conatzucted,extended,improved,maln-
    tainedand reconstructed, and to ume and operate,any and all
    facllltieaof any kind neceeearyor convenientto the exeroiee
    of such powers,righta,privilegeeaad functiona."
    Your letterstated that:
    "The Lower ColoradoRiver Authority-     and operates
    within the City of Llano electriclight poles which are
    situatedin the streetsand alleys of eaid city, and, there-
    fore, oomee within the provisionsof Section 1 of said or-
    The city ordinancereferredto, a copy of which you enclosed,
    requlreeeach organizationor corporationmaintainingany telegraph,tele-
    phone, electrlelight or other poles in the City of Llano to pay said city
    annuallyfor such privilegea rental equal to three per cent of its gross
    The real question,therefore,for detexminatlonis whether the
    City of Llanc ten charge the State of Texas a rental for the use of the
    streetsand alleyswhich are being used by eaid governmentalagency to
    distributeelectriccurrenttc the inhabitantsof said city,
    In our Opinionlo. O-2037>dated March 28, 1940, addressedti
    Mr. Sheppard,Comptrollerof 'PublicAccounts,we held that the propertyof
    the Lower ColoradoRiver Authoritywas exempt from taxation,by reason of
    lte being a governmentalagency. We encloseyou a copy of said opinion.
    In Robbinev. LimestoneCounty, 114 Tex. 265,268 S.W. 915, the
    SupremeCourt of Texas, in an exhaustiveopinion,held that all public roads
    in the State of Texae belange&to the sovereim state, and that the State
    had full controland authorityover same.
    In 44 C. J., 925, in discussingthe power of cities to control
    the streete,the rule is thus stated:
    “(3677) within federalend state constitutionallimitations,
    the Legislaturea8 representative of the state has power to OOnt.rOl
    and regulatestreetsin any way not inconeietent  with their proper
    uee* * * Q The power of the Legislatureto regulatestreetshas
    been classifiedaa part of the policepower, * * *
    Lower ColoradoRiver Authority- Page 3 (o-3301)
    “(3679) Strictlyspeaking,a municipalityhaa no original
    or inherentpower tc controland regulateita atreels."
    In 44 0. J. 976,par. 3770,the followiag
    hqfuage le ntlsebt
    "(a) The etate"spower to grant the we of streetsbeing
    euprenewithin oonetltutlonallimitations,It may exercise
    such power against the muuiclpality'sdissent."
    Section 10 of the ordinancein questionprovidesthat if the
    Lower ColoradoRiver Authorityfalls to pay the rental,it shall,upon
    conviotion,be fined in any sum not to exceed$100.00for each day, and
    providesthat each day &la11 be deemed a separateoffense. In our opinion,
    the Cfty of Llano, a municipalcorporation,organizedunder the authority
    of the LegPslature,cannot inflictand collecta fine from the State of
    Texas for the use of the streeteand alleys in said city which are owned
    and controlledby f&e State of Texas.
    In City of Arlingtonv. Lfllard,294 S. W. 829, the Supreme
    Court, in answeringcertifiedquestions,held an ordinancepassedby the
    City of Arlingtonwaa void, which prohibitedthe operationfor hire of
    motor busses over and upon certainstreetsin said city, and used the
    "(3) We think the power sought tc be exercisedhere is
    inconeistentwftbgeneralstatutes,and has not been delegated
    to the cities,at least that ft is very doubtful;and the rule
    as stated in 28 6. J. ps 265 Is thats
    "Where a particularpower fs claimedfor a municipal
    corporation* * + any fair, reasonabledoubt as to the existence
    and poaeessionof the power w¶.l.P
    be resolvedagainstthe corpo-
    ration,and the power denied to it,' Brenbam v. BrenbemWater
    Co. 67 Tex, 542."
    In City of Fort Worth v. LilPard,294 S. W. 831, the Supreme
    Court, in holding invalfdan ordinancepassedby the City of Fort Worth,
    which prohibitedthe use of the streetsby those carryingpassengersfor
    hire, used this language:
    "In en opiniondeliveredtoday in the case of City
    of Arlingtonv. Lillard,294 9. W. 829, this court held that
    the city is withoutpower tc prohibitthe uee of its streets
    to those carryingpassengersfor hire."
    in WesltV* City of Waco, 
    294 S.W. 832
    , the SupremeCourt, in up-
    holdingan ordinanceof the City of Waco, which prohibitedthe uee of the
    public square for privatebusiness,used this language:                        ~'..
    Iower CoPoraaoRlwr Auticzit~D Page k
    “(I)   The hfgbmyn   of the Stat+a# hohUng   streets
    of eltfea,belong to %e State, aredthe State hae’33111
    contml and authorftyover then. l?neyOare the prcgerty
    Of &na for the IaBeoafthe state, which, tIWou& itm
    Legfslature, has abec??oPte eowb``‘l
    QV%P wame, which tmm.mP
    it may or may not9 frcm time to t,Imedelegateto the local
    In our opinfom,tkm City of Llano doea not haye the power tc
    requirethe Lower Cclcradclaivo~Aa+JnoPtyyuhich is a governmentsal
    agency,to pay rentalfor Uhe ur3eOr t&e etreets frasaid efty.
    APPROVBDAPR 18, 15~41
    /a/ Grover Sellers

Document Info

Docket Number: O-3301

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1941

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017