OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bororable D. Rlohud VoRee Cdurtr Attormer Wil8or Caumty A Floreerllle,Texrr .' \ ~)erraim opmoB Ho. Rer Is the 15/ iii'under Seotlor 1 6f-Artlole 1040 a fee of office and‘*as ikhave to be +eqoumted for? "\.~ "1 Your recent request 6 6* opinion of thikvbepart- meat on the above atited quey&ou,haalb&en received. / I,' ,I We quote from yow``lefter~kr~fdllova~ "The Sherlff!t-&y-m&m& & requested an oplalon 88 to vbether~or 8ot,~Sehtiom 1, of Arti- ale 1040, Cod~ofSrimkqal Prosedtim,providimg '1. For the fifqKeep‘``,of baab pri\pler for eaoh da7 the sum,bf flfteemoe&e, rot to exoeed the N of two %mdiwd dollirr +r month,' oorrtitutes toor of offlo``ha~,,haYe/~o pe aoaounted for. ~thmhi& sc'iti~exrrnirred 261 a.w. but ~isos I do not I hare bees '+cable Earrio Cou8tr, the above provi- priaoigle of exolusio~ applies, that the Legislature,la thue aepar- ate17 classifying theeetieme,and pro- vldimg apeoifloallyonly that the aet profit from t*the support amd PaiBt6E- ancetl of prisoners should be report- ed aa a fee of office, vhloh bad not Honorable D. Riohard Voges, Page 2 hitherto been so under the Hammond deoi- alox, mea& thereby to exclude from the re- qulrement the other Item not so mentlored, the 15 cents per day charge for safe-keep, and ao i&ended that - up to the $200 1-t - it should be retaimed by the sher- iff as au extra allowaaoe for which he vaa sot required to acoount under the fee bill.' "In the oaae of Holax County vs.Yarbrough, 34 9. W. (2nd) 302, it is held: “‘We have concluded that the item of 15 oexts per day for safe-keepingvar not intended to be l.mluded in that account.' (The account required by Article 1046, C. C.P.) "Under these authorities I have advised the sher- iff that the 15 cents provided for under Seotlon 1 of Artltle 1040, van not a fee of office and did not have to be aoooumted for. 'Please advise me whether or not this is correot.' After oarefully conaiderimgthe authorltlosabove mem- tloned aud other pertinert statutes as herelxaftermentloxed ve are uxable to agree with the conolualor stated fn your letter. Artlole 1040, Code of Crlmixal Procedure, reads a# followsl "For the safe keeplug, support and mainter- anoe of prloomers confined in jail or wider guard, the sheriff shall be allowed the follovlmg charges: "1. Fcr the safekeep of eaoh prlsomer for each day the sun of flfteem cents, not to exceed the sum of tvo hundred dollars per month. "2. Far support and maintenamce, for each prl- saner for each day such am amount as may be fixed by the commissioners court, provided the ssme shall be reasomably sufficientfor such purpoae, and in mo event ahall it be less tham forty cents per day -or mom than seventy-fivecents per day for eaoh Honorable D. Richard Vogea, Page 3 prlaomer. The net profits shall aonatitute fees of office and shall be aooounted for by the aher- ln his amma report as other feea nov provided by lav. The sheriff ahall in auoh report fumlah an ltemlaed verified account of all expemllturea made by him for feeding and malntemroe of prlaon- era, accom’palylng‘auohreport with receipts sld vouchers lr support of such ltema of expeadlture, snd the differencebetween auoh expendttureaand the amount alloved by the ooaaalaalonera court ahall be deemed to constitute the net profits for whloh said offloer shall aocoumt as feoa of office. “3. For necessary medical bill (Yd reasonable extra compenaatlonfor attention to a prisoner during sickness, such an amount as the comnlsalon- ers court of the county where the prisoner Is con- fined may determine to be just and proper. "4. For reasonable funeral expenses ln case of death." Wilson County has a population of seventeen thousand, sixty-six (17,066) inhabitanta,socording to the 1940 Federal Census and ve are informed that the oouaty offlolala of said county are compensatedom a fee b&ala. Article8 3896 and 3897, Vernonta hot&ted (llvllSta- tutes read as follwar Art, 3896. (3894) “To keep aooouata - Each district, county and preclnot officer shall keep a oorreot atatemnt of all fees earaed by hlm and all sums oom%?q into his hands as depoalta for coats, together uith all trust funds placed in the registry of the court, fees of offloe a.md conanlsalonain a book or ln books to be provided him for that purpose, ln which the officer, at the time vhea such deposit.8are made or such fees and commissions are earned and vhen any or all of such funds shall come into his harda, shall enter the same; snd It shall be the duty of the county audl- tor in counties having a county auditor to annuslly examine the books and account8 of such officers Honorable D. Richard Vogea, Page 4 axd to report his findings to the next succeed-! lag gramd jury or diatriot oourt. Ia coumtlea havilg no county auditor, it shall be the duty of the Comlaaloaera~ Court to amke the examlmtlom of said books and aocoumta or have the same made and to make report to the graxd jury as hereix- abovo provided." Art. 3897. (3895) "Sworn statement - Each district, county and precinct officer, at the close of each fiscal year (December31at) ahall make to the dlatrlot court of the county la vhlch he reafdea a avorx statement lx trlpll- cate (on fonua dealgaed and approved by the State Auditor) a aopy of srhlchstatement shall be for- varded to the State Auditor by the clerk of the district court of said county within thirty (30) days after the same baa beer filed in his office, and one copy to be filed with the county auditor, If any; otherwise, aald copy shall be filed with the Coaaslaalonerat Court. Safd report shall ahov the amount of all feea, comiaaloaa and compem- aatlona vhatever earred by said officer during the flaoal year; and aeoordly, shall show the amount of fees, coamlaaloxaand aompenaatlora collected by him durlag the fiaoal year8 thirdly, said report shall oontala an itemlaed atatemant of all fees, comlaalona and compe~aatloraoarmad during the fiscal year vhlch vere mot colleoted, together vlth the naa``of the'party ovm said fees, comalaaiona axd oomperaatlora. Said report shall be filed not later thar February 1st follov- iq the oloae of the flacal year and for each day after said date that raid report remains aot filed, said offloer shall be liable to a penalty of Twenty Five ($25.00)Dollars, vhloh may be recovered by the county in a ault brought for such purposes, and ln addition said officer shall be aubjeot to reaoval from offloe." The last two paragraph8 of Article 3891, Vermor*a Re- vised Civil Statutes, read as follOW8r "The compenaatiorqllmltationsand maximums herein fixed ln thla Act for officers shall include and apply to all officers mentioned herein 1s each and every county of this State, and it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Idgi8l8tUIW that,the provisions of this Act shall apply to each of said officers, and any special or general law Boaorable D. Richard Voges, Page 5 laoon8lrte~twith the provlaloms hereof ir hereby expremly repealed in 80 far a8 the same may be lmmnslstent with this Aot. "The aomperaatlolr, lirltatloasamd apxlanms hereti fixed rball also apply to all Sees aad aom- persatloa what8oever aolleotedby eald officers In their offlalal aapaclty, whether aaoountable as fee8 of offloe under the present law, and amy law, general or special, to the aontrary l.ahere- by expressly repealed. The only kind and aharaa- ter of cmqeneatloa exempt from the prorlaloas of thla Aat shall be rewards received by Sheriffs for appreheralonof criminals or fugitives from justice aiadfor the reaoverydf stolen property, aad moneys reaeived by Couaty J'udgeraad Justlaea OS the Peaae for performing marriage ceremonies, wh-oh sum shall aot be accountable for and not required to be reported a.8Sees of office." It appears that the terns of the last above quoted artlole are lmlunfve, to the extent that ia order for Seen to be exempted thereumder,they must be speclfioallyexcluded. In the case of Nlahola v. Oalvestvn County (Sup. Ct. of Texas, 1921),
228 S.W. 547, Galveston County sued the appel- lamt to recover certain See6 and conmiaslonsreoelvedby him ar Tnx Aaseasor and Colleotor of 5alveaton County, who also per- formed the duties of Assessor am&Collector from drainage dls- tr%ot Sor which latter aervfoe he received a aompematior for which reoovem was sought. The Court, in oonolderingthe care, compared the artlales under which compenclatlon 18 allowed to Tax Assessors and Colleotorsfor their eervloer in assessing and collecting taxea of draiaage districts to the artlole under whloh the Tax Aeeemsor and Collestor of the county may be de- %-ted Assessor and Collector for aa independentschool dis- trlot, and receive 1~ return for aotlng as such certain uommle- sloas. The Court aomldered altuatlorearlelag under each artl- ale with respect to accountabilityof aommlaeioaareceived thereuader to be completelyanalogous. The court cited the oa8e of Ellie County v. Thompson, 56 3.W. 49, quotiag from such caoe in the followlag languager "The phrase 'Sees of all kinds' embraaes every kind of compensationallowed by law to a olerk of the county court, unlesr excepted by some proviso Honorable D. Richard Voges, Page 6 of the statutes.... The exoeptlons are ao defin- ite that by iapllaatlorall See8 rot mertiored ir the exception8 are excluded therefrom, and there- by Included wlthln the requirement of the act.” In view of the Soregollg authorities you are reapeot- Sully advised that it is the opinion of thlr department that the above mentioned compensationreceived by the sheriff for the safe keeping of prisoners is a fee of office and must be accounted for as ouch. Trusting that the foregoing SulZy axewere your ln- qulry, we are Very truly your8 ATTORREY%XE3UL OFT?ZXAS Ardell Xllliam Assist-t
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2972
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017