Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .- AUSTIN =zzt=z 3 yur lattt= 0 tbt on hu&ust 29, 1938 J&iOiljlos.striot%wt & 0. ;;loIlola, 0032osin ooz?Qosia~the Qortner- jUd@mit aZoinst the o;mty Tro~sur~r,County olleoter0: 51~13 cstnbliehin~hllindabt- t, to bo paiG out 0r 15;= ed in 6016 Oounty after ruly 1, ax Assessor and Colleotcr &Ad bruit bns18, end oonoolledall "ta ro;raluatlonoontraote* ~E;R the County end Fmese *Ad ?:iako2cand Fri:chardad . . 519 - Eon* C&O* !!.Sheppard,Pare 2 You also stated that unJ.erthe provisionsof Arti- ole 7336r. Vernonb3 AnAotated31~11 Statutea, Rarrls Ocunty osused a Gellnquenttax reoord to be mace at the oost therein suthorIZ0d this being prior to the enaotmentoi the hereln- sft,erCWAtiOAOd SOAate Sill RO. 6 Helther of these oblI&atloAshaving been dlsoharged, you requestedour opinion in substenoras to whether any part of sun8 should ba deduotadfrom the sums grantadto the Harris Oounty Flood ControlDletrlotby Senate El11 No. 6, 46th Legls- lature,or whether suoh sums should be psid entirelyout of the State'shalf of the ad valorem taxes oolleotedin liar&3 COurhY9 On June 14, 1940, you renewed your request for t5is opiniOA. Our delay has b0eA Oooasioned by the pendenoy IA the SupremeCourt or the mandamusease Involvingthe ooAstItutlon- silty or the Aot. The statutehaving been held valid we ehall noa attempt to answer your questlon. SeOtiOA'lof said Senate Bill No. 6 reads in part as io11av;st 1or a period of ten (10) years, oomaenoingnith Septemberlat.,r0iiorpuig the adoptionot tale Aot there is hereby donatedend granted by the State of Texas to the IIorrlsCounty Flood ControlDlstriot of Xarris County,Texss, 6s oreatedby Oha ter 360, House Bill Ko. 1191, Xota of the Regular SeasPOA OS the Forty-fifthLegislature,1937, one-halfor all the State ad oaloremtaxes oolleotedIn Harris Count for generalrevenue ourpose apoa t?se ropsrty there% and from persons,whioh taxes, when ooh eoted shall be used by the said Earrls Oounty Flood Oontrol Dlstriot ror the purpose8or preventingthe oontlaued pub110 oolmlty onuaed by greet flooda,aAd to oonstruot lm- provemantsto control flood watero in the said County ror the proteotlonor life, property,soil, forests, pub110 hlghways,and the Houston Ship ahannel, lying within~thesaid Count , and to oarry out the powers &en herein and In cIi apter 360, Aots of the Regular sssslonor the Forty-fifthLegislature,1937, orsating the said DIetrIot. *At the end of eaoh month, the Assessor and Colleotoror Taxes of Harris Ccunty shall make an itemizedreport under oath‘to the Oomptrollerof Pub- 110 AOOOuAtsof the State of Texas, ok forms to be rurnlehedby said Oomptroller,showingthe amount of all State ad ralorem taxea oolleotsdby him for generalrevenue purposesupon propertysnd from persons within the Oounty of Harris; and he shall aooompany Eooe c00. n. ahe9pard.Paco 3 the same with aa itsmixed atntement 8h0wiAUfull d;SQOSal0r all auoh tares 00iie0t06. The said AssessorCA6 oollrotor. of T&XOS shall forwcrdhis report to the Co!aptroller, and #hell make s uka report to tha County Anditor, end he shall pay mer to the CountyTrOeSIWerof Barr18 Oounty, Texas, upon the apprOVc1 by the Oounty kUdltOC end Cdsalonerag Court of Barr18 County of hla mnthly report,one-halfof all mane a oolleotrd by him as state ad valoremtaxes a= fng acid mont+, lass auoh amountsas are cllowedby law for asseas+ ing and oolleotlng same.* From a reading of the judgment, c 00 y of whloh you bcvehanded to US, it ia thoughtthat thenllabPllty therein lstebllahedarose out of part performcnoeoi c oontraot made b 9~rauanoe of Art1010726&i, Vernoa~r AnnotatedCivil Stc- tutea,the first two aeotloasor whloh read a8 follows: '580~ 1, It Is hereby deolaredthe P0Xl0y or the State t0 adjust 66lIuqUeattaxes, oorreoterrors, to elinlnateoonrllotala aurve s of land, and to oolleotthe delIn@aent,oooupct fon, franohlaeand Ed VcloremTcXe.8,in order to olecr this State of auoh taxes errorsend oonillots at the earliest ~date poaal&e cnd to provldaa system for aaaeaaor6, in order to aiimlnctethe numerouserror8 that now appearon the tax rolls ecoh raourrlngyear. *sso. 3. coot of oolleotlngaaiD uent taxes shallnot exoeed the smount 0r the penaety md in- tereat,or ca amount equal to auoh'penclty.and la- te-restof all delinquenttaxes oolleoted. my oounty desiringto Installa tax or plat.system end blear. th? ocunty of errors, oonfllotaend unkmwn owners, may do so by paying not to sxoeed lS$ of the delin- quent taxes oolleoted,whloh payment shall oover the oost of reoorda and InstallIngacme.' 'Inthe first 91~06,we dlreot attentionto the ra0t thatunder the expressternn of tie Aot the Asaeaaor-Colleotor 1s mqulred to deduot iron the amas deliveredto the County treasurer*auOh amountsas cre allowedby lcw ror aaeessln It ls~lnalrted by the OAtrol Dlatrlotthat only the *oommiaalo~a~ for caaeaslngand 0olleOtlngtaxes cre meant to be in0iuded in CbOY8, Mid that the gZcSLtOf Se&&e the hIIt quoted II!k!iOdict8ly SillMO. 6 should aufrerno deduotIon:oncooountor either OS gono cm* z. Shepprrd,Page 4 the Items I(! question. Suob mightbe true if the Aot oovered only thOS6 tares for the aas6aamentan4 oolleotIonof whloh i. r;’ no cmountswere allowed by law other than auoh oomIaslons. gut delinquenttaxes are also Inoludsdin the grant, an4 ad- d;tjonclamounts cre acllowedby law* for oolleotingdelln- .i quent taxes. : As we understandthe prlnoiples aMounOed by the SupremeCourt fn Cofmaiaalonera ( Oourt ma Wcllaoe 15 s, W. (&I) 535, and Cherokee Oounty Pa. Odom, 15 S. v. (24) 538, the oODStitntionality or Art1016 7264a, Vernon*8mnotnted 01~11 statutes, could hcrdly be austclnedsxoept as co. authorization ?or the use 0r 6 port or unoolleotedtaxes for defraying the 6xpenae0r oolleotIon. We oonatrueArt1010 7264a,es ill es Artiole87335 and 73356, Veraon~a Annotated Olvll Statutes, ca being aids for the oolleotlonof tcxea, and the sums there- in cuthorIze6to be emended would be sums allowedby law ror oolleotlngtaxes* Furt!iierZaOr8, that Freeae tc Rlohols, prItohar4 & Abbotthe4 parformedoertain servloes for the State and SarrIa Oountyhad been eatablIahe4by jud&ment,final berore the pcasageof Senate Bill no. 6. After the entry or that Judg- nent 193 of the 69llnqueM taxes oolleoted by the Tax Oolleotor of Harris County belongedto Freese & l?lohola, Prltohcrd& Abbott,until the obligation of $87,500.00 should be dlaoharged. It was OOlleot86 for them, not forkgeneralrevenue purposes of the State. Xhen still unoolleoted auoh 15$ ha4 been used for asfrayIngoertainexpensesor oolleotingunooll8otedtaxes. Tho grant to the Harris Oounty Flood ControlDla- trlotmust bear a proportlonctepa&o? the burden of the Juag- meat In Cause Ho. 250,605. . Seotion2 o? Artiole 73361,Vernon~aAnnotatedCivil Statutes,reads aa followet “sec. 2. Any County hcving as many es two yecra~ taxea’delinquent whloh have not been ln- oluaed iA the 4elIn uent tax reoord,the Oolleotor or taxes shall rlth4A two pears ?roa the effeotlve date of this Aot, oSua6 to be compiled a delin- quent tax reoord of all delinquenttaxes not barred by this Aoti the delinquentreoor4 shall be excm- Ined by the CommIaalonera~Court and the Comptroller or roverningbody, oorreotlonamay be orderedmc46, and when found oorreot an4 approvedby them, ay- ment ror the oompilatlonthereof shall be cuttor- laed at aotual oost to the Tax Colleotor,propor- tionatelyfrom eeoh the State and County tcxes, or ~unloIpc1taxes, rim oolleotrd rrall suoh re- - oofi suoh ost in no oaaa to sxoeed a sum equal to iire WP oents por itantor wr1ttsa line of the original 00 y or suoh reoord and In ~0 rteat shall any oompl E lnr; oost be ohsrged to the tax- pa w l The dslirrquanttax moor6 whaa a proved, 8hal.lb-9prism faolo erldeaoe of the de1Pnquenoy shown thereon, and when there shall be as meny as two years of delinquaaoyasounulatedwhlob are a reoonpllatlon,or a reoords of taxes delinquentdue whloh they oollaot from tax rolls other than the State and oountp rolls, and when a proved b the coveming body of the artloular d!strlot,{ha 008% oi same shall be alPowed In the manner herein pro~lded.~ Manifestlythe above artlolawas maoted to aid b t,beaolleotionot delinquent taxes, end the ex endlture thsra- j,sauthoriz6d 1~ One allowed by law ior the ooP1eotIon of suoh taxes* If the Legislature,in paSUing Senate Dill ]Os.6 a proportionatepart of the oom&ss~ons eotlng taxes should ba deduoted from the iiarrlsCounty Flood ControlDl8trlot lt oould have said a8 muoh in plain aad uamI8takeablelane- tugs* Instaad,broader languagewas used and errsot must ba The mms dellvared the Distrlotmust have oharged againstthem a pro rata part or this expense also. Yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2269

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017