HonorableE W. Easterling Comty Attorney JeffersonCounty Beaumont,Texas Dear Sir: opinionNO. o-2236 Re: In tha event the described indapendentschooldistrict Is dissolvedunderArticle 2767 or Articles29228,what villbe the statusof the territory? We are in receiptof your letterof April 12, 1940, in which you request the opinionof this departmentas to the proper procedureto be followed in dissolvingthe HampshireNew HollandSchool Districtof JeffersonCounty. You state that on September5, 1927, the County Board of Trusteesof JeffersonCouoty,under the provisionsof Article2922a,R. C. S., 1925, @ouped the HenMhire CommonSchool Districtand BlewHollandSchool Districtto form a rural high school district. In 1927, pursuantto an electionheld for that purpose,such districtwas incorporated as an independentdistrict. Your lettercontinuesas follows: "It 5.snow the &sire on the part of so&of the residentsof this districtto abolishthe now existingindependentdistrict and to continuaunder the originalplan of two commn school districts. "Our questionto you is, What procedureis necessaryto abolish the districtas it now stands? In the event the independent districtIS dissolvedeitherby the procedureoutlinedin Article 2767 or Article2922a of the Statutes,what will be the status of this territory? Will the originalcommonschool districts from which sprang this one independentdistrictbe autJmat.ically revivalbyvirtue of the dissolution,or will it revertto ,khe statusof a rural high school district,which, in turn would have to be dissolvedbefore the two originaldistrictscould continueto operateas they were originally,that is, as two co-n school districts? Hon. E. W. Easterling,Paga #2 (o-2236) "Shouldthe procedureoutlinedxmder Articles292a, et sec., R. c. s., 1929,be followedor shouldwe proceedunder Articles 2767, et seq., R. C. S., lg25Y" Youwere advisedby this departmentin a letteropiniondated December 16, 1938, that the districtshouldbe dissolvedunder the provisions of Article2922a,et seq.; however,you suggestthat all the facts were not before the depertmentat that time and thereforerequestour opinion. The statutesof Texas containno specificprovisionauthorizingthe incorporation of a rural high school districtinto an independent district;however,this departmentruled in a letteropinionto Hon. Harley Alexander,dated March 18, 1930, that the territorycomposing a rural high school couldbe incorporated as an independentdistrict. For the purposeof answeringyour questions,ve assume the correctness of that opinionwithout passingthereon. In this connection,we also call attentionto Acts 1931, k2nd leg., Ch. 257, p. 117 (Art.27423, Sec. 2, Vernon'sTex. Civ. Statutes),validatingthe creationof independentand other school districts. Article2922a,R. C. S., 1925, sets out the procedurefor abolishinga rural high school districtand providesthat the severalelemantary districtsshall automatically revert back to their originalstatus. Article2767, R. C. S. 1925, providesthe procedurefor abolishing an independentschool district. The two commonschool districtsreferredto in your letterbecome "elementarydistricts" within the meaningof Article2922a, supra. Article2922b,R. C. S., 1925, Upon being groupedfor high school, they did not lose their separateidentityand the groupdngdid not have the'effect-of-abolishingthe commonschooldistrictsin the group. Chastainvs. Mauldin, (T. C. A. 1930) 2 S. W. (2d) 235. Article2767f.Vernon'sTexas Civil Statutes,(Acts 1927, 40th Leg., Ch. 294, Sec. 1, p. 444) reads as follows: "Upon the abolishmentof an independentschooldistrict createdby specialor local law out of territorytheretofore containingtwo or more commonschool districts,said common school districtshall immediatelycome into existenceby operationof law with the same boundariesthey had prior to the creationof said independentschool district;and all funds,property,rightsand liablilitiesof the abolished independentschool districtmay be dividedas between the said common school districtsby agreementbetweenthe trusteesof said commonschool districts. In the event said trusteesare unable to agree, decisionshall be made by the countyboard Hon. E. W.Easterling,Page #3 (0-2236) of schooltrusteesfor said funds, property,rights, and liabilitiesto be apportionedto the said common school districtsin an equitableand just manner, taking into consideration the propertyowned and the assetsand liabilitiesof said commonschool districtsat the time such independentschool districtwas createdand also taking into consideration the assetsand liabilitiescoming into existenceafter the formationof said independent school district. Any bonds issuedby one of said comubcn school districtsprior to the creationof said independent schooldistrictshall be paid and retiredby the common school districtissuingsame, and taxes for that purpose shall be leviedand collectedby said common schooldistrict. Any moneys paid by such abolishedindependentschool district in connectionwith any such bond issue to take care of interestor sinkingfund, shall be paid back by the common school districtissuingsuch bonds in such an amount as will be necessaryto reimbursethe other commonschool districtor districtsin the territoryof such abolished independentschooldistrict. High school childrenin any co-n school districtwithin the territoryof any such abolishedindependentschool districtwhich independent school districtwas createdout of two commonschool districts shall have the right to attend school in the other common school districtwithin the territorycomposingany such abolishedindependentschool districtvithout tuition, providedsuch other common school districthas not more than 350 scholastic population. Any debt incurredby any such abolishedindependentschool districtthe benefits of which accureparticularlyto one of said commonschool districtsshall be taken over by said commonschool district." It will be noted that this Article does not provide,thstupon the abol- ishmentof an independentdistrict,out of territorytheretofore containingtwo or more common school districts,the territoryshall revert to its formerstatusbefore incorporation, but that the common schooldistrictsshall immediatelycome into existenceby operationof law with the same boundariesthey had prior to incorporation.The interveningstep of groupingfor high school purposesdid not affect the boundariesof the commonschool districts,but in our opinion,the act of creatingan independentdistrictcompletelydestroyedthe act of the Countyboard in groupingthe commonschool districtsunder Article 292b. Hon. E. W. Basterling,Page #4 (0-2236) It is our opinionthat the independentschooldistrictreferredto In your lettermay be dissolvedunder the provisionsof Article2767, R. c. s., 1925, and upon the abolitionof such district,the two former common schooldistrictswill come into existenceby operationof law as commonschooldistrictsand not as a rural high school district. It will thereforebe unnecessaryto also complywith the provisionsof Article29228,R. C. S., 1925. Yours very truly ATTORNEYmiERALoFTExAs s/ Cecil C. Cammack BY Cecil C. Camweck Assistant CCc:oe-ldw APPBOVBBJU!?.1, 1940 s/ GeraldC. Menu AllQRUET ciEuER&aFTExAs AFPmvEB OPIIUON~C~ BP B.W. B. CHAIRMAE
Document Info
Docket Number: O-2236
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017